Red Planet Mars Fallen ,Lumanries in 8th house. Paksha Kundali of 4th July 2016 May Prove Explosive

by astrodocanil

The Paksha Kundali of the 4th July 2016 of 16-31 hrs Delhi  is below. Paksha Kundali of 4th July

I was much disturbed to see the Lumanries in the 8th house with 8th Lord Mercury along with Venus in an Airy sign  and Lumanries going in the watery Navamsha . Mars In Stationary position in the 12th house and Mars and Saturn both aspecting the 7th house of War International affairs . Affliction to the 3rd House of Neighbors is another Parameter which could be Explosive in this Fortnight . Mars and 4 other Planets in Airy sign and again Mars in Airy Navamsha could be Bad for  Tornados, Strong Winds , Air Disasters , More so since the Karka for weather Mercury is also in Airy sign and Airy Navamsha

Let us have a look at the Panchang Parameters of the Day

Day is Monday  Lord is Moon and Placed in the  8th house with 8th Lord Mercury  in an inimical sign

Tithi Shukla Pratipada

Nakshatra  Ardra

Karna Kimstughana Negative For Proper Fructification of Events


Hora Jupiter and Varesh is Saturn are not Friends

Yama  Day Lord  Saturn is Placed in the Yam of Virgo and the Lord is Mercury and Placed in the 8th house shows untoward happenings in this Fortnight , Failure of Events Taken up this Fortnight

DurMuhurat Between 15-40 to 16.35 hrs.

Special Parameters in the Paksha Kundali

  1. Lagna Lord Mars Fallen in the 12th house and was Stationary till 3rd July 2016. It is also in Mrityu Bhag as per Tamil Texts . Mars in Airy sign and airy Navamsha the 8th house of the Paksha Kundali .Hence Air Accidents and Crashes, Tornados,
  2. Karna Malefic for Fructification of Events
  3. Day Lord in the Yama of Virgo and the Lord Placed in the 8th house is Failure of Events taken up in this week and untoward happenings
  4. Lumanries in Airy sign and Watery Navamsha , Hence Tornados and Rain Havocs
  5. 5 planets in Airy sign and , Airy sign Libra rising in Navamsha ,Hence Air Disasters and Happenings concerning Venus significations , specially when Venus in combusted
  6. 4 Planets in one sign and Specially the 8th house are explosive since Lumanries also with 8th Lord  and Earthquakes and untoward happenings cannot be ruled out
  7. Mars and Saturn opposing each other in navamsha and in Dual signs are explosive specially when Mars is in Mrityu bhag . Electrocution cannot be ruled out
  8. Mars in the 3rd house is the most explosive Parameter. Mars aspects the 3rd, 6th and the 7th house , Espoinage by Terrorists .3rd House is also aspected by Saturn , Air, Rail Traffic Disruption by Terrorism.
  9. Countries Represented By Libra will suffer Maximum . People will be discontented and Restless
  10. Mars will soon enter Anuradha Nakshatra from Vishaka is sure indication of Fall in Power of Kings  and Destruction of Kings. The other Parameter is Mars and Saturn will be in Kendra from Rahu and Ketu again on the 13th July 2016 could Prove Explosive . Mars ingressing in Scorpio and in Cancer Navamsha will give Havoc from Rains .War Like conditions in the Globe.7th house of Wars and nternationa affairs aspected by Mars and Saturn, Trouble form Neighboring Countries and Terror Plots.
  11. Mars entering back as fallen Planet in Scorpio on the 12th July 2016 could also prove explosive for the Globe, since Mars will work like a Painting Brush and repeat the events when it was in Scorpio. Mars is Known for its significations and I need not eloborate the same .  The Lunation charts of 4th July and 20th July 2016 are also not condusive to give good results rather Repeat of Terrorism, Bloodshed, Natural and Unnatural Disasters,Political Turmoils , specially when it aspects the Lumanaries in Transit in Gemini Sign and Gemini Navamsha till 16th July 2016.What ever happened when Mars Ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb.2016 could be repeated after 12th July 2016 and till it crosses the Retrogression mark on the 22nd August 2016. US, Paris, Europe, China, Britain, Pakistan,Istunbul, Bagdad Could Suffer due to Significations of Mars Fallen .ISIS and Terrorist Organisations will be most active  during this Transit and can Prove disasterous and Explosive  for the Globe 
  12. 2nd Lord Jupter Eclipsed By Rahu and aspected by Saturn from the Lagna , Concern for  Financial condition of the Country , Revenues of the State, Nation Exchanger and Purchasing Power of the nation, 8th Lord aspecting the 2nd House who is also the,  11th Lord  hence Resistence to GST Bill .
  13. 8th House is Total loss and Death of Leaders , Kings,Dictators, Taxes and Death Duties , Black Money
  14. The Head of the Country will be after the People absconding Like Vijya Mallya to Recover the Money of the Banks and the Country as a whole
  15. Uttrakhand will have the worst time for Land slides and Havoc from Rain
  16. Himalaya Terrain Can Have an Earthquake  of Higher intensity
  17. Terrorism On the Cards for The Globe , Since Mars in Mrityu bhag, Fallen condition. ISIS will be most active in this Fortnight .
  18. Arson Loot and Untoward happening .
  19. Trouble to Women cannot be ruled Out .
  20. Volatile Behaviour in the Stock markets , As Per Principles of Stock market the Lunation in the 8th house and in a Bearish sign shows Correction in the Stock Market , specially when Mercury in navamsha is also in a Bearish sign. Lagna Lord in 12th house Fallen and the 12th house is strong Negative Parameter .
  21. 9th and 10th Lord in 8th house  Religious Provocations  and Untoward Happeningd regarding the , Court, Temples,High Commissions and Embassies cannot be ruled Out .
  22. Mass happenings due to 8th Lord Combusted and Lmanries in the 8th house .
  23. Political Turmoils with Magnitude and Cabinet  Reshuffle  just on the Start of the Fortnight 
  24. Gold Prices to Peak at Maximum 1365-1375 $

Now See the Koorma Chakra Below  as Per the Paksha Kundali  The Eastern Zone will be influenced Most

Koorma Chakra.png 1


Now Have a Look at the chandra Kanal Chakra the Moon nakshatra Ardra at the Trishul Tip indicates untoward Happenings

Chandra Kanal Chakra

In case of USA the Lunation is Taking Place in the 12th house of War and Losses Espoinage , Secret Plots  Assassination, Asson, loot,Foreign Powers trying to Influence the Policies of the Country , Conspiracies cannot be ruled out , Scandles of all types 

In case of China the Lunation is taking Place in the 7th house and Kendra has 4 Planets in Airy sign, Could also be Concerning the International Affairs, Mars Havoc Cannot be ruled out for Land slides, Havoc from Rains , Earthquakes

Countries where the Lunation chart will have Libra sign will be the worst , Since Mars is Fallen in Libra in the Present Transit .

nil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

1st July  2016 11-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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