Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Play Havoc in the Life of the Querist

by astrodocanil

In this article i am going to analyse the Query of the Native , by Prashna chart, Birth chart and Vedic Progression chart   for Astrology lovers . The analysis is in Nut shell and Not explained in detail, although all the relevant Parameters are mentioned  below 

As I have been mentioning that ever since Mars has acquired a status of Fallen Planet on the 17th June 2016 there have been N number of Queries related to Mars Significations. Fights, Property Issues , Court Cases, Career issues , Marital Discord etc

Few Days back a Querist Approached me  and while he was with me for Consultation there was  Lightening with Intensity and there was a Short circuit and Fire on the adopter Plug in the CCTV  I have installed at my house . This was Prior to my giving him my Predictions .

As Per Shakun Astrology when a Querist approaches an Astrologer and there are untoward happenings, then Shastra says there will be untoward happenings concerning the query by the querist . Mars is the significator of Fire and Electricity and also Karka for Property . Mars was in the 9th Navamsha and in Mrityu Bhag and also Stationary. As Per Timing of Events Mars Takes one day and night  and since in a movable sign  the Coming 9 days and 9 Months will be disasterous for his court case for Property . I could Predict this with out looking at the Prashna Chart  and his Birth details .

Let us see what the Prashna Chart has in store for the Querist

For Reasons Best Known I am not disclosing the Day of Query and also the Birth Details, Although i have the consent of the Querist to Publish this Article


Prashna Triangle My Research the Planet influencng the query is Mercury Placed in the 7th house as 7th Lord and Combusted by Sun and in the Nakshatra of Mars , hence Dispute Regarding Property, in Navamsha Mercury is in the Lagna and the 12th house of Scorpio is rising , indicating losses Pertaining to Property

Pancha Pakshi  Birth Bird is Cock and placed in Death stage on the Day of Query .

Nakshatra Number 1 Mandha Nakshatra and Problem in the Property in the South Direction . Results will be very fast and  Failure

Direction  Naisargik and Tatlika chakras show Negative Results

First Letter of the Word is signified by Mars and Extremely afflicted , hence malefic Results

Shakun and Omens As explained above Negative Omens as there was Fire in the Adapter of the CCTV

The Native has Capricorn Lagna and the 12th house of the Birth chart is rising which is eclipses by Rahu, hence acute Problems after 9th Jan 2016 Pertaining to Losses and Significations of Jupiter .

The Natal Moon is in Leo with Ketu  and Rahu and Jupiter are transitting over it

Prashna Moon in Aries and over the Natal Saturn Retrograde and Debilitated in the 4th house of Properties and also aspected by Mars from the 9th house of Legal affairs and Father

The natal Moon is afflicted By Rahu-Ketu and also By Rahu-Ketu in Transit and Saturn, Transit Moon is also afflicted By Transit Mars

Transit Moon and Natal Moon both in Nakshatra of Ketu , but in a Trijanam nakshatra from Janam Nakshatra is Not bad . The Natal Moon is in 4th Pada and Transit Moon in the 3rd Pada . Ketu Dasha is for 7 years and since only one Pada is left  hence the Bad Period will be another  7/4= 1.75 years , when it will cross the Ketu Nakshatra and come in Venus Nakshatra a Positive Tara  and a Yoga Karka for the Native and 11th Lord as per the Prashna 

The Native is in Extreme Depression and Passing  through a Period of Anguish and Pain 


Panchang of the Day 

Day was Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury  Placed in own sign in the 7th house with Sun and Venus  Mercury is also Combusted and Uncomfortable with Sun

Tithi KP-10

Nakshatra  Ashvini  Lord is Ketu  Placed in the 3rd House.

Karna  Vishti  and Moon in Aries Sign , hence Bhadra is in Swarga Loka and not Bad , although Queries Related to wealth may not Fructify as desired .

Yoga Sukarm

DBA Planets  Ketu-Jup-Venus

Hora Sun

Yama Day Lord Mercury is Placed in the Yama of Scorpio  which is the 12th house of the Chart and has Saturn Retrograde . The Yama Lord Mars is Fallen, in Mrityu Bhag and also Stationary . I told him There have been disputes related to Property with his Family Members  since Saturn Ingressed in Virgo  when Saturn was less than 20 degrees around the End of 2010. The Querist was amazed and gave a reply in affirmative. I calculated the Date 16th Nov. 2010 and the native Confirmed that it was  around this date only , He said he does not remember the exact date . But I confirmed him this date  since all the Planetary combinations indicate the same 

Now see the Chart of 16th Nov 2010 below as per the Prashna chart 

The Below chart is opening all the hidden things happened with him for the Property , 4th Lord is Fallen and placed with Moon in the 12th from 4th house and aspected by Mars from the 12th house from Lagna who is aspected Degreewise by Saturn from the 10th house . Saturn is also aspecting the 4th house

Prashna Jyotish is most amazing . Just see Mercury is in Scorpio navamsha same as the Prashna chart at the time of Query after more than 5 years , Proves the replication and Proves Prashna Jyotish is supreme 

Transit 2010 Nov

Continuing our Analysis on the Prashna chart

The Day Lord is Mercury is Combusted in the Prashna Chart , it is in the Yama of Scorpio and the Lord is Fallen, Stationary, In Mrityu bhag is explosive Parameter and Placed in the 11th house of gains, awards, desires .Indicates a Status quo for the Status of the Native since End 2010 and Court Cases one after the other putting the Native in Anguish and Pain

Lagna Lord Jupiter  is Eclipsed by Rahu and is activating the Fallen Jupiter at the time of Court case degreewise by Rahu and Jupiter on the 9th Jan 2016, Putting him in Total Caos.

Karka for Property is in the Yama of Sun  inimical as per Tamil Texts and Sun has combusted the 11th Lord , 6th Lord and Mercury and not letting the Case to be settled and any compromise .

There does not seem to be any relief to the Querist , since 12th house is rising and 9 days and 9 months will be crucial for him . Transit of Mercury in the Lagna on the 28th Nov. 2016 will further Escalate the issues .

According to Litigations in Prashna . The plantiff is the One who goes in the court  to seek Justice and File a suit.

The Defedant is the one  against whom the case has been initiated

9th to 2nd House are the houses which Govern the Planiff and 3rd to 8th house the houses Governing the Defedant

Crystal Clear that the the houses for Plantiff have Malefics  and the Defedant has More Benefics , Hence the Querist will win , when Mars becomes Strong in Capricorn along with Saturn  and almost after 2.5-3  years  and Jupiter comes in the Lagna in Sagitarius.

Uday Lagna is Sagitarius, Arudha Lagna is Aries aspected by Mars  and Chaitra Rashi is Sagitarius and till Jupiter Joins this sign there will be no relief , Sun, Jupiter have to join along with Mercury and Venus in Sagitarius  to give respite to the querist 

Birth chart of the native 

Birth Chart G

Garbshishta at Birth is Ketu-Mercury , Mercury and Ketu both ill Placed from Karka for Property Mars , who is also ill placed from 4th house although a Rajyoga , but since ill placed from Dasha at birth will give issues relating to Fathers and ancestral Property , Mars is also ill Placed from Lagna Lord Saturn Placed in the 4th house Retrograde and Debilitated

The Native has Poorva Punya dosh . The Mid Cusp Lord of the 5th House is Moon and Placed in the 8th house with Rahu-Ketu

Sun-Saturn in 1/7 axis of the male is also Enigmatic Placement  and It is Believed that such a native has some Balance of Karma related to his Father , Normally when such Native reaches the Age Bracket of 24 Plus 3 years   such Native suffers due to this Dosha , But entirely dependent upon the Degree of Sun and Saturn  Planets . Here the degree difference is 27-8= 19 Hence roughly such Natives Father suffers in Life after the native attains the age of 19-20 Years . The Native was amazed and agreed that after his age of 19-20 years his father met an accident and then Suffered due to Kidney disease and finally Died early in 1997 when he was just 27 years .

According to Vedic Progression chart when he was 19 years the Chart is Below when his Father met with an Serious accident

Father accident

The chart is making absolutely crystal clear of the happenings for his Father  as mentioned by me in the 19th year . Vedic Progression chart By Tamil Texts is amazing and opens all the secrets of Life

Vedic Progression chart for Court case in the year Nov. 2010

Year of Dispute for Property

Making every thing evident as per the above chart , Moon and the 6th Lord aspected by Both Mars and Saturn . Mars and Saturn also influencing the 4th Lord Venus and also Jupiter the Lord of 2nd and the 11th house . Using all the Parameters for the Vedic Progression chart , The Predictions Turn 100% correct .

There does not seem to be any relief till Mars and Saturn go over the Moon in the 12th house and Some relief from the Court cases and Jupiter goes in the 11th house .

In the Vedic Progression chart Mars is in Libra and the Present Mars is also In Libra and Fallen, Stationary Motion and Mrityu Bhag and over Jupiter at excat degrees  has Made his life hell and No repite . See Below 

Current Chart Vedic

Mars has Played Havoc in his life and so has Saturn the above Vedic Progression chart is opening the Current Situation , Jupiter in Mrityu Bhag

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

2nd July  2016 11-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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