Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Takes Charge, Astrology Speaks Loudly As Predicted

by astrodocanil

Mars On the steering wheel now taking the world for a rough and bumpy rides for 341 days from the 30th Nov. 2017 to 6th Nov. 2018 as already predicted and Kim Launches a Missile on the 28-29th Nov. 2017. Mars will be with Ketu in the sign Capricorn from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018

As already mentioned that the planetary positions are becoming most venomous from the 29th Nov. 2017 in all my articles on my webpage, amazingly Kim has again attained an aggressive stance and launched a missile over Japan Sea and South Korea retaliates , what more is left now , Mars about to change sign and aspect Ketu and Mars gives clear warnings of the Future. ASTROLOGY IS MOST AMAZING

On the 26th Nov. 2017  I wrote as follows on the Facebook

I am horrified by the News and I feel that the Planetary positions may prove disastrous as predicted by me . The Mars-Rahu Conjunction and the Mars activation of the Eclipse point on the 3rd Sept. 2017 of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 was venomous and Kim had launched a Missile which was 20 times more powerful than the one’s used in the Hiroshima , Nagasaki bombardment . The Conjunction was only for 13 days. According to Astrology the Cold war has already started on the 3rd Sept. 2017. Now this Return aspect of Mars and Saturn till 30th Nov. 2017 and then Mars aspect on Ketu the same day which is again a square one could prove most venomous when Mars joins Ketu in Capricorn on the 3rd May 2018 for 187 days till 6th Nov. 2018. I have been mentioning in all my articles that the Most malefic conjunction for wars is Saturn-Ketu, Mars-Ketu Mars-Rahu , Saturn-Rahu are in the order of strength, but Mars -Ketu can be more disastrous if the Conjunction is prolonged and Mars Retrogrades and activates the Eclipse points of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse. Till Mars aspects Ketu the Fear of War will loom on the Globe and increase as time passes-by. Keeping this in mind I had written the following Articles .

1.Mars, Saturn, Nodes On The Wheel, What They Have Up Their Sleeves for 341days From 30th Nov.2017?…om-30th-nov-2017/ dated 18th Nov.2017

2.Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes…rong-earthquakes/ ‎ dated 17th Nov. 2017

3. Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990…r-1929-1959-1990/ dated 26th Oct. 2017

4.Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019…ent-in-2018-2019/ ‎ dated 26th Oct. 2017

5.Enigmatic New Moon Chart of 20th Sept. 2017. What It Foretells For the Globe ?…ls-for-the-globe/ ‎ dated 14rthSept. 2017

6.Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017 and Enigmatic New Moon Chart Of 20th Sept. 2017…f-20th-sept-2017/ dated 13th Sept. 2017

7. Roman God Saturn Fallen in 1990 Sprouted Gulf War, What It has Up his Sleeves In 2017-2019 ?…ves-in-2017-2019/ ‎ dated 5th April 2017


Now see the Media full of the stories related concerning war. I started to write in April 2017 from the Effects of the Roman God Saturn when Fallen Most Venomous as per the 1990 when the Gulf War took place then Saturn was FALLEN IN Sagitarius an in the Present scenario Saturn after Fallen in Scorpio has joined Sagitarius and will cross the retrograde point on the 30th Nov. 2017 coinciding with Mars Square aspect on Ketu could Prove as predicted by me for Brawl Escalation between the Countries , may be it is in the Korean Peninsula, Gulf , Indo-China War…/nato-warning-ai-cyber-attacks…

I had Predicted that since Mars will change sign on the 30th Nov. 2017 early Morning and Saturn will change Navamsha on the 29th Nov. 2017 , there will be Natural, Unnatural Disasters and Kim will take an aggressive stance to Launch a Missile . Astrology has proved time and again that if we use the Principles properly there is no reason for the Predictions to go wrong.

As per My article “Roman God Saturn 30 year Cycle: What It Foretells for the Financial Markets in 2017?”…-markets-in-2017/ ‎ dated 9th Nov. 2017  The Financial Markets are also bound for Correction as per the Dates mentioned in the Article

As per my Article ” Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes”…rong-earthquakes/ dated 17th Nov. 2017 There is fear of Earthquakes in this Month of Dec. 2017 across the world , since the Karka Mercury will be fallen in Scorpio on the 10th Dec. 2017 to 6th Jan. 2018

The Fortnight from the 3rd Dec. 2017 will also be Most important for the worldly events and specially around the 16th -18th Dec. 2017 when Kim could again be aggressive for his nuke strikes . On this Date the Natal Mars and Ketu of the North Korea Foundation chart will be activated

A Period from 22nd Dec. to 8th Jan. 2018  will be most critical for worldly events and specially between 31st Dec. 2017 -1st Jan. 2018 .

Now see the Media News  China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and US all in aggressive mood for War

1.”‘Permanent AI attacks’ pushing world to WORLD WAR 3 – military boffins warn ”

2.  “‘We will DESTROY you’ United States tells North Korea amid warnings MILLIONS will die ”

3. “LISTEN: Chilling sound of Hawaii NUKE alarm as US fear North Korea attack”

4. “‘Fight and WIN’ US tanks roll towards North Korea ready to DESTROY Kim Jong-un’s missiles ”

5. “North Korea’s nuke partner deploys WARSHIPS under Trump’s nose hours after missile launch ”

6. “MAPPED: Damage Kim’s missiles would cause – with MILLIONS killed in London and New York ”


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

30th Nov.2017  09-15 hrs. Singapore

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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