Mars, Saturn,Nodes On The Wheel,What They Have Up Their Sleeves for 341days From 30th Nov.2017?

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my articles on my webpage

  1. “Celestial Drama Of Planets in Dec. 2017 Could Trigger Natural-Unnatural Manmade Disasters, Strong Earthquakes”…rong-earthquakes/ dated 17th Nov. 2017
  2. “Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019”…ent-in-2018-2019/ dated 26th Oct. 2017
  3. “Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump”…-ammunition-dump/
  4. “‘Second Half Of The New Moon Chart 20th Sept. 2017 Proves Most Enigmatic As Predicted ‘”…tic-as-predicted/ ‎dated 27th Sept. 2017

I have already explained that  the Following Parameters are most Venomous in the Present Scenario from the 30th Nov. 2017 in my articles above .The Paksha Kundali of the 20th Sept. 2017 in which all the Planets are in the shadow of the Nodes , Mars and Saturn are most Venomous Combinations and till mars Ingresses in Aquarius on the 6th Nov. 2017 the War will loom over the Globe as hanging Fire

  1. Mars Ingress in the Sign Libra can be venomous since it will aspect Ketu in the Sign of Capricorn the Darkest sign of the Zodiac and there will be degree aspect on the 31st Dec. 2017 -1st Jan. 2018

2.Mars and Saturn return Aspect  till 30th Nov. 2017

3. Jupiter and Venus conjunction till 26th Nov. 2017  on the 13th Nov. 2017 a Blood Shed Combination and Both Conjunct till 26th Nov. 2017

4. Saturn Crossing the Retrogression mark on the 2nd Dec. 2017 at 3.47 degrees from where it had gone in Retrogression .

5. Mars reaching the Sign Sagitarius where Saturn is Posited on the 7th March 2018

6. Mars and Saturn Degree conjunction on the 2nd April 2018 at 14  degrees

7. Mars entering Capricorn on the 3rd May 2018 and over staying in this sign for 187 days till 6th Nov. 2018 , since it will go in Retrogression and activate the Eclipse point 3 times in the Lunar Eclipse of the  28th July 2018

Read My Article “Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump”

I fear till 26th Oct. 2017 North Korea was in Aggressive stance , Now US will be in aggressive stance and getting involved in war like activities either by the Terrorist groups with in the Country or by War with other Nations and specially North Korea, Iran and Gulf Countries  . The Fear of War will still loom over the Globe till Mars and Saturn are in Square position from 26th Oct. 2017 to 29th Nov. 2017 after which Mars will join Libra and aspect Ketu in Capricorn. This aspect on Ketu  could further Trigger the Brawl between the Nations and take an ugly shape when Mars Reaches Sagitarius and Capricorn signs .Mars will join Sagitarius  on the 8th March 2018 where Saturn is Posited and are degree conjunct on the 1st-2nd April 2018 and also aspects Rahu by 8th Aspect . Saturn becomes Retrograde for the 2nd time in Sagitarius on the 19th April 2018 at 15.02 degrees till 7th Sept. 2018 at 8.25 degrees .On the 3rd May Mars Joins Ketu in Capricorn . There is Degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu on the 8th June 2018 and on the 27th June 2018 Mars becomes Retrograde at 15.06 degrees and again meet Degree wise Ketu at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018, at this Point Mars will activate the Eclipse Point as well on the Day of Eclipse and will work as Ammunition dump. Mars will again cross Ketu for the 3rd time on the 26th Sept. 2018 after it becomes direct on the 28th August 2018 at 4.29 degrees . Mars will stay in Capricorn from 3rd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018. Hence this Period will be most Explosive for the Nuclear Exhibit and its use into a Big War it so seems and hence the Seeds of the same will be sown now as I have been mentioning in all my articles on my webpage that the Conjunction of Mars -Ketu and Sat-Ketu are Explosive then the Present Transit of Saturn aspect on Ketu till 26th Oct. 2017. After 20th Sept. 2017 all the Planets  are in the Shadow of Nodes, Mars and Saturn is definitely a concern  since forming a Aroha Kala Sarpa yoga , Till Mars crosses the Capricorn to Aquarius war will loom over the globelike a hanging fire and explode when Mars activates the Eclipse point .

The First Missile by North Korea was Launched over Japan on the 3rd Sept. 2017 when Mars Activated the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 . Hence this Conjunction of Mars Ketu may prove most Catastrophic it so seems and may be like a WW3

In the Month of July there will be One Solar Eclipse on the 13th July and one Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Lunar Eclipse seems to be most Enigmatic one . See the Chart below 

From the Charts of the War Discussed in the above  Article it seems that the Date 28th July 2018 will be most Venomous since Mars the Ammunition dump will activate the Eclipse point and Ketu degree wise 3 times in Capricorn and stay conjunct with Ketu for 187 days  from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 could Sprout a Big War it so seems, since all the Parameters in this chart are Parallel to the Earlier WW1, WW2, Korean War, Indo China War and the Gulf War .

See the Chart below of the Lunar Eclipse


There Could Be dispute between the Countries and as mentioned in my Previous Article , US, Japan, N Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Gulf Countries , May be involved in the War like conditions and there fore the Indo -China Dispute along with Pakistan can take an ugly shape. The US may be Involved in War Mongering activities and the Korean War may sprout again it so seems after 2nd April 2018 and for 187 days from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most Venomous. Hence Mars Proves to be ammunition dump for when in Conjunction with Ketu. and can prove most Venomous in the Year 2018 and on the Cards in 2018-2019

Natural and Unnatural Disasters cannot be ruled out like a Strong Earthquake as well as per the Time and Dates Mentioned in this Article

Saturn will cross the Aries Navamsha on the 29th Nov. 2017 and the same Day Mars will join Libra is also a Crucial and a Venomous Planetary combinations . The Financial Markets can be influenced then as Saturn will be in the same Position as 1929 Deep Depression Year

Let us have a Look at the charts of the 4 Countries US, China, Russia and North Korea who could be involved in the War in the Korean Peninsula

China 1st Oct. 1949 15.15 Hrs 


The Country will be running the Dasha of Saturn- Rahu-Moon till 11-1-2018 and then Sat-Rahu-Mars till 13-3-2018 after which the Dasha of Saturn-Jup will start  

The Following Parameters acquire a special dimension in the Case of China

  1. From the 30th Nov. 2017 Mars will  ingress in Libra aspect the Natal Moon and the Transit Ketu placed there ,the Natal Mars will aspect the Transit Mars in the 10th House hence China will take an aggressive stance after 30th Nov. 2017 and which may explode at the time of the Eclipses , since then Mars and Ketu will be over the Natal Moon and the Lagna . Around the 1st Jan 2018 Transit Mars will aspect Transit Ketu degreewise in the Lagna and Natal Mars will also be at the same degrees of 24-25 , This can Prove most Venomous , since the Dasha in Operation is also of the Sat-Rahu and Moon/Mars , Moon and Mars both Connected to the 7th house of Wars and Transit Rahu over the Natal Mars in Debilitation
  2. Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon  Specially the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Solar Eclipse on the 11th August 2018.
  3. The Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July is exactly over the Natal Moon at the same degrees  and the 7th from the Natal Mars debilitated . The Transit Mars will also be at 10 degrees on the 26th-27th July 2018 and Saturn will be in the trinal house from the natal Saturn over the 12th Lord . In Case of the Lunar Eclipse the Eclipse point  of 10 degrees will be activated on the 28th July 2018  and then on the 26th Sept. 2018.
  4. The Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 will be over the Natal Debilitated Mars at very close degrees , Natal Mars is 21 degrees and the Eclipse at 24 degrees in the 7th house and Mars will activate this point on the 25-26th Oct. 2018
  5. Natal Mars in the 7th house connected to the 7th Lord Moon placed in the Lagna makes the Country war Mongering and is activated as above

Chart of Russia


Parameter acquiring an important Dimension

  1. Mars Placed in the 7th house of the Foundation chart makes the Country War Mongering and is activated by the Transit Mars in the Lagna till 30th Nov. 2017
  2. Transit Ketu over Rahu and Rahu over the Natal Ketu is most malefic Parameter and specially the Eclipses will take Place over the Natal Moon and Saturn in the 5th house  and Moon and Rahu are 10-14 degrees the Degree of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018, this parameter is most Venomous for the Country to get involved in wars since the Transit Mars will aspect the Natal Rahu, Saturn and Moon in the sign Capricorn and the Natal Mats from the 7th house will activate the Transit Mars in Libra by 8th aspect
  3. The Natal Saturn aspects the Mars Placed in the 7th house
  4. The Country will be under the Dasha of Rahu-Venus which is supposed to an enigmatic dasha
  5. Natal Placed in the 7th house and aspects the 7th Lord in the 10th house and in Transit Venus  and Jupiter are in the 2nd House  and Mars will join Jupiter on the 30th Nov. 2017 and Venus will ingress in the Scorpio and Mars will have exchange with Venus in Transit and Venus in the Natal chart is Placed in the 8th house in the sign of Mars
  6. When Mars Ingresses in Sagitarius over the Transit Saturn as per the dates Mentioned in the Article it  will be crucial and More so when Mars ingresses in Capricorn for 187 days  from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018

North Korea


Chart of North Korea as per the Book of World Horoscopes is Below 9th Sept. 1948 12-00 hrs.

The Present Dasha the Country is running is Moon-Venus from 28th March 2017 till 27th Nov. 2018. Both connected  to the 7th house of Wars. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord  and connected to Rahu and 7th house hence this dasha may involve the Country in war mongering activities and  will be explosive . Mars Ketu Combination in the 12th house is all what Kim is doing in the Present Scenario and Explosive for the Nuke Tests, specially till 9th Sept. 2017 till when Rahu will be over the natal Sun and Saturn where the Solar Eclipse is taking Place and the Eclipse point has been activated by Mars Transit at 4.46 degrees and the Natal Saturn is at 6.00 degrees. The Dasha Lord Moon is Placed in the Lagna is Debilitated  and aspects the 7th house of Wars and the 7th Lord is Placed in the 9th house and aspects the 3rd house of Boarder of the Country , hence till this dasha of Moon-Venus the Country will be involved in the activities as mentioned above 

The Sun-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house is Bhandan Yoga , unless this Country has support  will not be able to survive and has to be dependent upon other Countries . Navamsha Fiery and Rashi Watery  is not good for the Country and shows as per Placement of Mars , the Country is War Mongering . The Sun-Saturn in the Navamsha is aggravating the bhandan yoga and the Country is bound for Trouble .Mars is Totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis and is with Ketu is Most Dangerous for the Country Trying More Nuke Tests in the South Sea.  

Parameters acquiring a Special dimension apart from the above

  1. Mars and Ketu Placed in the 12th house , making the Country War mongering and involved in Nuclear weapons use
  2. Transit Ketu in the 3rd House of Neighbours and Rahu in the 9th house and from 30th Nov. 2017 Transit Mars will join The Natal Mars and aspect the Transit Ketu in the 3rd house and the Exact aspect on the Ketu by the natal as well as the Transit Mars will take Place on the 1st Jan. 2018 
  3. The Dasha  then would be Moon-Venus-Rahu making every thing Crystal clear of the Country involvement in Nuclear weapons use and War Mongering activities
  4. In Transit the Sun will ingress in the sign Sagitarius on the 16th Dec. 2017 and form a Bhandan yoga till 14th Jan. 2018, since the Bhandan yoga is also there in the chart in the 10th house , there may be some constraint of Finances as well and will have to depend upon other allies of the Country

Chart of US

The Following Parameters acquire a special dimension

  1. Mars connection with the 3rd , 6th and the 12th house or Lords makes the Country involved in War Mongering activities
  2. The Dasha in Operation is also Mars -Venus connected to the 7th Lord of Wars, hence the Country in all possibilities will be either involved in War like activities due to the Terrorism from inside or from other Countries it so seems from the Combinations
  3. Rahu-Transit Over Rahu and Ketu over Ketu is also a Venomous Parameter specially when Ketu is Placed in the 6th house
  4. Natal Mars aspects Ketu in the 6th house  and from the 30th Nov. 2017 Transit Mars will aspect the Ketu Natal and Transit one till 16th Jan. 2018
  5. Till 30th Nov. 2017 the Natal Mars and Saturn return aspect is also activated My Mars and Saturn in Transit , Mars Over the Natal Saturn in Virgo and Transit Saturn aspecting the Mars in Gemini from the sign Sagitarius
  6. Rahu-Ketu are 16.0 Degrees and the Eclipses in 2018 The Lunar one will be at 10 degrees and the Solar Eclipse at 24 degrees

Hence from the Above it seems that China, Russia and North Korea may have a stronger Aggressive stand in the Brawl with US and since the Mars and Ketu Conjunction is Most Venomous and Mars remains with Ketu for 187 days and activates the Eclipse point again and again there may be war between the Chart of the Countries discussed

I will also discuss the chart of India since as per Varahamihra when ever the sign Capricorn is afflicted it brings adversity for India  and we all know that Indo-China war started on the 20th Oct 1962 when Saturn and Ketu were in Conjunction at 10 degrees in Capricorn and Rahu and Mars in the Cancer sign, and on the 28th July the affliction will take place in the sign Capricorn By Mars and Ketu and Saturn will be 6/8 axis with Ketu. This Can trigger untoward happenings , war, Earthquakes , Political Tug of War

Chart of India


1. India is Not a War Mongering Country since Mars Does not have connection with the required Houses or House Lords

2. The Dasha in Operation is Moon-Rahu and Rahu is Transiting over the 5 Planets in the 3rd house of Neighbours is a definitely an alert for the Nation from the Outside Terrorism amd the War Mongering Countries at the Boarder

3. Rail and Air accidents cannot be ruled out apart from the China Aggressive stance  after 29th Nov. 2017

4. The Transit of Saturn in the 8th house and Jupiter the 8th :ord over the Natal Jupiter in the 6th house and Mars joining Jupiter in Transit on the 30th Nov. 2017 can trigger the Events as mentioned above , more so the Lagna Lord Venus will ingress in the 7th house on the 26th Nov. 2017 and will be having Exchage with Mars placed in the 6th House may Prove Venomous

Have a Look at the Map of the Solar Eclipse on the 11th August 2018 below


Nut shell

From 30th Nov. 2017 to 6th Nov. 2018 will be Prone to War like situations and specially when Mars and Ketu are degree conjunct as per the Dates mentioned in the Article and when Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 and the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018. The War will loom over the world for 341 days it so seems specially when Mars Joins the Sign Capricorn for 187 Days  from the 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018

Now read this Media News “China and Russia to SHOOT DOWN US missiles in shock war warning to Trump ” dated 18th Nov. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

18th Nov.2017  19-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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