Rahul Gandhi Progression Chart By Manu Smriti : Bolt From The Blue Till June 2024

by astrodocanil
Rahul Gandhi Progression Chart By Manu Smriti : Bolt From The Blue Till June 2024

Please refer tomy Article on Rahul Gandhi  https://astrodocanil.com/marriage-and-career-prospects-of-rahul-gandhi-a-study-by-the-jyotish-shastra-using-unique-principles/  In this article I had mentioned that his Career front is extremely bad and with passage of time he may get into more troubles in Rahu-Jupiter and Rahu-Saturn dasha.

Let me reproduce the same here for Ready reference

‘Marriage and Career Prospects’ Of Rahul Gandhi: A Study By The Jyotish Shastra Using Unique Principles

Source http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/delhi-underground-meticulous-records/1185170/  As per the above link Rahul Gandhi is born on the 19th June 1970 at 02-28 PM 

In this Article I am going to analyse the Marriage and Career prospects of Rahul Gandhi by unique principles of Jyotish Shastra by Tamil Texts

Let us have a look at the chart  below 

Lagna is Vargottam in the 4 Charts  below and  is good . Also  Garbshishta Planet Ketu  in D12 Promises 80 %  which indicates that the native is born to Rich, Strong and Parents having a high status as per the D12 Dwadamsha chart . He is born on the Friday and the Day Lord is Venus  placed in the yama of  Virgo its debilitation sign and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 8th house  shows the weakness of Day Lord and the Venus in his chart. Placement of Venus in the 10th house  again shows High status but since the depositor is placed in the 6/8 axis there may be loss of the Power and Prestige as time passes.     


Life is just like a pendulum of watch and the Fulcrum is in the Lagna and the Pendulum keeps on touching and connecting the Lagna  with 5th, 7th and the 9th house and you can come to the conclusion just by this simple parameter what kind of person Rahu Gandhi will be .

Let us have a look at the Garbshishta planets to see the strength  of the Horoscope , since they are the seeds of our life and what ever I happens in our life is dependent on them  good or bad

The Garbshishta Planets are Ketu-Venus .The Strength of the 2 planets in the Respective varga chart with respect to specific Parameters with Garbshishta are as follows

                                       Promise    Ketu                             Fructifications  Venus                          Remarks

D1 Rashi Chart                        80 %                                        30 %                           Ketu and Venus are also 2/12 axis


D9 Navamsha Chart                80%                                         10%                            Venus Debilitated in the 12th house and 3/11 with Ketu

D3 Dreshkanne  Chart             60 %                                         30%                            Ketu and Venus 6/8 axis The chart of Poorva Janma Karma

D12 Dwadamsha chart            70%                                          70%                            The Chart is for Parents shows the same is very strong

From the above we can make out that the D12 the Dwadamsha Chart for the Parents is the Strongest and hence the Native is Born to very Strong Parents with power and Prestige since the Lagna of D12 is Vargottam, the Lagna Lord Venus is also Placed in the Lagna who is the Anter Dasha Lord  and Lord of Fructifications as per Garbshishta and also well placed from Venus the Anter dasha Lord  . Ketu the Dasha Lord is very strong in all the Chart further shows that the Promise in the Chart is Very Strong, but since the Anter dasha Lord is weak  in the  remaining 3 Varga charts  shows the weakness of the native Losing strength in the Rashi Chart since the dipositor Moon is placed in the 6/8 axis with Venus ,and being the Day Lord Placed in the Yama of Virgo the Sign of debilitation and the yama lord of the day Mercury placed in the 8th House of the Rashi Chart, Debilitated in Navamsha  and a parallel position in the Dreshkanne chart showing our Poorva Janma Karma..

In the D12 Dwadamsha Chart for Parents 3rd and the 10th Lord are marka for Father hence  Moon is Marka for Father and in Rahu-Ketu axis placed in the 3rd house  makes the event with his father crystal clear. 5th and 10th house are marka for Mother. 8th house from the 4th house is the 11th house and  has aspects  Of Mars who is with 5th Lord and the dasha of Mars-Sun is in operation and Sonia Gandhi has gone abroad for Treatment . Sun is placed in the 10th house is very strong but connected to Mars and Saturn reduce the Longevity of the father. In the Rashi Chart the depositor of Sun and Mars in the 8th house and Sun and Mars having aspect of Debilitated Saturn explains the event with the Father Rajeev Gandhi. As Per Progression chart By Manu Smiriti  also shows that on completion of the 20th year will be a most malefic one for the  Native and his fatherFirst let us see the Dasha Varga Vhart in operation at the time of Death of the father . The assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, occurred as a result of a suicide bombing in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India on Tuesday, 21 May 1991. At least 14 others were also killed.

The weakness in the chart as below

The 10th Lord Moon is ill placed from the Anter dasha at birth and Moon is also ill placed from the anterdasha at birth who is Venus and Debilitated in the navamsha . Normally the Maha dasha at birth is the Promise and the Anter dasha at birth the fructification which is Poor in the chart. The MCL of the 10th house is placed in the 8th house and ill placed from the 10th Lord Moon. All these Parameters indicate very poor Career front for him and a person with no goals moves here or there the Juniors will overtake him meaning he would not progress in life . Rahu Dasha is again ill placed from Venus the Anterdasha  and the Dispositor is Saturn who is debilitated  and in the D10 Chart  Rahu-Jupiter and Rahu-Saturn both are in 6/8 axis. Hence these Dasha period from the Dec 2021  onwards is time for Trouble till the Rahu-Saturn dasha ends till the 28th March 2027 specially till 2024 it is extremely bad as per the Progression charts by Manu Smriti

Progression charts by Manu Smriti for running year and next year from June 2023 to June 2024

The Present year from June 2022 to June 2023 is forming a Mrityu Yoga since the Moon is in Vishaka and the Day is Monday of the Progression chart——– Result Rahul Gandhi no Longer a Lok Sabha MP

As mentioned above there is Mrityu Yoga in the running year from the June 2022 to June 2023. 

Parameters which acquire special attention

  1. Lagna Lord Debilitated with Sun the 10th Lord in the 9th house .
  2. Moon and Jupiter connected to debilitated Saturn and debilitated Mars .
  3. MCL of the 10th house of the Natal chart Mercury in Rahu-Ketu axis Crystal clear  indicates what has happened to Rahul Gandhi in the immediate Present .
  4. 3 Planets in Debilitation.
  5. Trouble to Mother  4th house has Rahu 4th Lord in the 6th house debilitated 4th house from Moon again Lord Saturn



  1. Moon debilitated in Lagna ,Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord Mars Debilitated , 4th house has Rahu aspect of debilitated Mars, 4th Lord Saturn in the 6th house debilitated -and in Mrityu Bhag——- Trouble to Mother and Happiness.
  2. Mars Debilitated and combusted and in Mrityu Bhag
  3. Sun 10th Lord in Vish ghati with Mars .—– TROUBLE IN CAREER
  4. 4 Planets debilitated  Saturn, Mars , Moon and Venus—- VERY POOR CHART

What can you expect from this kind of Planetary configuration ?

D10 and D11 charts do not bestow any rise in life asper the natal chart of Rahul Gandhi

As per the Dasha the Rahu-Saturn will be most enigmatic  from the 21-5-2024 and with anguish and pain. See the Placement of Rahu and Saturn in the D10 chart shows struggle pain in Career and Politics in the natal chart. Even the Rahu and Jupiter are placed in the 6/8 axis and Rahu in the 8th house of total loss hence the Present and the Future are bleek for Rahul Gandhi till the June 2024.


Lalit Modi, the former Indian Premier League (IPL) chairman, has announced that he will sue Rahul Gandhi, the former chief of the Indian National Congress (INC). Modi, as per reports, said that he would file the case in a UK court over Rahul Gandhi’s comments, linking him to corruption and money laundering. This latest controversy involving the congress leader comes just days after Rahul Gandhi was disqualified as an MP, following a conviction in a defamation case.

‘Rahu for Congress’: Shivraj Chouhan’s dig at Rahul Gandhi


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