Rahul Gandhi Elevation As Congress President :What Oath Chart Reveals?

by astrodocanil

Rahul Gandhi Elevation as Congress President  link http://indianexpress.com/article/india/rahul-gandhi-congress-president-live-updates-sonia-gandhi-aicc4985046/

 Rahul Gandhi was sworn in as the 16th President of the Congress party on Saturday. Gandhi took over the reins of the grand old party from his mother, Sonia Gandhi, who had been at the helm of party affairs for nearly two decades now.

Sonia was elected Congress President in 1998 and spearheaded the party during the 10 years of UPA-I and UPA-II. As per the above link the Oath Ceemony took place at 11-07 hrs. New Delhi on the 16th Dec. 2017 

The Chart is below 

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and also the Lagna Lord placed in the 11th house with Sun Forming a bhandan yoga and  Saturn  is also in Combustion . Saturn is placed in the yama of Gemini the 5th house of the chart which is a dagdha rashi  and the yama lord is in Retrogression and Fallen and placed in the 10th house is the Most malefic component more so since Mercury is the Most malefic planet  for Aquarius Lagna since the 8th house falls in the Mool Trikona sign of Mercury.  Yama Lord Fallen is most Venomous and its Placement with the 9th Lord and Debilitated Moon further escalates the Malefic influence on the 10th house , although there is a strong rajyoga of the exchange of the 9th and the 10th Lord  and placed in a good house , but connection with Debilitated Moon and Fallen Mercury who is also the yama lord can bestow the most malefic influence on the Longevity of the tenure of the Native 

Placement of Mercury as the Lord of the 8th house and also the 8th Lord from the 10th house and its placement in the 10th house with Debilitated Moon spoils the significations of the 10th house  and the native may adopt all ways and means to reach his motives by hook or crook.

The decision for his becoming the Congress President was announced on the 11th Dec. 2017 the day when Mercury attained the status of a Fallen Planet  and I have explained the status of a Fallen Planet Mercury owning the 6th house of the natural zodiac and falling in the 8th house of the natural zodiac is most venomous . 

The following parameters acquire a special dimension and are detrimental for his Tenure and Performance 

1.Lagna Aquarius through Shirshodayo a malefic sign and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 11th house but combusted , the connection of Saturn with Sun is most malefic component 

2. Day Lord Saturn

3.Karna Lord Vishti and Lord is Saturn  Most Malefic 

4. Saturn in the Nakshatra of Ketu placed in the 12th house

5. Moon Debilitated and in the nakshatra of Saturn

6. Lagna Lord Saturn placed in the 11th house in Dagdha Rashi

7. Lagna In the Nakshatra of Mars 

8. Tithi KP 14 Rikta Tithi   Malefic 

9. Planetary war between the 8th Lord and the 9th Lord , Mercury is of Lower degrees and hence Venus losses the war 

10. Moon in Debilitation and connected to Fallen Mercury 

11. The Day Lord Saturn is ill placed from the 6th house and 6th Lord Moon

12. No connection of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord or the 11th Lord 

13. Oath Taking On a Sankranti Day when Sun is in Gandantha and connected to Lagna Lord , Day Lord , Karna Lord and Moon Nakshatra Lord is Most malefic 

14. 7th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord 

15. Sun and Moon weak in the Muhurat chart

16. For Good Tenure and Longevity of the Career , Moon should be strong along with 8th Lord and Saturn, all the 3 Parameters are weak, specially when Saturn is combust and Saturn being the Karka for Masses 

17. In the Muhurat chart Moon and Saturn affliction is most Venomous and will attribute negative results 

18. Uday Lagna is Shirshodayo  but malefic, Arudha Lagna is Libra and a Benefic and shirshodayo and Chaitra rashi is also Libra hence the Results will be mixed and good after 16th Jan. 2018, when Mars leaves the sign and Till Jupiter is Placed in the 9th house aspecting the Lagna till 11th Oct. 2018, when Sun Goes in the Sign of Saturn may produce negative results specially when it goes in the Lagna 

19. The Navamsha Lagna is Scorpio a shirshodayo but malefic and in the Rashi chart there is Planetary war and a Most Malefic Planet Mercury is placed there 

20. Comparing the above chart with AAM Adami Chart , which also had a Fallen Mercury in the 10th house and we have seen the results of the same 

21. All the Planets in the shadow of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn forming a ArohaKaal Sarpa Yoga 

Nut shell

The Chart although having some yogas are diluted due to the placement of Fallen Mercury in the 10th house , weak Moon and the Lagna Lord Saturn in Combustion and with Sun. 7th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord is another Malefic Parameter , hence Rahul Gandhi may not be able to achieve good results for the Congress Party and the Masses may not like his administration and the Tenure may also suffer .

Please also refer to my Article “Rahul Gandhi : What Stars Foretell For His Future in the Gujrat Elections ?” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/12/rahul-gandhi-wha…gujrat-elections/

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E C Ch 

Date 16th Dec. 2017 15-00 hrs Singapore 

Ph Singapore till 28th Dec. 2017  +6581304406 What App also

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