Rahul Gandhi Calling “Hindus” Violent And Spreading Hate Round The Clock

by astrodocanil

“Rahul Gandhi  Calling “Hindus” Violent And Spreading Hate Round The Clock”

On the 1st July 2024 in the Parliament Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi took a swipe at the ruling BJP in the Lok Sabha  telling those who call themselves Hindus are engaged in “violence and hate” round the clock.  The Congress leader brought a picture of Lord Shiva and said his message is about fearlessness and non-violence.

“All religions and all our great men talk about non-violence and fearlessness, but those who call themselves Hindus only talk about violence, hatred and falsehood….” Aap Hindu ho hi nahi ” he said openly in the Parliament

This is also in reference to my Article

‘Rahul Gandhi Inching Towards Down Fall Year June 2023-June 2024’

Written on the 13 Feb 2024

This is with reference to my Articles on Rahul Gandhi on my webpage.

The Progression Chart of the 53rd  year is pathetic and a strong Down fall is seen of Rahul Gandhi and  Congress.

For Ready Reference I am reproducing the  Text of the Progression chart which is pathetic and strong downfall seen.

Article on Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi Born With Silver Spoon Gather’s No Miles For Lok Sabha Elections As Predicted – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

“Rahul Gandhi Born With Silver Spoon Gather’s No Miles For Lok Sabha Elections As Predicted”

Source http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/delhi-underground-meticulous-records/1185170/  As per the above link Rahul Gandhi is born on the 19th June 1970 at 02-28 PM  New Delhi.

Let us have a look at the chart  below 

Lagna is Vargottam in the 4 Charts  below and  is good . Also  Ketu  Promises 80 %  which indicates that the native is born to Rich, Strong and Parents having a high status as per the D12 Dwadamsha chart . He is born on the Friday and the Day Lord is Venus  placed in the yama of  Virgo its debilitation sign and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 8th house  shows the weakness of Day Lord and the Venus in his chart. Placement of Venus in the 10th house  again shows High status but since the depositor is placed in the 6/8 axis there may be loss of the Power and Prestige . 

 Transit Saturn over the Natal Rahu and aspect on the Debilitated Saturn at 24 degrees in the 7th house degree-wise opens what is the Status  on the 4th June 2024. His image will tarnish and head for a status fall . 

Let us see the Vedic Progression chart of the year June 2023 to June 2024 what he has up his sleeves ?

Rahul Gandhi Progression Chart By Manu Smriti : Bolt From The Blue Till June 2024 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

I had Predicted in March 2023 that he will have no success what so ever . He may pull all his strings even then he may miserably fail in the Politics and any gain in the Lok Sabha Elections in 2024 specially till June 2024

Important text below



  1. Moon debilitated in Lagna ,Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord Mars Debilitated , 4th house has Rahu aspect of debilitated Mars, 4th Lord Saturn in the 6th house debilitated -and in Mrityu Bhag——- Trouble to Mother and Happiness.
  2. Mars Debilitated and combusted and in Mrityu Bhag
  3. Sun 10th Lord in Vish ghati with Mars .—– TROUBLE IN CAREER
  4. 4 Planets debilitated  Saturn, Mars , Moon and Venus—- VERY POOR CHART

What can you expect from this kind of Planetary configuration  ?. All this points out total failure in Politics and any rise  in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections 2024. He will earn and bad name for sure.

D10 and D11 charts do not bestow any rise in life asper the natal chart of Rahul Gandhi

As per the Dasha the Rahu-Saturn will be most enigmatic  from the 21-5-2024 and with anguish and pain. See the Placement of Rahu and Saturn in the D10 chart shows struggle pain in Career and Politics in the natal chart. Even the Rahu and Jupiter are placed in the 6/8 axis and Rahu in the 8th house of total loss hence the Present and the Future are bleek for Rahul Gandhi till the June 2024.

 Let us see the Year from the 19th June 2024 to 19th June 2025 what are his Prospects ?

The Chart is below

  1. 4 Planets in Debilitation is very bad for Rahul Gandhi.
  2. Moon and Mercury are in 4/10 axis some rise  in Status.
  3.  10th Lord of the Natal Chart is Debilitated and 10thLord from Lagna is Sun who is also with Debilitated is again not very good .
  4. Moon is debilitated and also in Vishghati.
  5. Mars is combusted and also in Mrityu bhag.
  6. Mercury is very close to Amrit Bhag and Placed in the 10th house is good .
  7. Saturn close to Mrityu Bhag. very bad . The Masses may oppose him
  8. Dasha in operation of Rahu Saturn 28-3-2027 not very good dasha.
  9.  Next year from the June 2025 to June 2026  not very good either.

Hence from the above it seems that although he may acquire a higher status will also face issues of all kinds He may try his best but will fail miserably. There will not be any smooth journey in his political career.

My Predictions as per the Above  Prove on Dot for his rise in career as the opposition leader from June 2024-June 2025. He will also face the toughest time in his political career. 

Let us see what the star’s have their sleeves on the 1st July 2024 when he took a swipe on the ruling BJP Govt.

The Chart is Below.

He is running the Dasha of Rahu-Saturn-Saturn from 21-5-2024 to 1-11-2024. The worst dasha period as explained below.

Rahu is Placed in the 5th house the 8th house from the 10th house and the dispositor of Rahu is Saturn is debilitated and afflicted in the Navamsha also . Rahu becomes becomes very strong here and will give the results of the debilitated Saturn. Unfortunately transit Saturn is over the natal Rahu in Aquarius and aspects the natal Saturn at very close  degrees on 1st July at 25.13 degrees and retrograde. When Saturn in Retrogression  will touch 25 degrees and Transit Mars will be over the Natal Saturn at 25 degrees on the 6th July 2024 this time will be the worst time in his life in the Political Career. He may have to repent of making false allegations on the BJP and may be brought to  Book.————- Note my predictions.

On the 1st July 2024 as per the Planetary positions when Rahul Gandhi made allegations against the ruling party the planetary positions were in the favour of the Ruling party if we consider this as a fight between INDI Alliance and the BJP.  Rahul Gandhi may have to take back his words and feel sorry by committing what he said was incorrect.


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written on the 13th Feb. 2024 at 12-00 hrs New Delhi Reproduced again on the 14th May 2024 07-30 hrs New Delhi Reproduced again on the 28th June 2024 12:30 hrs —— and again on the 1st July after adding what happened on the 1st July 2024 in the Parliament

Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results



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