Punjab Terrorist Attack on 27th July 2015 :What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

As per my Earlier Articles  on my webpage www.astrodocanil.com I have been writing about the Fear of Atackes by Terrorist Groups from the Neighboring Countries which  is evident by the India Independence Chart, Hindu New Moon Pieces chart and the Paksha Kundalis of the 16th July and 31st July 2015. Now Read this 5 Killed in Major Terror Attack in Gurdaspur in Punjab; PM Holds Meet link http://www.ndtv.com/cheat-sheet/gunmen-in-army-uniform-attack-police-station-in-punjab-1-dead-1200850?pfrom=home-lateststories

Now Read my articles written much before the happenings

1. “Paksha Kundali of 16th and 31st July 2015: What They Foretell ” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/paksha-kundali-of-16th-and-31st-july-2015-what-they-foretell/ dated 11th July 2015.

2. Mars in Action , Jupiter Affliction and Saturn Stationary Boon or Bane link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/mars-in-action-jupiter-affliction-and-saturn-stationary-boon-or-bane/ dated 14th July 2015.

3.Enigma of Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 30th July 2015 https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/hanging-of-yakub-memon-on-30th-july-2015-what-stars-foretell/ dated 25th July 2015.

My Predictions have been on the Dot.

Let us see what the Planetary Positions are indicating at the time of Attack today 27th July 2015  05-15 hrs  Gurdaspur Punjab


The Day Lord is Placed in the Sign of Pieces as per the Yama chart and Ketu is Placed there with Gulika whose Lord is Jupiter and Saturn is with Debilitated Moon and aspects Jupiter and Venus . I Have already explained in my previous articles the out come of the Paksha kundalis, but from the Time of attack we get some facts which are crucial

1. There can be repeated attacks and a minimum of 3 .

2. The Dates of the Attack will be when Moon is in Capricorn, 0n the 30th July 2015

3. Moon will be in Aquarius on the 2nd and 3rd August 2015

4. When Navamsha Lord of Moon goes in the Lagna on the 30th Nov. 2015

5. 6 houses from the 3rd to the 8th are represented by the Citizens of the country , and this area has malefics and most crucial .

6. 6 houses from 9th to the 2nd represent the Attacker, Now Victory and Defeat depends upon the Area which has benefics and hence the Terrorist are strong and most crucial in the Present context. They can do lot of damage to the country .

7.9th house is Bhagya and Ketu and Gulika is Placed is Bad shows Religious Retaliation and Places of Judiciary, Temples, Embassies could also be the Target

8.Sun is in Lagna with a Benefic is making the Attacker Strong .

9. Mars Joins the Lagna on the 30th July could be crucial as well , Moon will be afflicted badly on this date by both Mars and Saturn .

10. Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are together in the house of Kidnapping, hence there could be more activities relating to this .

11. Saturn will become Stationary on the 29th July to 6th August 2015 could be crucial Parameter in this Fortnight pertaining to Activities relating to Terrorism and other havocs mentioned by me in other articles

12. Mars aspecting Rahu is a combination of Blasts and More Blasts could take place when Mars joins Rahu on the 15th Sept. 2015 around the Eclipse time of 28th Sept. 2015 when at the time of the Eclipse Mars is activating the Eclipse point simultaneously.

13. The King of the Forces set out for war will return in as many houses from Lagna as counted to the strongest planet .Hence it can take 2 days to 12 days , but it seems with in 2 days the encounter will finish as far as this is concerned.

14. Jupiter and Venus as already mentioned in all my articles is a combination of Blood Shed as per Myur Chitram a classical Teaxt on Mundane. Unfortunately there will be conjunction of these 2  till 13th August 2015 and then again on the 30th Sept. to 3rd Nov. 2015

15. Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord both in Fixed sign  and Moon with Retrograde Planet is worst till 7th Lord becomes direct on the 2nd August 2015 .16.Saturn in Stationary motion aspecting Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in Leo would be worst on the 4th August in Transit. Moon will also be in with Ketu in the Pieces sign . In the Present Scenerio will be the worst Planetary positions

17. Sun in the Lagna shows the Terrorist Group is a Powerful one in the nakshatra of Saturn , hence involvement of ISIS.

18. Navamsha Fixed and again Saturn the 7th and 8th Lord in the Lagna is indicating what ever is happening in Gurdaspur 

19. As per the India independence chart the dasha in operation is Sun-Ven-Mercury, Sun and Mercury in transit in the 3rd house of Neighbors, Venus in the 4th house  Retrograde on the 25th July and will fall back in the 4th house on the 13th August 2015, Mars will ingress in the 3rd house on the 30th July 2015, hence the 3rd house of Neighbors gets under acute affliction and can be worst specially after 30th July and after 13th August 2015

Govt. Should take strict Measures for the security of the India Nationals along with the Celebrities and Noted Politicians

 Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 27th July 2015 12.20 hrs 

Disclaimer: This is total Astrological analysis and not my Personal opinion. The writer has no intention to create any Kaos but to be aware of the circumstances and avoid going in Crowded Places around these dates , since the Planetary Positions and can be crucial

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