Will Yakub Memon be Hanged on the 30th July 2015

by astrodocanil

As Per the  link http://m.thehindu.com/news/national/yakubs-limited-plea-sc-judge-questions-choice-of-judges/article7470074.ece

In an unexpected turn in Yakub Memon’s fight against death penalty, a Supreme Court judge on Monday raised doubts about procedural lapse in the composition of judges who dismissed the curative petition of the lone death row convict in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case.

Justice Kurian Joseph, who along with Justice Anil R. Dave while hearing the much anticipated writ petition filed by Memon accusing the Maharashtra government of showing undue haste to have him executed, said that the Supreme Court Rules 2013 was not followed by the Apex Court.

In open court, Justice Joseph repeatedly questioned why the curative plea was not circulated among all the judges who had heard Memon’s review petition.

He quoted that under Order 48 in Part 4 of the Supreme Court Rules, all the judges who had heard the review should be made part of the curative exercise. Justice Joseph said, in this case he and Justice J. Chelameswar were not included in the Supreme Court Bench, which heard Memon’s curative plea.

He said only, Justice Dave, who headed the review Bench was included in the curative petition. The curative plea was dismissed on July 22 by a three-judge Bench of the Chief Justice of India H.L. Dattu, Justice T.S. Thakur and Justice Anil. R. Dave.

The plea was filed for the dismissal of the review petition against the death penalty on April 9, 2015 by another three-judge Bench consisting Justice Dave, Justice J. Chelameswar and Justice Joseph.

Terming his point as a “weighty query” Justice Joseph said, the Government of India has to first address the issue.

Now, the Bench will hear the matter at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday the 28th July 2015. 

Also Read this Yakub Memon Case: Supreme Court Asks Attorney General to Clarify Rules of Curative Plea link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/yakub-memon-case-supreme-court-asks-attorney-general-to-clarify-rules-of-curative-plea-1201192

Refering to  my article “Enigma of Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 30th July 2015” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/07/hanging-of-yakub-memon-on-30th-july-2015-what-stars-foretell/  Please read this Para Below .

Mercy petition moved by ’93 blasts convict Yakub Memon, who is to be executed on July 30 is to be decided before the 30th July 2015. Let us see the Planetary positions on the 27th to 29th July 2015  what the planetary positions are indicating .

If the Decision is Taken by the President on the 27th July 2015 the the Following are the Parameters

1.The Moon is Debilitated with Retrograde Saturn moving very slowly in Scorpio.
2. Dispositor of Moon and Saturn Mars is Placed in the 8th from them .
3. All benefics afflicted Moon, Jupiter Venus aspected by Retrograde Saturn and Mercury combusted .
4. Gulika Lord is Venus and Navamsha Lord of Gulika is Mars aspecting Rahu.
5. Day lord Moon is with Saturn and Moon is also Debilitated.
6. Monday and Ekadashi Dagdha Yoya.
7. In Navamsha also Mars and 8th Lord from Moon is Mercury and both are placed in the 8th from Moon.

8. Live force giving planets Sun and Moon both debilitated in Navamsha and afflicted


9.On the 27th July if the Decision is taken by the Supreme Court then From 11.55 to 14-10 Lagna will be Libra and  in the Dwadamsha of Sun indicates Death.
10.The outcome of the Mercy application could come any time around 13.50 hrs. on the 27th July by Supreme court.
The Planetary Positions are worst at the time of Hanging of Yakub Memon on the 30th July 2015 as compared to at the time Ajmal Kasab who was hanged on the 21st Nov. 2012.

11. After 27th July 2015 Saturn will be in Stationary position and indicates Status Quo  

Now The decision has not been taken and I had wrtiten if the decision is taken then only my predictions hold good. The Period  between 11.55 to 14-10 hrs. was bad for the Final  decision.  I also wrote that if the Decision is taken after 27th July then since Saturn will be in Stationary position after 27th July  the Status of the Yakub Memon will be Status Quo and will not be hanged till Saturn goes in Sagitarius Sign and more so till Saturn crosses the Retrogression mark of 10.56 degrees on the 3rd Nov. 2015. I had no reference point for Yakub Memon for clear Predictions there fore I used the above possibilities, now since there is a reference point and the Apex court has given a time of 28th July 10-30 am. , Prediction can be made. Amazingly the court gave the verdict that the court has fixed 28th July 2015 10-30 am for the hearing and this information came at exact the time mentioned by me at 13-50 hrs . by India TV.

Now Let us see what the Planetary positions indicate at the time of the hearing as indicated by the link mentioned above.

Yakub 28th

Panchang of the Day

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and asper the Yama chart it is placed in the 2nd Yama of Mercury which is the 10th house in the event chart and the dispositor is Placed in a benefic sign Cancer and Benefic house with Sun. Mars the Day lord is strong  Digbali in the event chart and Placed in the Yama of Mercury is the strongest Parameter to give Yakub Memon a respite from the Present hanging on the 30th July 2015 .

Tithi SP-12 Lord is Vishnu

Nakshatra Jyestha .

Hora of Moon Gives wealth and favourable Results.

Nakshatra Jyestha.

Yoga Indra

Karna Bava  Lord connected to 10th house is Karya siddhi

DBA Mercury-Sat-Sat, Indicates that there will be status quo results since the 5th and the 6th Lord will be in Stationary position.

Lagnesh Mercury is placed in the Exhaltation in the yama chart and in navamsha also in the sign of Mars . Lagna in the Rahu-ketu axis and hence till Rahu-Ketu in these signs there will be fight in the court and a decision may come after 3rd Nov.2015 and more so after 9th Jan. 2016 when Rahu and Ketu leave the Lagna and 7th house .

There is a typical Bhandan yoga in the chart  Equal number of Planets in the 3rd and the 11th house , hence Imprisonment.

Lagna Lord Mercury  is in Sarp Dreshkanne , hence imprisonment .

Lagna is not in the Dwadamsha of Sun

8th house is strong and not afflicted and Lord is vargottam and placed in the 10th house

Mars in the 10th house gives fair Judgement since digbali in the 10th house it is also vargottam . The Relation of Mercury the Lagna Lord and Mars is good in the Yama chart both are in the sign Virgo and Gemini . Sun is in the Nakshatra of Saturn and will behave as Saturn Stationary .

Navamsha is Movable and has a Jupiter , hence change in the situations and a benefic one and relief  from getting hanged .

Navamsha Moon is in benefic sign with Rahu in the 12th house also shows imprisonment.

Uday Lagna is Virgo, Arudha Lagna is Taurus and aspected by Saturn and Chaitra Rashi is Leo and has Jupiter and Venusand aspected by Saturn  , hence benefics will give some relief although it is 12th from Uday Lagna and hence could be Imprisonment onlyand Saturn is also giving Imprisonment aspecting the 12th house , it is the the 3rd from Arudha Lagna is also favourable , Mercury will also join this sign on the 4th August 2015.

AAroodhaPhala Classic in the chapter VII says if Jupiter is Placed in the chaitra Rashi, the work will be successsful and in the favour of the Person. 

As per Daivajna Vallabha by Varaha Mihira, the 6 houses from 3rd to 8th belong to the Citizen Kings being attacked and the 6 houses  from 9th to 2nd belong to the Invader and since this area has benefics the results will be in the Favour of the invader Yakub Memon

Success in Appeal and Stay for hanging will also be granted as indicated by the 3rd house Parameters 

Hence from the above it appears that The Court will give a fair decision and the Convict will get some relief for the time being  till the Case is heard in proper sequence  and the Results may come after 8th Nov. 2015 and more so after 9th Jan 2016..

If any decision is not taken on the 28th July then it could be Status Quo  since Saturn will be stationary.  

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 27th July 2015 10.00 PM

Prediction added on 28th July 2015 10-30 hrs 

The 3 Bench Judge will decide the fate of Yakub Memon tomorrow at 10-30 . and the Planetary Position till 27th were in favour to some extent but not on the 29th July, in all probability he may be hanged on the 30th July 2015.

I am adding some more predictions  on the 28th July 2015  on the above for the Reasons mentioned here .

Now Read this “Should Yakub Memon Hang? Supreme Court Judges Disagree” http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/decision-on-yakub-memons-plea-to-stop-hanging-referred-to-larger-bench-1201304

 and “Yakub Memon’s plea: SC judges give split verdict, case referred to larger bench” http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Yakub-Memons-plea-SC-judges-give-split-verdict-case-referred-to-larger-bench/articleshow/48246818.cms

The Next hearing is tomorrow at 10-30 hrs on 29th July 2015. Let me put the chart here

29th July

Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and Placed in own Yama of Gemini where  Mars the 8th Lord is Placed in the event chart is the most crucial parameter for the hearing tomorrow. It is indicative of failure of the event and death like conditions 

Tithi is SP-13

Nakshatra Moola

Yoga Vaidhriti

Karna Taitila

Hora Mars

DBA Planets Ketu-Mer-Ketu

Saturn is Stationary the lord of the 5th and the 6th house and hence the Status of the event become Still and Status Quo and no movement in the Case , The 3 Bench Judge may conclude to  the Earlier Verdict of the court

Appeal or Stay is granted by the Parameters of the 3rd house  The Planetary position suggest that the Appeal and Stay will be granted to Yakub Memon but will not be implemented since other malefic combinations are adverse for Yakun Memon.

Death is seen from 6th,7th and 8th from Moon in the chart and has Mars, Sun in the 7th and 8th from Moon . From the Arudha Lagna Moon is Placed in the 8th house and aspected by Malefic Mars is crucial for Death like conditions

Malefic in the 10th house from Uday Lagna is Mars hence death with in 3 days  from 28th and 30th July 2015 Yakub will be hanged. This is asper the classic Prashna AAroodhaphala Tamil by K N Saraswathy

Since the 8th house is a Movable sign the death of Yakub will take place in a foreign country or a neighboring country..

Hence from the above it seems Yakub will be hanged on the 30th July as per Supreme Court verdict.

These Predictions are also on the link https://www.astrodocanil.com/planetary-positions-on-29th-july-give-no-respite-to-yakub-memon/ dated 28th July 20-15 hrs 

Jyotish Acharaya anil arggarwala 28th July 20-15 hrs 



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