Predicting The Query By Sun Rise Time

by astrodocanil


As an Astrologer how will you answer a Query of a Person , if you are travelling in a Plane or Train and the person sitting next to you asks , How will be my interview for my Job today at 15-00 hrs. ?  You are not carrying a Laptop or any device by which you could open the Prashna Chart. Let me explain  my method  as below which is found to give 70-80 % correct results

As a Good Astrologer one is supposed to know the Panchang of the Day, Planetary positions , Sun Rise time and the dinman .

. Find the Hora of the day

Easy Way to Remember the Calculation of the Hora of the Day

  1. Prepare a south Indian Chart as below.
  2. Place the Malefics Sun, Saturn and Mars in the Exhaltation sign viz Aries, Libra and Capricorn respectively.
Sun Venus Mercury
Jupiter Saturn
  1. Place the Benefics in benefic signs starting from Taurus.Hence Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Gemini , Moon in Cancerand Jupiter in Sagitarius as below.
  2. Now find the Dinman the duration between the Sun rise and Sun Set and divide in 12 equal parts , This will be one Hora say X , now from the time of the event see the difference of time from the Sunrise and divide by X this will give you the Hora from 1st to 12th hora, Start from the Day Lord in clock wise direction to find the hora of the day.
  3. Malefic Horas are generally bad , Mars Hora is good for fight . Normally Benefic Horas are good . Venus for marriage, disputes getting solved , Mercury for New Project , Jupiter for Expansion, Prosperity.Moon gain of wealth, Sun good for significations of Sun only, Mars illness, Disputes,Accidents

Calculate approx . Longitude of Sun, find the Nakshatras inauspicious from Sun by Ekargala method.

Use Fast Prashna Method to find the answer in Yes or No by Finding the Ghati and Pala at the time of Query.

Find the Asc rising at the time of Query . Find the Difference of the Query time and the Sunrise time  divide by 2   what ever is the Quotent add one to that  and the Sign  which is rising at the time of Sun rise . Supposing the Sun rise time is 05-30 am on Sunday and the Query is at 15-00 hrs then the Difference is  9.5 hours and  now dividing by 2  quotent is 4.  adding 1 = 5 , Now on this Sunday the Sign rising at the time of Sunrise was Taurus  hence the Sign rising at the time of Query is  2 +5= 7 Libra Lagna  , But Sign rising at Sun rise is of Long Duration hence , the Sign Rising at the time of Query will be Virgo. as a good Astrologer you can Place the Planets in the chart and give the Predictions with out making any chart since all these calculations can be made just in a Click of a Minute

Use the Day Lord to find the Yama Lord at the time of Query and see if the Yama lord is Connetcted to the Significator, Lagnesh, Karyesh or Exhalted Planet to give Fructification and Failure to see it connected to the 8th house or 8th Lord .

I have found astonishing good Results from this and amazing good Results .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd  May 2016 10.30 PM New Delhi  


Video on Planetary cycle on

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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In Singapore from 22nd April to 19th May 2016 

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