The Road Map To Success Through Astrology

by astrodocanil


It is believed and Shastra says that all the houses in the horoscope are self activating Except the 10th house Called the Swarg. We Sleep , we get up eat and drink, then walk all is natural , but the 10th house is not self activating , We have to activate it . it is said that  for Child birth 5th house, 5th Lord , 9th house, 9th Lord  and Karka Graha Jupiter have to be strong for the Promise of child Birth, but even when weak and the 10th house is strong and Mars placement , A native has promise of Child birth . The Role of the 10th house in the Chart of a native is immense . Dasha at birth connected to the 5th and the 10th house is supposed to indicate that the native will be Karmsheel.

Astrology guides us that inorder to be successful in life the only parameter in our hand is the Karma and by doing good karmas and being honest and sincere one can definitely achieve some thing if not every thing . lot of People start asking Remedies for Bad time in their life  and the Traditional Astrologers give then the remedies , gemstones, propitiations for Planets and some other Methods .

I will like to share my experience in this regard . Way back in 1986 I visited Japan for Training in Suzuki Motor Corpn through MUL.  I asked the Japanese to take me to the most Famous Temple there  and accordingly I visited the temple at a height of 4000 feet  on a Sunday morning . To my surprise I did not find anybody  except a Priest in the Temple. I asked the Priest why people are not visiting the temple . He informed me that the People in the country are so involved in their work that they cannot spare any time since they are committed to their responsibilities towards the Families, Company and the Country  and due to this they are not able to Come to the temples. Only those people who get ill and their disease is not cured come to the Temple. The other people visiting the temple are the children who have Examination Phobia.  The Country has a 5 week working Schedule and  Saturday if Fixed for Excursion and Sunday for the Family  and as such cannot spare any time. I found them very much committed to the Company, Country and the family. While i was in Japan , one Japanase used to pick me up and take me to the Training Centre and then in the Evening Drop me back after Dinner . I asked the Japanese one day who works for you when you are busy with us. He replied He had to go to his office after dropping me at the hotel and clear his mails and other Jobs which were necessary . he would then get back Home . I was deeply impressed at the committment the japanese had towards the Country, Company and the Family , since they had kept one complete day for the family  and one complete day for Excursion drinks etc.

We all know how Progressive Japan is specially after the 2nd World War , the Country has reached Heights in Technology  . My personal observation during the Stay in Japan was that they are very Committed to their Jobs , Families and the Country . I will like to share my another experience what I had there during my Stay there . One fine day we were to visit some Industries and drive a long distance . Since I am a vegetarian, I asked the Japanese to Stop for lunch since I cited a Indian Restaurant. To this he replied , it is official time and 12.00 hrs . Lunch is at 13.30 hrs . We will break our Journey at 13.30 hrs. only. I never found any Japanese fingers loaded with Gemstones as we see in India . Their Moto is” Work is Worship”. The basic idea of writing this article was to bring home the Idea that Karma is Mahan and there is No replacement for Hardwork and Sincerity.. I donot Preach that Propitiations should not be done , but the Most essential Parameter in our Life is the Karma and all efforts should be to build the same to the highest level and Thus Activate the 10th house and the Swarg of the Horoscope.

In the natural Zodiac the Lagna Lord Mars gets Exhalted in the 10th house , for this Reason if the 10th Lord is in the nakshatra of U shadha or Dhanistha is supposed to give Extra Ordinary  good results since such a native will become Karmsheel and win the world through his Good Karmas.

Hence the Answer to all our Problems if Hard work and Sincerety  and thus activating the 10th house .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd  May 2016 10.30 PM New Delhi  


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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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