Prashna Chart Reveals Most Amazing Events in Life

by astrodocanil

One of my clients  from Australia Sydney raised a Query  for his Career on the 8th March 2015 at 16-29 hrs. I had given him Predictions accordingly.  Now  on the 27th Sept. 2015 , I got a mail from him telling me  his car was giving problems time and again in Sept. 2015, Since the Query was with in 2 days of the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 and is Prohibited to look at the adverse time for Prashna . I looked at the chart of the 8th March 2015 and found some amazing findings.

I am reproducing the text the Querist sent to  me

“Pranam Uncleji,
I hope you are in the best of health. I keep reading your fascinating articles on your website. Uncleji I write to you today as an issue is bothering my mind lately. Since I am not an astrologer I thought to seek your opinion on this petty matter. My car has been giving lot of problems lately. I have maintained this car very well but lately issues have been popping up almost every week. This is causing a lot of inconvenience.

Can planets affect such matters in my life ?  Please advise if you can. I have attached my chart and your last reading. ”
Thank you.

My Reply to the above  reproducing it here .

“Hello, Sandeep Astrology is most amazing . The car would have started top give troubles after 25th July 2015 and specially after 13th August 2015. and after 6th Sept. 2015 and then specially after 14th Sept. 2015. Please confirm the dates “

His Reply “Hello Uncleji,

Thanks for your response. You are fascinating me with astrology again. Regarding my car issues, I cannot confirm July but i have been having issues for last few months. I can confirm September for sure. My car stopped on last Saturday night here in Sydney just before midnight on 26th September 2015 when i arrived home from a Pooja function. This is despite having a new battery , fully reconditioned Alternator and full tank of petrol.
We have a free 24hour road service assistance from the car insurance company so I called in the Mechanic who arrived at around 1.30am  early morning on 27th September Sunday to test. He told me that the battery charging device (Alternator) was playing up and not charging the battery thus battery had lost all its charge which is why the car stopped when i had arrived home. This is despite having all related devices newly fitted recently.
Since its Monday today, I have given the car back to Electrical Technician to fix the Alternator device under warranty as it was put on by him.
When will these issues stop ?  or new ones are on the way ?  can you pls describe which astrological methods you used to come to your opinions. “

Now Lets see the chart above and Predict what could emerge out of the Planetary positions 

I wrote to him immedaitely that the Problems must have  been faced by him around the 15th Sept. 2015 , since Dasha of Mars-Mars-Saturn starts then  and in any Query pertaining to Vehicles  DBA predominantly of malefics suggest Faults in the vehicle.  I got an answer in affirmative and he disclosed that even after repairs the Car again stalled on the 26th Sept. 2015 in the middle of the night when he finished his puja in a Temple and was to return Back. 

See the chart of the 8th March 16-29 hrs. below.

Car Break Down

Panchang considerations .

Day is Sunday and Lord is placed in the 8th house, in a fixed sign  and fixed sign signifies months and difference to reach the 9th house is 7  hence minimum 7 months for good start, after 7 months , but then it will be in Rahu-Ketu axis, hence they again indicate 9th Jan 2016 the time to give a change .Day Lord is Adversely placed

Tithi  is  Jaya is good for Wealth ,

Nakshatra is  Haste and the natal chart the nakshatra is Reviti 4th pada , and Query Moon is in the 4th pada and is 5th from the natal Tara and a malefic , Hence again there will be hurdles and multiples of 5 will be most important

Hora is changing and is 1st part of Moon. The query pertains to expanding business, the hora is just changing and hence again there will be hinderances in fructifications  and significations of Moon placement will  Prevail.

One common Parameter on the 8th March 2015 and and at the time of the opening his mail was Moon afflicted in Rahu-Ketu axis , on the 8th March with Rahu and on the 27th Sept. 2015 Moon with Ketu  and just one day to go for Eclipse. Moon has thus to be in the nakshatra of Saturn .

    In the Chart above  Rahu will become adverse on 9th March, Saturn will become stationary on the same day , Mercury going to change sign  from 7th to 8th house , and  influencing the Lagna at exact degrees, significations of these Planets influencing the houses and the Planets acquires a special dimension . The houses  3rd ,12th house , 9th , 7th and 8th will sprout in the Dasha of the DBA of these planets . Now As per per Prashna when there is dasha of Malefics then there are defects which crop up for a query for Vehicle.  As mentioend above and as per calculations above there will be Problems in the vehicle after 14th Sept. 2015 , which did happen.Venus  and Mars connected to the 3rd and 9th house and Rahu, clearly shows when the native goes to the Temple the 9th house and Karka for Temples Sun in the 8th house at the time of Query will face Problems relating to his Vehicle.

Moon and the Lagnesh placed in the Sign of Taurus as per the Yama chart the  Lord is Venus and Moon connected to Venus in the chart will give troubles in Short travel to a Temple . Moon is also Placed in the 8th from Sun, Hence on the Day of the Car break Down Moon will in the  8th  house


Yama Chart 

Ven Sat Moon
Mer 4th Yama
Jup Mar Sun

DBA of Planets in Sept. 2015 as per the Prashna Chart  Mars-Mars-Sat from 14-9-2015  onwards 

Now See the Dates given by the Querist is 26th Sept. 2015 when his Car Stalled just after completing a Puja in a Temple and at mid night .

Let us  see the Parameters for the same

In the Query Chart Day Lord Sun is placed in the yama of Virgo and the Lord Mercury is Placed in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna at very close degrees , Mercury is also about to go in the 8th house and is in the nakshatra of Mars in the chart,  Mars is with  Venus in the 9th house with Ketu is making clear what actually has happened on the 26th Sept. 2015 Mars is Karka for Electricity and with Karka for Vehicle Venus  and both are afflicted.

Planets which acquire special Dimension are  Saturn , since becoming Stationary with in a Day and is 7th and 8th Lord

Moon is With Rahu   Rahu was Just about to go in Stationary motion , Hence Saturn , Moon, Mercury acquire a special Dimension. Now on the 26th Sept. 2015

Saturn Stationary aspecting the 7th house of Travel. Saturn is also the 7th and the 8th lord ,In Navamsha Saturn has gone in Libra the 4th house of the Chart and in Navamsha Libra and Saturn both are in the 8th house . . Moon is afflicted by Mars and Rahu, Moon is also Lagnesh.

Moon also has ithasla with Mercury an Important planet since aspecting the Lagna at very close degrees, The difference is 6.22 Degrees , Since in a Movable sign it will take Months and 6.22 months =  6 months and 6.6 days the Car will start to give troubles  Hence on the 15th Sept. 2015 it will start to give troubles  . Amazingly The Car was repaired for Electrical Faults around this date and again Stalled on the 26th Sept. 2015 when Moon was in the 8th house as per the Query chart of the 8th March 2015.

The Problems will pertain till 29th Oct. 2015 till Mercury is in Virgo and more so till Rahu in Virgo on the 9th Jan 2016 Venus the Karka at the time of the query was in Rahu-Ketu axis and will again join Rahu on the 3rd Nov. 2015, hence the Car is liable to give more troubles around this time , since there will be dasha of malefics and the car is liable to stall again, Venus will also go in Debilitation then. , since the Karka for Vehicles Venus is also Fallen in Cancer sign.

I have given him the above analysis .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 28th Sept. 2015 18-00 hrs 



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