A Query on Child Birth By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to discuss the Child birth using the classics of Prashna Jyotish to Predict  a  Child birth  . For Reasons best Known, I am not Disclosing the Time of the Query. . The Chart is below. There are weak combinations for CHILD BIRTH, but for the sake of analysis . I will be discussing all Parameters which can be seen from the chart.

UntitledChild Birth

Results as per Prashna Triangle   

Deceptions, illusions, Fantacy, occult , Hypnotism defective or Mysterious relationship Neptune is like Rahu It appears constantly hence defective relations placed in the 5th house of Delivery of the child, showing complications 

Panchang details

Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury in Retrogression and with Rahu. Day lord is afflicted 

Tithi is SP -10

Nakshatra U Shadha

Yoga Shobhana

Karna Taitila

Hora  Jupiter  Varesh and Horesh are friends but in 2/12 position in the chart and also in the D9 and 5/9 in D7

Yama Sun Rise 6-13 hence the 2nd Yama of Mercury  which is the 9th house of the Chart and the Lord is Exhalted and in Retrogression since 17th Sept. 2015 , it has ingressed in Virgo on the 23rd August 2015 Mercury the yama Lord is with Rahu who is eclipsing the 11th Lord Sun

DBA  Sun-Moon-Ven denies Child Birth since 1,4,10 houses are malefic, since 2,5,11 give child birth .

Mars Jup Mer
Sun 2nd Yama
Rahu Moon Sat

Yama chart above

 Day Lord is Placed in own yama and in the Query chart it is exhalted and R and with Rahu will become Direct on the 9th -10 Oct 2015 . It is in Cancer navamsha , both the signs are good but 12th house of Prashna and with Rahu in D7 also it is in Cancer sign a Friendly sign  but Moon is in 6/8 and 2/12 axis with Mercury. Mercury is also in Moons Nakshatra

For a Query for birth of a child by either Mother or Father , Lagna is indicative of the Father and Hence from Libra sign and from the Arudha Lagna since at the time of query the Querist was facing north the Arudha lagna is Aquarius. And is signified by Aquarius.

If the Lords of the Arudha Lagna and the 9th  from it are in combustion (Mercury with Rahu and Sun)  , there is some thing wrong in the womb. Lord of Arudha Lagna is Saturn aspected by Mars and the 9th Lord from it is Venus and a Fallen planet , hence there is a possibility that there may be a problem in the womb. The Kshetrasputa for the chart is Virgo and afflicted  is not good for child birth, but being in a Even sign in the Rashi chart is good , but in a Odd sign in Gemini is not fertile . In Saptamsha it is again in a Even sign hence there may be some issues regarding the same .Indicating complications 

5th from Lagna and 9th from Arudha Lagna

Jupiter on either side has a malefic is not good

Strength of 5th Lord Saturn  D1 inimical sign, D9 inimical sign, D7 Friendly sign, D10 friendly sign D8 own sign D5 in Friendly sign, Bit weak in the D1 and D9, hence weak

Strength of the Jupiter  D1 Friendly sign, D9 Friendly sign,  Again in D9 in friendly sign and in the D7 is is in the Inimical sign and in D12  in Neutral sign, Hence Jupiter is strong to give a child Birth

Confirmation of Pregnancy

5th from Lagna, Moon and Jupiter are to be seen and all connected to Jupiter who is placed in the Friendly sign and also aspected by Saturn the 5th lord from Lagna

5th Lord in shirshodayo sign Saturn in Scorpio.

UL is Libra , AL is Aquarius and CR is Capricorn , None of the signs have Rahu to confirm the Pregnancy, but other Parameters confirm Pregnancy.

Since Moon is Placed with Paridhi female child can be  be born, but other maximum parameters are suggesting a male child discussed in this article

Aprakashit Graha Parivesh is not in UL, Al or CR hence indications are not of healthy child ,

Aspect of Aprakashit grahas on the UL is not there is good for the child Birth

Promise of Child Birth

5th from Lagna, Moon and Jupiter are to be seen and all connected to Jupiter who is placed in the Friendly sign and also aspected by Saturn the 5th lord from Lagna .

Lagnesh, Venus  are  not strong in the chart, Lagnesh is fallen in Cancer sign the 10th house and in the nakshatra of Mercury the 12th Lord is weak , , hence Lagnesh and Venus are both weak and Moon in the 3rd house is vargottam and  aspected by Jupiter  is good , Moon is also in the nakshatra of the 11th lord Sun, only 33% Promise is there.

There is no Relation of Moon and the Lagnesh with 5th house or the Lord. Moon and the 5th house are only connected to the Karka Jupiter  for Children

Moon is not aspected by any malefic and aspected by Jupiter  is only the Strong Parameter in the chart.

5th house and Lord aspected by Mars  hence there can be C-section delivery

Moon in Navamsha is Vargottam and aspecting the Lagna, Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn conneted in Navamsha  is good, specially Venus , Lagna Lord  5th lord , 11th Lord and Jupiter karka for Children connected is good in Navamsha

Longitudes of the  Lagna = 6s 27.02 + Longitudes of  Yamakantaka 5s 25.27 = 12 s 22.29 degrees  This Yoga Sphuta is Aries 22.29 degrees and a odd sign and Prishtodayo  and not Urdha mukhi, but aspected by Jupiter , In navamsha it is Libra sign aspected by Saturn , The Navamsha is powerful since shirshodayo is during the day query. , Since male sign and male navamsha child will be born hence Good.

Jupiter , 5th Lord and Yama Kantaka    Jupiter is aspected by Saturn and with Mars and 5th house, YamaKantaka aspected by Jupiter  5th house is also afflicted by Mars ,

Delayed Child Birth

Jupiter with Mars and aspected by Saturn is delayed Child Birth , Hence some delay in child birth is indicated .

Association of Mars with 5th house/Lord and Jupiter . Mars aspects Aquarius 5th house and  Saturn the 5th Lord and is with Jupiter  and aspecting the 6th house by 8th aspect on Ketu is crucial for the delivery of the child , since it is not 8th house and 6th house  of Labour Pains .

5th Lord from Jupiter is with malefic Mars

Afflicted Jupiter by 6th Lord from Kshetra Sphuta is Saturn and aspects Jupiter.

In D7 KS is in Cancer sign is good 

Jupiter is with Mars and aspected by Saturn in odd sign in the Rashi Chart   , hence the Lady should worship

Gopal Santaan Mantra  and Take medicine for her Rectification for her Reproductive organ

Period of Problems in Pregnancy

1st Month Venus, 2nd Moth Mars, 3rd month Jupiter, 4th Month Sun(Problem indicated ) 5th month Moon 6th Month Saturn 7th Month Mercury (Problem indicated ) 12th lord and 8th from 5th house and with Rahu and Sun 8th Month Venus( weak ) 9th Month Sun  weak and Eclipse on the 28th Sept. 2015 hence to take care till 9th Month finishes . 10th month is Moon and aspected by Jupiter  is Good , hence to take utmost care of the lady in question.till the completion of the 9th month and near eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 .   

6th house of the chart has Ketu signifies Labour Pains and Prenatal diseases.

12th house  Signifies Hospitalization  and Loss of Children  being the 8th from the 5th house . has Mercury and Sun with Rahu

Kshetra Sphuta  is Virgo 18.10 degrees , it is even sign in Rashi chart and Navamsha is Gemini ,Now since the Navamsha is not fertile and in odd navamsha , there will be difficulty and medical treatment is required  to get the child after  delay and difficulty

Moon in odd signs and odd signs from Aries ans in odd houses and aspected by Jupiter male child

Sex of Child

Name of the Female is Soni = 1+6+5+9=21= 3 multiply by 3 = 9, Tithi today is Sp-10  Now we have to add the Tithi= 9+10= 19, now Dividing by 7  Remainder is % a male number , Hence a Male child .

Strong Jupiter in Leo and Leo navamsha and Venus and Sun in odd navamsha male child

Lagna and Navamsha both odd signs , hence male child., Lagna in odd sign Libra and Lagnesh also in odd Navamsha Aquarius , hence male child .

Lord of the Hora Is Jupiter in male sign and male navamsha Leo. , hence male child.

Moon in a Male sign aspected by Jupiter a male planet and Moon also aspects a male sign.

Arudha Lagna is aspected by Male Planets Jupiter and Mars  hence Male child

Detection of Pregnancy 

Lord of the 5th house is in odd navamsha  and in Kendra from Gulika in Rashi and Navamsha the Querist is question indicates that the female in question is Pregnant.. Moon and Rahu do not aspect the navamsha sign of the 5th Lord Saturn hence there is Pregnancy and no Problems

Time of Conception Last Menstruration cycle was on the 18th Jan 2015

Conception takes place in the DBA of Planets signifying 2,5,11

As per the Prashna chart the Conception took place after 18th Feb 2015, since then the DBA was Sun-Sun-Sat

The DBA planets at the time of Query are of Sun-Moon-Venus and planets signifying 1,4,10 rule out the possibility of Child Birth , Here Sun is 11th Lord and Moon is 10th Lord and Venus is Lagna and 8th Lord hence a weak combination till 7th Oct. 2015 and more so till 16th Oct.2015 and full care to be taken for the Female in question  After 16th Oct to 24th Oct. 2015 will be Sun-Mars-mars period and then  Sun-Mars-Rahu, Rahu placed in the 12th house with 12th Lord and Eclipsing the 11th lord and in 11th Lord nakshatra will give the results of the Sun and in 12th House the 8th from 5th house is not good, hence till 23rd Oct. 2015 the Child Birth is Good and Clear

 Sexual Union takes place when Jupiter is in the Rashi or Navamsha Occupied by 5th Lord Saturn , Now Saturn is in Scorpio in the Rashi chart and Leo Navamsha and 5th House is Aquarius, hence Jupiter has to be in either Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius .

For Conception Sun has to be in the Rashi Sign of the Navamsha Lord  or the Navamsha sign hence Sun has to be in Virgo or Cancer

Moon has to be in the Rashi Cancer of Lagna Lord Venus or in the Navamsha sign Aquarius at the time of  Sexual intercourse

The Time of Fruitful  Intercourse will be when  Moon aspected by Jupiter  occupies Upchaya sthan  from the Asc.  Hence as per the Parshna Moon has to be on  3rd, 5th 7th  or with Jupiter in Leo  and Favourable  Asterism are Moola   and Favourablly in the Sign Sagitarius.

 Time of Sexual Union  

Moon Transit

Longitudes of Asc 6s 27.02+ 8s 28.18 =  3s 25.20  12th Sign is Gemini or Trines from Gemini


Since the   Last Mensturation was 18th Jan 2015  . The Pregnancy took Place on the 4th Feb 2015 adding 15 days in the Date of last menstruration . = 4th  Feb 2015  Let us make the chart of 4th    Feb 2015 0041 hrs . The chart is below

Sex Date

Now Look  at the above chart Jupiter as per navamsha in the 5th house of the Prashna chart, Sun in Navamsha of the Navamsha Lagna Lord Mercury in Cancer

Moon In the sign of the Lagna Lord Venus in Cancer as per Prashna , hence all the Parameters are satisfying.

The Garb Prashna  Add Asd  6s27.02 + 5s 25.27 = 12s 22.29  Aries and Libra Navamsha is aspected by Jupiter and Saturn in Navamsha

Arudha Aquarius is aspected by Mars hence the women in question is Pregnant

If Moon or Rahu aspect the navamsha of the 5th Lord then there will be no Pregnancy. But is this sign is aspected by Mars then there will be abortion . Saturn Placement here also shows  no regular flow of Menstrual flow

At the time of the querist asking the Query he is touching his legs the women in question is Pregnant.

Lord of the 5th and Gulika cojoin the women is Pregnant.

Lagna at the time of Query is Libra and the Lord is Venus and is fallen in the Prashna chart is indicative of diseases the women is suffering relating to Secret organs  and the Dasha lord is also Of Venus till 7th Oct. 2015

There is association of the Lord of the 5th Saturn with Mars  causes hinderances  and Surgical intervention 

If The longitudes of Sun, Moon and Jupiter the Navamsha sign is  Pieces and is in the 8th from the Navamsha sign of the Gulika is not good for child birth

Timing of the Birth of the child

When Moon will transit  in the 7th house from Arudha Lagna  Hence It could be when Moon is in Leo  after 9 month Condition of Prenatal chart conditions .

Another method  Add the Numeric Num,ber of Yama = 3 + Tithi= 3+10 + Nak = 3+10+ 21+weekday=13+21+4= 38 Dividing by 7 Remainder is 3  Hence male child

When Jupiter transits the 5th, 7th, 9th or 11th from Yoga Sphuta Aries calculated for the Chart and Navamsha Libra  and Transitted Sign has benefics  there will be birth of an issue, in this case there will be 2 Benefics along with Moon at the time of Birth of the child in KP Paksha . Mars is also Transitting the sign  could give some hinderances at the time of Birth .

Longitudes of Asd= 6s 27.02+ the Moon 8s 28.18  = YamaKantaka  5s 25.27 + Gulika 7s 4.14 =4s 25.01. It is an Odd sign and Even Navamsha Scorpio The Sign is Leo and Jupitrer is Transitting in it . In Navamsha it is the Scorpio sign It is In Kendra from the Navamsha sign of Jupiter , Mercury, Rahu Ketu are not in Kendra  and Trikona is good

When Lagnesh, 5th and 7th  join or aspect each other. On the 30th Sept. Venus will ingress in the Leo sign and aspect the 5th house and in turn will be with 7th Lord and aspected by Saturn  hence Delivery after 30th Sept. 2015

In transit Mars and Venus will aspect the 5th house after 30th Sept 2015

When Transit Jupiter  enters the sign  or Navamsha  of 5th Lord  from Lagna  or Moon  hence  the Female in question will get Progney when Jupiter enters the Scorpio navamsha the sign of the 5th Lord Jupiter after 18th Oct 2015

Jupiter the Hora Lord of the Day aspects the cuspal degrees of the 5th house on the 5th Nov. 2015 at 23.20 degrees . Moon also aspects the cuspal degrees of the 5th house on the 5th Nov. 2015. And then Moon will also be in the 7th house from the Arudha Lagna

Mars will aspect these degrees on the 24th Oct. 2015, hence Delivery will take place between the 24th Oct and 3rd Nov. 2015

Happiness from the Child

5th Lord is Placed in the 2nd House is good.

Lagnesh and 5th Lord are in 5/9 positions since Saturn in the 2nd house and lagnesh in the 10th house , in Navamsha they are aspecting each other  is good

5th and 9th lord are in 3/11 axis is good for the Happiness from the child.

5th and 9th Lord from Jupiter are Jupiter and Mars respectively and Jupiter and Mars are enemies and not good and , hence some affliction due to Mars with Jupiter will be there and Mars is also in the 6th from Ketu is not good for the child

Health of the child

12th lord Mercury in Retrogression in own house with Rahu and Sun eclipsed

5th Lord is also afflicted by Mars in close degrees

Saturn in the 2nd House and Rahu in the 12th house

Saturn Return aspect by Mars and Jupiter afflicted by both

12th Lord Posited in the Aplimika houses with Rahu and in Retrogression  is not good for the Birth of the child. Mercury is with 2 maLEFICS Sun and Rahu

There is weakness in the health of the child .

9th Month will be most critical since is governed by Sun and is totally eclipsed by Rahu  and is in the inimical house in the 12th house the 8th from the 5th house hence most critical month.28th Sept. 2015 there will be Lunar Eclipse critical for the child health.

Mars is in ithasla with Saturn the 5th lord and an imimical one  hence difficulties in child birth .  Since Jupiter is in Leo and aspects the 11th house and connected to 5th Lord will give Protection to some extent.  KS is afflicted Badly Virgo 18.10 degrees

Predictions for the sake of Analysis and Teaching below

Asc. At the time of Birth  The  number of Planets between the Lagna and Moon are only one hence Asd at the time of Birth will be Aries

The Number of Attendents at the time of child birth  will be 2 since there are 2 Planets in the Dark Half  in the Labour Room, There are 5 planets in the visible half of the Prashna chart hence there will be 5 attendents or well wishers  at the time of Delivery of the child

The Only Parameter  good is Moon is aspected by Jupiter

Role of Mars in the Chart is most Crucial aspecting 5th house, Lord Saturn and with Jupiter the Karka for children AND 8TH ASPECT on the Ketu in the 6th house of Labour Pains  is indicative of Surgical invervention in the delivery of the child. . There may not be a birth of a healthy   child.

Parents Health

There is no affliction to the Moon , but affliction to Sun , hence Father health may be disturbed during the delivery of the child

Mode of Delivery  of the child

Intervention of Surgical methods are adopted when mars  involvement is there  with 5th house, lord and Jupiter , in the chart it is crystal clear that the Delivery will be a C-Section one

In D7 also 5th house from Jupiter is also aspected by Mars

Danger increases when Mars, 5th Lord , Jupiter  are subjected to malefic association , Mars and Saturn involvement with 5th house, lord and Jupiter

The Pregnancy is as many months old as the number of Navamsha , the Navamsha is in the 9th Navamsha and 8 navamsha have been completed , Now according to the Normal cycle the Delivery take s place in 9 months and 9 days  and = 279 days = 9 navamsha   and the Number of Navamsha Passed are 8  and 22 minutes  which is  0.11 hence at the time of Query the Navamsh completed are 8.11 and need to be completed

Now 9 navamsha = 279 days and therefore 8.11 navamsha = 279/9x 8.11= 251.41 days are over  and therefor remaining days left are 279-251.41 = 27.59 days  now Adding in the 23rd Sept 2015 , Hence  22nd  Oct 2015 00.19/6 minutes the Child birth will take Place

Prashna Lagna is a Durinal sign and hence Child birth will take place during the day , and Lagna lord Venus is strong during the day.

The Hora at the time of Query was Jupiter and is strong during the day , hence day birth will take place .

In a Nut Shell there may not be a normal delivery and a C-Section Delivery . The Date 28th Sept. 2015 of the Lunar Eclipse is most critical . taking a positive stance  delivery will be on on the 23rd – 24th Oct. 2015 if all is well after 28th sept. 2015 . The health of the child may be a Concern and Delay may be there in child birth since some treatment may be required for the womb in the 9th Month since there are 2 Eclipses in Sept. 2015 13th and 28th Sept. 2015 , Sun is totally Eclipsed in the Prashna chart and in the 12th house  and 9th month is Governed by planet Sun is a critical factor.The Birth of a male child will take Placewith a C Section delivery during Day time between Sunrise and Sun set.  with Moon in the Aquarius sign aspecting  the Leo sign. with 5 attendents and well wishers at the time of delivery. The Doctor is also a Female of Age around 40 years .and may be having her name Starting with Letters Jh . God bless.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  25th Sept. 2015 10.00 am 

Adding  Some Text on the 29th Sept. 2015 18-00 hrs 

Adding Some actual happenings with the Child birth . The Female in Question got the Sonography done on the 28th Sept. 2015 between Sun rise and Sun Set and The Results are Sad  The Women had to be operated to remove the still born Male Child. As mentioned by me the womb had a problem and the 9th month is Governed by Sun and in the Present context the 9th month was Running and Sun eclipsed with Rahu on the Eclipse day . In the query chart al;so Sun and Rahu were at the same degrees . Astrology is amazing, but I feel sad for the couple for losing the chils at this juncture . God bless .

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