Planetary Positions Parallel 6th Dec.1992 Babri Masjid I Fear Political Turmoil, Communal Riots Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1451 Articles and Predictions in just 68 months from April 2015.

Planetary Positions Parallel 6th Dec.1992 Babri Masjid I Fear Political Turmoil, Communal Riots Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

My observation is that when ever there is affliction to  Taurus-Scorpio axis by Malefics  and Venus the Lagna Lord of the Foundation  chart is under affliction there are Communal riots,  Wars, Recession and Political turmoil. Varahamihra has given the sign of Capricorn for India and when ever there are Malefics in this axis is also a concern for the above. Have a Look at the following events right from the day India got independence . In the present context of the Farmers crisis 4th house 4th Lord of the Foundation chart Sun and 4th house and 4th Lord Venus  of the Pisces New Moon chart acquire an important dimension. Ever since Venus and Sun have been in affliction the Farmer Crisis has taken place after the 26th Nov.2020 immediately after the Ingress of Jupiter in the Capricorn sign where Saturn is posited . As mentioned by me these 127 days of the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction will bring many Public Protests through out the world. Since this conjunction is taking place in the 9th house of the India foundation chart Religious fundamentalism cannot be ruled out. It is crystal clear of many Agitations in India and other South American Countries since the Solar Eclipse is also Taking Place on the 14th Dec. 2020 which is visible in the South America, Chile, Peru, Pacific Ocean, Argentina.

Have a Look at the chart of the 26th Nov. 2020 using the Planets as per the foundation chart of India with Taurus Lagna

Now Look at the events when above Parameters have been in affliction in the past right from the day of Independence 

  1. 15th August 1947  Venus combusted and close degrees with Saturn in the Foundation chart of India . Needless to mention we had bloodshed  . The Taurus-Scorpio axis was afflicted by Rahu and Ketu
  2. At the time of the 20th Oct 1962  when we had war with China  Venus was in Libra and having aspects by both Mars and Saturn and Rahu and Ketu were in the Cancer -Capricorn axis and Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer sign
  3. At the time of the Assassination of Indira Gandhi on the 31st Oct. 1984 Venus was with Ketu in Scorpio and Rahu in the Taurus
  4. On the 6th Dec. 1992 Rahu was in Scorpio with Mercury and Sun and Ketu in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn with Venus opposed by Debilitated Mars . India was plunged in worst  ever  communal inferno as the supporters  of BJP-VHP combine brought the Babri Masjid down on the 6th Dec. 1992 There was Country wide rioting  as Hindu and Muslims clashed  with each others throat bringing back the nightmare of Partition times  with in days the rioting left over 1200 dead and over 5000 wounded  Mumbai City took the major burnt. On the 6th Jan 1993 some Muslim militants went on stabbing spree. The Hindus with Shiv Sena in lead retaliated with burning and looting on wide scale. Over 600 died . Muslim in large number left Mumbai. The Riots spilled over the neighbouring countries Pakistan and Bangladesh where Hindu Temples were Burnt and Indian Diplomats attacked
  5. Just reminded of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre on the 13th April 1919. Ketu was In Taurus in the Rohini star and Rahu in Scorpio and Venus the Lagna Lord of the Foundation chart was afflicted in Taurus. Mars was in Aries and Saturn Fallen in the sign Cancer having aspects of Mars and Saturn gave a return aspect to Mars . The 3 Factors were afflicted . Taurus-Scorpio axis, Cancer Capricorn Axis and Venus the Lagna Lord of the Foundation chart

Have a Look at the chart of the 6th Dec. 1992 and compare it with the Planetary positions with 6th Dec. 2020 specially till the 10th Dec. 2020 when Venus will be in Libra and aspects by both Mars and Saturn and then after the 10th Dec. 2020 getting afflicted by Ketu in the sign Scorpio. Sun has been in affliction with Ketu from the 16th Nov. 2020. Hence the Agitation can take ugly dimension till Sun and Venus will be in affliction first till 17th Dec. 2020 and if not sorted out then till 3rd Jan 2021

The Planetary positions on the 6th Dec. 2020 are some what similar to the the Babri Masjid Down on the 6th Dec.1992 28 years back

The Following Parameters are crucial specially for the ongoing Farmer Crisis

  1. Taurus-Scorpio axis afflicted in both cases by Rahu and Ketu
  2. Sun and Mercury afflicted in Scorpio in both cases and in Rahu-Ketu axis
  3. Saturn in Capricorn in both cases
  4. Venus affliction by both Mars and Saturn in both cases
  5. Mars aspects Venus degree-wise at 3 degrees  on the 6th Dec. 1992. In the Present Case Mars aspects Venus degree-wise by 8th strong aspect at 24 -25 degrees
  6. Mars Fallen in the Present case most Venomous when it also has aspect of Saturn from the sign Capricorn
  7. Sun and Venus affliction are important Parameters for the Farmers agitation  till 17th Dec. 21st Dec. and then till 3rd Jan 2021 if not sorted out till the 17th Dec. 2020

For general out look the future is also not very secure as can be seen from the Planetary positions

Mars would reach the Cancer sign and on the 1st July 2021 there will be degree-wise opposition between Mars and Saturn in the Cancer-Capricorn axis . Venus will also be in affliction then  with Mars and afflicted badly, hence this date is also most crucial 

Other Time frames when the Planetary positions will not be conducive for the Country are the Charts of the Following dates

  1. 14th Dec. 2020 Solar Eclipse
  2. Till Sun in Scorpio till 17th Dec. 2020
  3. Till Venus in affliction till 3rd Jan 2021
  4. 21st Dec. 2020 Saturn and Jupiter Planetary war at 6 degrees in Capricorn and Rahu- Ketu in the Taurus-Scorpio axis
  5. 19th-21st Feb 2021 when Mars will activate the Eclipse, point of the 29 degrees of Scorpio from  Aries sign
  6. Mars activating the 6 Degree Planetary war between Saturn and Jupiter on the 24th April 2021
  7. New Moon chart of the 12th Feb 2021 Most Crucial .Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus  and asper the Mundane Classic Myur Chitram it is Blood shed

India is running the Dasha of Moon-Saturn till July 2020 most precarious in this context  since forming a vish yoga.

Also Read My Article “Chaitra Shukla Pratipada New Moon Pieces Chart Speaks Loudly ! My Predictions On Farmer Agitation Proves Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

There is every possibility of the Agitation  by the Farmers taking an ugly turn I fear this due the parameters mentioned above specially till 17th Dec. 2020 and then till 3rd Jan 2021 if things are not sorted out . Venus is getting afflicted in Libra till the 10th Dec. 2020 and then with Ketu in the 7th house of the Foundation chart in the sign Scorpio till the 3rd Jan 2021. This time frame will be most difficult one . I have already mentioned in my Articles that a tuff time for Narendra Modi from the Sept. 2020 year as per the Vedic Progression chart for 2 years  and the Predictions are proving spot on.  With the Temp. going low in Dec. 2020 after Venus enters the Watery sign and getting afflicted the Cold wave may start more so Saturn is with Ketu in navamsha in the Aquarius sign which indicates cold breeze soon.  The Farmers will be put to risk  by the Temp going low and Virus spread which may hamper their movement . The Govt. should immediately take some corrective steps  so that the Farmers end their agitation else as I have mentioned it could turn ugly specially between the 14th to 21st Dec. 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn are involved in a Planetary war at 6 degrees  the most crucial parameter

The Planetary positions are frustrating I feel so specially till Mars in the sign Pisces  for Cold weather  till 24th Dec. 2020 and then the cluster of the 6  Planets in the sign Capricorn in the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2020 for Extreme cold weather and untoward happenings which could take place as explained above

Now Read the media news

Opposition backs farmers’ call for ‘Bharat Bandh’ on Dec 8, protests held in US, UK | 10 points

The ongoing farmers’ agitation entered Day-11 on Sunday with protestors refusing to budge from their position. Ahead of the call for ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 8, Opposition parties from across the country extended support to farmers demanding the complete withdrawal of the central government’s three new farm laws.

Opposition backs farmers’ call for ‘Bharat Bandh’ on Dec 8, protests held in US, UK | 10 points (

Astrology is Amazing  



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    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

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BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
6th Dec. 2020 19.00 hrs  NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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