Paksha Kundali of the 28th Jan. and the Union Budget of 2017: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Union Budget is right on the corner , so I though of writing an article for what could emerge form the Paksha Kundali for the Union Budget

The Paksha Kundali of the 28th Jan. 2017 0f 05-37 hrs is Below

Panchang of the Day

Since the Time of the Paksha Kundali is before Sun rise the Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter in the Yama of Pieces  and the Lord  Jupiter in Maha Yoga of the Exchange of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord  the highest Rajyoga . Yama Lord has Mutual aspect of Mars and Venus. Exhalted Planet is in the Yama Sign is a strong  in the 4th House along with Mars  aspected by Jupiter the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord .

Hence the Subject matter of the Fortnight and the Union Budget will Primarily be Legislations for the High Value Properties which are benami since Venus has gone in the Sign Cancer which is the 8th house of the Paksha Kundali , also Luminaries are in the 2nd House which is a Dagdha Rashi . Mars is Karka for Built -Up Property  and Saturn in Gandantha in the Lagna  aspecting the Yama Lord Jupiter in the 10th house indicates The Landed Property

The Tithi is SP-1  is indicative of wealth of the Public  under scurtiny

Nakshatra Shravana   Lord is Moon and the Lord of the 8thhouse and the Under Hand dealings and the Black Money , since Placed in the 2nd ghouse Taxation on the same

Yoga Siddh

Karna Kinstughana  a Malefic Karna and the Lord is Sun and the 10th Lord both are connected to the 2nd House and hence the Focus will be on the reserves of the Country and Taxation

The Focus will therefore be on the Benami Properties and the Taxation and Legislation for the Same . Since the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord have an Exchange there will be a Deptt will be formed to Curb all the activities Pertaiing to the Benami Properties

Lagna is signified by the Lagna and the 10th house the Govt. and the Luninaries where they are placed the Focus will be on that house , Hence the Nation may get some relief and some respite in the Present Scenerio. Mercury is Digbali in the Lagna and showers Money in the Lagna  hence the Nation will get lot ogf Money from the Benami Properties  and for the Down Trodden since Saturn in Gandantha is Placed with Mercury , Those People who are Physically handicapped  may get some relief

Till 15th feb. 2017 the 7th Lord in the Lagna and stronger than the Lagna Lord the Govt will have fear of Losing in the Elections in the Elections held in the Fortnight ,

The HighLights of the Budget which could be the Focus of the Govt.

  1. Shot in the arm of the Real Estate Sector . High Value Transactions may attract more Taxes
  2. Auction Benami Properties to Build Properties for the Poor and the Down Trodden
  3. Curbing the Black Money
  4. Mercury in the Lagna digbali , Digital Transactions
  5. Special Attention to the Senior Citizens , since Saturn is Placed in the Lagna and is the 2nd and the 3rd Lord  Hence Interest Rates special for them
  6.  E Payments and Job Creation
  7. Proposals to Push Card Payments
  8. Rationalizing the Corporate Taxes
  9. Income Tax Relief may not be there as expected by the General Public
  10. Conveyance allowance and Medical Benefits for the Salaried Class

The Karna Lord is not Benefic and is Placed in the Lagna hence the Fructifications of the Schemes may not take place as Expected  by the Govt. and some Dissatisfaction in the Public.

Feb. 2017 has the Maximum Period when Rahu will be adverse from the 2nd to 5th and then 11th to 25th Feb. 2017 , Untoward Happenings, Stock Market Surprises and Kings Meeting ugly Fortunes cannot be ruled out aspert from the above Benefic Results awaited By the People

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

20th Jan. 2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook

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