On Dot Predictions Using Prashna Jyotish and Other Techniques Without Birth Chart

by astrodocanil

For the Astrology Lovers and the Students of Astrology , Let me write in this Article the Various Techniques which Can be Employed to get on Dot Predictions even without the Birth chart . I have been using these Techniques and Found amazing Results . I am Taking a Query of a Person Asking for Relationship with a Girl on the Thursday in Krishna Paksha. I am using the 7-8 methods employed to reach the Results

  1. Kala Chaka  Wheel Of Time Chart   Example  The Kala Chakra Chart is Below  In the Prashna Chart Moon and Mercury were in the 8th house, I told the Querist that since this is North East Direction and is Blessings of God in the Kala Chakra , you will not be able to achieve your Goal, since the Blessings of God are Missing in the Chart  See the Chart Below  Moon and Mercury in the North East Direction.
  2.                  2. Prashna Triangle  My Research as per the time of the Query the planet which acquires the Most important Dimension to be seen as Per Numberology in the Prashna chart . The Number was 3 and Hence Jupiter the Planet and had Exchange in the Prashna chart with Mercury placed in the 8th House , Hence Negative results since Forming the Most malefic Dainya Yoga
  3. Pancha Pakshi    A Vital Tool in Predicting the Outcome of the Query , A Query was Raised on Thursday and in Krishna Paksha at 12.54 hrs. For Relationship and See the Details as per the chart Below ,The Bird as per Prashna is in Death State, hence Negative results for the Query .
  4. Direction Faced By the Querist . The Native was Facing North East Direction at the time of the Query and In the Kala Chakra the Planets in this direction are Moon and Mercury and Placed in the 8th house of the Prashna chart hence Negative results for Fructifications , Also In the Query Chart the Direction is Pieces and the Lagna and the Lord is in Dagdha Rashi , who is also the Lagna Lord , hence Negative results .
  5. Color of Clothes . The Color of the Clothes were Maroon Top Rahu and Blue Lower  For Saturn  Rahu in the Kala Chakra In Sufferings from Foreign   and Saturn Placed in the North but in Gandantha and the 7th house of the chart of Relationships and about to go in the 8th house , hence negative results for Relationships
  6. Activity at the Time of the Query. The  Querist was involved in the Activity relating to Mercury and was sitting , hence no Movement and Mercury as explained placed in a Negaive 8th house of the Chart and in the North East Direction and the Results negative
  7. DBA Planets  Ven-Sat-Ven For Good Relationships Venus should not be afflicted  and Good DBA of 2,7,11 houses should prevail, Venus is the Lagna Lord and the 6thLord and also Karka for Relationships and afflicted by Ketu and dispositor Saturn in Gandantha in the 7th house and going in the 8th house , Hence Negative results for Fructifications
  8. Prashna Chart  Day Lord Jupiter Placed in the 5th house and Havinfg Exchange with 5th Lord Placed in the 8th house forming a Dainya Yoga and Humiliations of 8 types , hence no Frucitfications . As Explained above the Panchang Parameters and the Yama Lord placed in the 8th house with Moon indicative of Negative results for Fructifications .
  9. All the Negative results by all methods turned out on the Dot and even the Timing of the events as Per the Prashna Chart Breakup in Relationships as per Timing of Saturn, Venus  and Mars Planetary Positions  
  10. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 201226th Jan. 2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi  Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook    https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/

    Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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