Paksha Kundali of 10th Jan 2016 and the Fear of Terrorism Looming over India and Globe

by astrodocanil

The Crash of the Russian Plane KGL-9268 “224 Killed after Russian Metrojet Flight KGL-9268 Crashes in Sinai” link

Paris Terrorism “Friday night’s deadly attacks in Paris by gunmen and suicide bombers hit a concert hall, a major stadium, restaurants and bars, almost simultaneously – leaving at least 129 people dead and hundreds wounded.”

 Mali Terrorism “Mali attack: more than 20 dead after terrorist raid on Bamako hotel” link

Tunasia  Explosion“Deadly explosion hits presidential guard bus in Tunis ” link

 Russian Fighter Plane “Russian plane crash: everything we know on Monday morning about the airliner Isil says it brought down on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula”

All the above Terrorism acts between 30th Oct. to 27th Nov. 2015 by ISIS is definitely posing  a serious Threat to the globe  for the future . As per  the News Channels , there is a serious Threat by the Terrorist Group of Pakistan. The ISIS may not be a serious threat at present in India. However, it certainly has the potential to destabilise the social fabric and rule of law in the country by its allies around the world and Pakistan.

In wake of the TV channels showing the 3 Terrorist Groups in Pakistan  planning Terrorism in India, I am trying to analyse the Planetary positions for Terrorism in  India and the Globe . I have already pointed out the Countries in my earlier Article “ ”

Let us analyse the Sensitive Periods in the coming Fortnight in Jan 2016 when Jupiter is Stationary and becoming Retrograde on the 8th Jan 2015 and Rahu ingressing over Jupiter in Leo on the 9th Jan 2016 forming a Guru Chandal Yoga in very close degrees .

Chart 8th Jan 2016 09-40 hrs New Delhi 

Jupiter Stationary

As per Principles of a Benefic  planet becoming Stationary , It focuses the Area for Positivity for 3 days before and 3 days after Retrogression, hence from 5th Jan to 11th Jan 2016 Jupiter will be stationary and has the capability to give positive results specially if placed in the kendra and Trikona and lord of good houses  , but unfortunately , it is at the Mouth of Rahu and Rahu Ingressing on Jupiter  as per the below chart of 9th Jan 2016 10-25 hrs. forming a Guru Chandal Yoga aspected by Saturn 10th aspect. Makes the Yoga Prone to maleficiance.

Let us see the chart of 9th Jan 2016 10-25 hrs.

Rahu in Leo

The above chart as explained above has a Guru Chandal yoga when Rahu ingresses in Leo on the 9th Jan 2016

What is Guru Chandal yoga?

Yoga formed, when Jupiter is in conjunction with  Rahu or Ketu. The qualities of Jupiter and Rahu get mixed together and create an impact in the life of the individual or the Country . It makes the individual depraved and inclined to immoral and unethical behavior. The good or bad results will depend on whether Jupiter is a benefic / malefic in the Rashi chart. It will give results based on which house the yoga occurs. Planets associated with or aspected this combination also modify the results.

The native is prone to act immorally and perform many misdeeds. However the results are not as frightening as they are made out to be. Different results are obtained for the combination in different houses however if benefic planets are present with this combination or this combination is aspected by benefic planets the results are auspicious as the inauspiciousness decreases on the otherhand if aspected by Malefics then the Maleficiance increases and since stationary the potential of the Yoga increases 3 times  and full of negativity

As per the chart Above Jupiter is totally eclipsed , since almost at same degrees of Rahu  and on the mouth of Rahu aspected by Saturn. In navamsha Jupiter and Venus totally Afflicted by Mars, Rahu, and Saturn  in Sagitarius  is most malefic Transit of Rahu in Leo. At the time of Rahu Transit in Leo Sun and Jupiter have exchange , which is supposed to be good , but Jupiter is totally afflicted makes the yoga weak for Exchange .In the chart below specially the yoga taking place in the 9th house in the Paksha Kundali.

This combination is worst if it occurs in the 9th house . The native is averse at the very thought of religion and principles. The native would derive satisfaction from breaking all norms and religious beliefs. Such natives spread wrong beliefs and principles about religion. The means and methods adopted to achieve success is questionable. Hence ISIS effect on the Religion will be there with magnitude to take the youths of the country to join ISIS in Syria.The effects will be visible with greater strength in India in this  fortnight

Let us see the Paksha Kundali of the 10th Jan. 2016 of  07-00 hrs.

Paksha Kundali of 10th Jan 2016

Lagna is Sagitarius a Codand rashi of ups and downs , it is the 8th house of the India Foundation chart and the 6th house of the Hindu New Moon Pieces chart of Cancer, it is the 9th house of the Solar ingress in Sagitarius. . Trik Bhavas rising in the Paksha Kundali is indicative of malefic happenings.  Lunation in the Lagna and the Dispositor and lumanaries in the sign of Jupiter who is Stationary and totally eclipsed with Rahu is the Most critical factor and Parameter in this Paksha Kundali, the significations of the 9th house will be more Prominent in this Fortnight for Religion, Casteism, Judicairy,Supreme Court, Embassies, Long Travel, Immigration, Airline  Hostess, Pilots. Lumanaries are weak due to the Dispositor in the 9th house with Rahu who has just eclipsed Jupiter . When Jupiter is afflicted , people will become prone to Flattery,exaggeration and over spending , since it is in the 9th house , affliction will be due to the above mentioned factors.

Jupiter is the 8th Lord as mentioned in the Foundation chart of the country ,being afflicted by both Saturn and Rahu and in Stationary motion at the mouth of Rahu is most malefic for untoward happenings. My Research of the 8th House parameters are geting afflicted in the Paksha Kundli as follows.

  1. Lumanaries in the 8th house  of Foundation chart.
  2. Jupiter 8th Lord in the Rashi chart of Foundation is in Libra , Mars is over 8th Lord Jupiter in Libra.
  3. Navamsha sign of 8th Lord Jupiter is Taurus and the Lord is Venus . In the Paksha Kundali it is in Planetary war and afflicted badly in Navamsha also
  4. In Navamsha Jupiter and Venus both are afflicted badlyby Mars, Saturn and Rahu, the combination of Mars, Saturn and Rahu is most volatile ,disasterous and venomous.
  5. Transit Mars over natal Mars in the same Navamsha , in Rashi chart Mars aspects the 8th house  is a malefic combination for mass happenings.
  6. Venus the 8th Lord of Navamsha is in Capricorn in Navamsha of the foundation chart.
  7. Venus afflicted  is also bad since Venus is also the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord of the Foundation chart.

Rahu, Ketu both disturb the peace of the Country. When Rahu-Ketu are afflicted , there could be war like situations , destruction through epidemics, Plagues, Earthquakes etc. In the Foundation chart of India Rahu -Ketu are in the 1/7 axis and are responsible for all untoward happenings, communal tensions, anarchy and disruption  of natural functions of the Govt., Crime, Murder, Rapes , Dacoity, Robbery become the order of the Day. . Religion will be the main issue  sprouting . People will be cheated maximum by ISIS using Religion  to achieve their motives  for Terrorism. The tendencies will also be unorthodox towards religion.

Mars will Transit in Scorpio and join Saturn and aspect Ketu will be the worst Period for 211 days  for the Significations of Afflicted Rahu and Ketu specially around the Eclipses in March 2016  and Mars activating the Eclipse Point again and again due to it becoming Retrograde and falling back in Libra.

Let us see the Parameters pertaining to Terrorism, Blasts and War in this fortnight.

  1. Lagna Represents the Country, Lagna is in the nakshatra of venus who is in Planetyary war and has lost the war in the 12th house.
  2. 3rd house deals with general strength being the 8th from 8th house  has Ketu and 3rd Lord is placed in the 12th house .
  3. 4th house deals with the infrastructure  of the country  and the Lord is Jupiter and eclipsed and in Stationary position .
  4. 6th house deals with all forces and acts against the well being of the nation. 6th Lord is placed in the 12th house and afflicted by 3rd Lord Saturn. 6th house is aspected by both Mars and Saturn is the most critical factor in the Paksha Kundali
  5. 8th house is the mass happenings and untoward happenings , it has a direct impact on the strength  of the nation. 8th Lord is Moon and Placed in Lagna  and I have already explained that the dispositor of the Lumanaries is weak.
  6.  Saturn aspects jupiter and Rahu and in navamsha they are conjunct in Sagitarius.
  7. Malefic Influence on Rahu.
  8. Sun has Exchange with Jupiter and Jupiter is badly afflicted . Dispositor of Sun is afflicted
  9. Jupiter and Venus the Benefics are weak in the Paksha Kundali and bad for the complete globe. The malefic Guru Chandal yoga makes Jupiter deprived of Beneficiance and strong negative since stationary and aspected by Saturn  .
  10. Navamsha is Libra whose Lord is lost in Planetary war.
  11. As per Rashi Tula Navamsha Rahu, Mars, Saturn , Venus and Jupiter are in Lagna and Ketu in the 7th house . Moon 8th Lord gone in the 12th house debilitated .
  12. 10th Lord and 7th Lord is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn
  13. 2nd half of the fortnight could be troublesome  more than the 1st half.
  14. ShareMarket could become Bearish after Jupiter in Retrogression along with Mercury, Dates from 5th to 11th will be key dates for Fluctuations in Stock market . Mercury influenced by both mars and Saturn is another Parameter which could influence the Stock market
  15. Gold could  be volatile Bearish and Bullish. Jupiter becoming Retrograde and Rahu aspect on Aries
  16. In a nut Shell the Fortnight is not a good one and the Countries Prone to Terrorism should be alert and specially India, US, Paris, Brussels .
  17. ISIS will be more aggressive in this Fortnight with it allies in the other Parts of the world .
  18. Al-Qeada could be instrumental to create caos in INDIA  specially through Jammu and Kashmir .
  19. Religion associated problems  could also sprout between Hindu and Muslims in totality and specially in Kashmir.
  20. Dates which are sensitive are 20th Jan 2016. Venus and Mercury in Paap kartatri yoga in Sagitarius, Lumanaries aspected by both Mars and Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter in almost degrees conjunction, although they are at exact conjunction on the 23rd Jan. 2016. I have already mentioned that from 5th Jan. to 11th Jan. 2016 Jupiter will be in Stationary position and at the mouth of Rahu and aspected by Saturn. 9th Jan. 2016 will be most crucial for the world since Rahu is changing the Sign and ingressing in a Fiery sign.Mars activation of Eclipse point is till Rahu in Virgo. 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala        27th Nov. 2015 18-15 hrs 

Disclaimer : The writer is not responsible for the outcome of the above predictions since astrological analysis and if any body takes some action on the above then he will be doing it at his own risk . The writer is free from any such situations  since not responsible .





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