Lunation Chart of 26th Nov. 2015: Mars Playing its Game

by astrodocanil

In wake of the ISIS on the move to create a Threat to the Globe with its brutal Terrorism , it is impertinent to see every Lunation for the outcome of the same. We have already seen the lunation chart of 11th Nov. 2015 which was Enigmatic as pointed out and ever since the start of the Lunation there was a massive attack by the ISIS in Paris.Let us see what we have in store for the next fortnight .

The chart of 26th Nov. 2015  04-14 hrs is below

Paksha Kundali of the 26th nov. 2015

The Lagna is Libra an Airy sign at 4.36 degrees in the Nakshatra of Mars and in the 2nd Navamsha of Scorpio whose lord is again Mars placed in the 12th house as 2nd and 7th Lord . The Lagna Lord is Venus Placed in Debilitation in the 12th house  with Mars and also in the nakshatra of Mars. Both Mars and venus are placed in the 12th house with  Rahu. Mars has exchange with its dispositor who is Mercury and placed in 2nd house as the 9th and the 12th lord in Paap kartari yoga , Combusted and also in Planetary war , but in Navamsha Mercury is not with Sun or Saturn , hence the effect of the Planetary war and Combustion is not much.. The Lagna is also in a Bhandan yoga , since there are equal number of planets on the either side . The Benefics are weak and Malefics are strong . In Navamsha Venus is again with Ketu in a Fiery sign aspected by Mars from the sign Taurus . Lagna Lord Venus is totally afflicted along with Libra the mool trikona sign , hence the Country suffers on account of Venus significations

Airy signs are 3,7 and 11  and the navamsha the Airy signs are more afflicted , hence there could be Air Disasters , Hijacking of Airplanes . Crime against Women,Vehicular Accidents  etc. Vehicles and Airplanes crashing due to Shortcircuits.

Lunation is taking place in the 8th house of the Paksha Kundali which is again of Venus and an Earthy sign aspected by Saturn, Sun and Mercury. Aspect of Benefics on the Lunation sign is good and aspect of Malefics is bad . The dispositor of Moon is  Venus  placed in the 12th house and is extremely weak.. As per Rashi Tula Navamsha Mars has come in the house of Lunation and Saturn in the Lagna, Hence the Fortnight is not a good one specially when there is fear looming in the world for the Terrorist attacks from the ISIS and its allies in the different countries of the World.

As far as india is concerned Mars activation on the Eclipse point till 24th Dec. 2015 will be crucial , the Eclipse has taken place in the totally watery sign there will be caos in Tamil Nadu and South since Tamil Nadu is Governed by Pieces sign and was Eclipses in 28th Sept. 2015 Lunar Eclipse. I have already mentioned in all my articles on Eclipse and Mars activation on Eclipse point and Mars in Virgo on my webpage.Terrorism cannot be ruled out in india by the ISI  and they could be instrumental in Entering through Tamil Nadu or through Rivers from the Western part of the country , Mumbai, etc.

Earthy signs are also afflicted in the Rashi and the Navamsha , hence Earthquakes cannot be ruled out , when both mercury and moon are weak and connected to each other in the 2/8 axis of the Paksha Kundali. 8th house is the house of mass happenings and Mars in the same Navamsha of Lunation shows  Terrorism, Blood shed and untoward happenings

Mars placed in the 12th house having exchange with 9th and 12th Lord and having ownership of 7th house shows Espoinage by Foreign elements from the Terrorist Camps . There is also complete ithasal between Mars and Mercury as per Tajik Principles , Sun and Moon also are in the Ithasla Yoga is a Malefic one . The Globe can witness Terrorism again in this fortnight  and in the Countries Prone  and also in other Countries who are also target of the ISIS.

Moon placed in the 8th house is connected to the 12th Lord Mercury,and Dispositor of both are placed in the 12th house .Both Lumanaries connected to Saturn . Lagna Lord connected to Rahu and Mars and Lagna in bhandan yoga is not good for the Fortnight .

For Terrorism 3rd , 4th, 6th and 8th have to be afflicted . Mars and Rahu combination in the 12th , Moon aspected by Saturn  in the 8th house . Sun with Saturn all are indicative of Terrorism, Bloodshed and Blasts sprouting 

On the 30th Nov. 2015  Venus will ingress in the sign of Libra and Sun and Saturn will be degree conjunct  , then Venus will be in Paapkartariyoga, could sprout the significations as explained above.

A Period from 29th Nov. 2015 onwards will be critical  and more so between 29th Nov. to 6th Dec. 2015 for the Globe and India as well. Earthquakes, Terrorism, Air crash and Hijacking can take place .During this Period Sun, Saturn will be in Scorpio  degree conjunct and in Libra Navamsha and the both Vargottam in Scorpio and aspected by Mars in Navamsha , when Mars is in Taurus Navamsha there could be Earthquakes and when it changes navamsha to Gemini then Air Disasters . When is is in Taurus Navamsha Terrorism as well but when it goes in 7th Navamsha in Transit and joins Ketu will be Terrorism with magnitude on the 10th Dec. 2015 after 21-00 hrs. On this day and TimeRahu and  Ketu will change Navamsha will be most Venomous and Disasterous for untoward happenings and Terrorism for the Globe. Earthquakes as far as india is concerned in the Hindu Kush Area  or the Himalaya Terrian 

Stock Market  and Gold Prices 

The Stock market will be Bearish and Bullish. A Volatile Trend.

Gold Prices . In this Fortnight the market may be Stagnant only and move aroud the 1080 $ mark, but will surge after sun in Sagitarius after 15th Dec. 2015.

Featured Image in the article  shows  ISIS terrorists stopped the group of refugees just yards from the border in full view of Turkish troops who were powerless to intervene

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Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 23rd Nov. 2015 13-30 hrs 

Disclaimer: This is an Astrological analysis only and not my personal opinion and the writer of the Article does not hold himself responsible for the effects on the contents , if some one is  influenced by the same , he will be fully responsible for the.same himself . The writer is not a party to the same .


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