Oath Chart Of Atishi Singh And Bleak Future Of Arvind Kejriwal, AAP Party

by astrodocanil

“Oath Chart Of Atishi Singh And Bleak Future Of Arvind Kejriwal , AAP Party

Lt Governor V.K. Saxena is slated to administer the oath to Atishi  Singh and her Council of Ministers at the Raj Niwas today the 21st Sept. 2024 at 4.30 p.m. I am writing this Article at 14.30 hrs 21st Sept. 2024 2 hours in advance.

As per the time frame  of 16:30 hrs the Lagna Rising is Capricorn 28.44 degrees and at 16:34   hrs the Lagna rising will be Aquarius and Libra navamsha  till 16:44 hrs.  Hence I will take Aquarius Lagna and Libra navamsha , since I hope the Oath would have taken place between this time.

The chart is below.

The 5 Limbs of the Day

The Day is Saturday and not good for Oath Ceremony. The Day Lord is also the Lagna Lord is debilitated  in navamsha with Ketu in the 7th house. As per the Yama chart the Day Lord is placed in the sign of Virgo the 8th house of the Oath ceremony and the Yama Lord Mercury aspects the Lagna Lord, there is exchange between the 7th and the 8th Lord Sun and Mercury. These parameters are of grate concern and do not indicate good results for the CM taking Oath at this time. As per the B V Raman Method Of Astrology  the Oath chart falls like a pack of Cards. Another Parameter of Concern is the Transit Moon is in Aries and the Yama Moon in Scorpio and Debilitated and both are in 6/8 axis is another vital parameter for the extremely bad Muhurta and the Score of the Muhurta is zero.

The Tithi at the time of Oath is  KP-4  Extremely bad since Rikta Tithi

The Star is Bharini  Aggressive and Cruel and termed as Ugra-Kroora

Karna is Moon  and not connected to the 10th house or the 10th Lord hence Karya siddhi is difficult. The CM may not be able to perform and the results will also not be good.

In the Navamsha  Libra sign is rising and Moon and Rahu are together and Rahu on the 21st Sept. 2024 is in Forward motion is extremely bad , in the Rashi chart Rahu is placed in the 2nd house is not good for Wealth and the Speech. The CM may become Controversial due to her speech and the Commitments since she will not be able to complete the same .

The DBA Planets are  Venus-Saturn-Saturn Venus in the Yama of Sun who is placed in the 8th house with Ketu and Saturn we have already described above

Hence as per the above Parameters the Score of the Muhurta is Zero and extremely weak. It shows failure for performing the duties .

 Strength of Sun

Sun is a royal planet and related to Politics, it should be strongly placed in the Horoscope, here it is placed in the 8th house and afflicted by Ketu, but has aspect of Jupiter is some good.  It is prescribed in the classical texts that Sun should be in Capricorn to Gemini in uttarayana. One should avoid placement in other Rashis and Rikta Tithi. Hence the placement of Sun is also not auspicious.

Strength of Moon

Moon should be own sign or exalted and should have aspect of Jupiter which is not there. I have analysed above that Moon strength is also very low.

Longevity of the Govt.

10th house should be strong the Lord is Mars and placed in inimical sign in the Rashi and Navamsha , although in the 5th house.

 8th house should be Vacant but here Sun and Ketu are placed which is not good since the Exchange between the 7th and the 8tth Lord also.

Benefics in the Kendra and Trikona Jupiter in the 4th house and Venus in the 9th house are good , but there is Poorna ithasla of the Jupiter and Mercury along with Moon and  Saturn is a Rudda yoga is also extremely bad.

Simhasan Chakra and Longevity of the Govt.

Position of the Moon and Saturn in the chakra is important.

Moon should not have aspects by Malefics here retrograde  Saturn aspects the Moon, In the Chakra it is Placed in Aasan Nadi > Good Placement is in  Simhasan Nadi, here in Lower nadi will not give good Longevity to the Govt.

Saturn in the nadi of  Patta.  The placement of Saturn is important, it is not only the planet of masses and democracy, but is also significator ofdeath and destruction. It should in no way aspect Moon, Lagna and the 10th house , its aspect on benefic Mercury and moon in Aasan Nadi can even destroy the King or the King may have to step down  in a short course of time. Placement of Jupiter is not in Aasan Nadi to give any protection to any evil asper the above parameters.

As per the navamsha of Lagna and Moon also in the Lagna the time which will be precarious is 15×2= 30 days, also as per the Lagna star of Mars and Moon star Venus, when they aspect or get conjunct may be time of Trouble for the Govt. around the 12th Dec. 2024 when Mars Retrograde at 11 degrees will aspect Venus in Capricorn at 11 degrees. 

Hence from the above it is crystal clear that the muhurta chart score is very poor for Power and Longevity of the CM Govt.

Let us compare the Planetary positions at the time of the Birth of Atishi Singh and the Oath chart below.

As per wikipedia Atishi Singh is Born on the 8th June 1981 but no authentic timed is available never the less I shall compare the Planets as per her Birth chart and the Oath Chart below

The Transit Saturn and the Natal Saturn the Karka for Masses is in 6/8 axis There is Planetary war between Mercury and Venus  and Venus wins Jupiter in Transit in the 10th house from Natal Moon is not good and over the Natal Mars and Sun. She is running Sapatm shani and when Saturn goes in the Pisces on the 29th March 2025 then Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of Saturn and Jupiter and in the 8th house from Natal Moon will put her in deep trouble. Also in the 1/7 axis of the Sun in the Oath chart.

The foundation chart of the AAP Party is of Capricorn Lagna of the 26th Nov. 2012 12:00 hrs New Delhi. The Chart is below

The Dasha in operation of the AAP Party is Venus-Saturn-Venus and both are placed in the 10th house forming a Rajyoga, but unfortunately there is planetary war in the 10th house between Venus and Saturn. As per Tamil Classics if there is planetary war in the 10th house then the native or the party suffers. The Dasha of Venus-Saturn is also of 3 years and 2 months and considered enigmatic till 23-5-2026 and then the Dasha of Venus-Mercury and both are placed in the 10th house and Mercury the 9th Lord and the 6th Lord is Fallen Retrograde most malefic for the  party again as per the Tamil Classics and will bring bad name to the party for this reasons number of AAP leaders were in Judicial Custody and Now Arvind Kejriwal Resigns after 177 days in Jail from the 21st March 2024.

Sun is badly afflicted in the 11th house  by Rahu in the sign scorpio the most dangerous sign for Rahu and at the time of the Oath chart Sun is with Ketu in Virgo in the 8th house , in both cases Sun is afflicted badly and shows the Status of the King fall after 12 years  from 2022 Nov.  till Date and 12 is the cycle of Jupiter who is also afflicted in the Chart of the AAP party and Jupiter also in the 5th house  with Ketu and shows the allegations on Arvind Kejriwal and the Party.

As per the Progression Chart of AAP after completion of 11 years

As per the Progression chart Sun in the 10th house is afflicted badly since with Rahu and Rahu in stationary motion clearly shows the Rahu will swallow Sun the King and the Coming years will be full of trouble for the Party from Nov. 2023 to Nov. 2029 will be full of Troubles for the King of the Party. After completion of the 15th year when the 16trh year starts will be explosive for the Party since there is eclipse formation between Nov 2028 to Nov. 2029.  

Hence explosive for the Party from the year Nov. 204 onwards the Party will lose its power in the Politics and finally collapse as above.——– Note these Predictions.



Read my Article My Predictions On Arvind Kejriwal On Dot. The Future Is Dark And No Respite – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Arvind Kejriwal has no chances of rise in Politics then Rahul Gandhi but both may not be able to make a major dent in Politics in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Arvind Kejriwal will be in deep waters soon around the Eclipses in Oct. 2023 and then in March-April 2024 after 29th March 2024


Bhandan yoga for day borns  Mer-Moon + Ascendant =  7s 29 18 minutes and the Lord is Mars debilitated , placed in the12th house and also combusted, Hence  The Native will be arrested soon after the Mars and Saturn in Transit after the 15th March any time till both these heavy malefics meet at 20 degrees on the 10th April 2024——- Note My predictions


10th Lord of the Progression chart in the 8th house having aspect of Fallen Saturn extremely bad for him in Politics , he may get a bad name for his administration and work and may get into hot waters.  Rahu in the Progression chart is in Direct motion and can be like a snake bite and he may be put in judicial custody even.

10th house from Moon is placed in the 11th from Moon with Rahu and both planets signify politics, but unfortunately the Planets are not connected to the Kendra or Trikona for good Politics and Saturn is also a Fallen Planet in the Progression chart. RAHU IN DFIRECT MOTION FOR 2-3 YEARS WILL BE MOST TAXING FOR HIM HENCE AUGUST 2024 TO AUGUST 2027 NO RESPITE FOR HIM. EVEN IF HE COMES OUT OF JAIL HE WOULD NOT ENJOY THE POWERS OF THE CM AUGUST 2024 TO AUGUST 2025 WILL BE THE WORST TIME FRAME FOR HIM ——– Note my Predictions. 

As per Progression chart Saturn and Rahu in Pisces and Transit Saturn and Rahu over the 6th house of the Progression chart will further put him in Hot Waters after 29th March 2025—— Explosive time for him

Moon in visghati and in  the Star of Sun and Sun in the 12th house with Ketu, both Sun and Saturn are in bad houses and in Rahu-Ketu axis. (Moon is also the 10th Lord from the Lagna in vishghati is venomous for his career.) This axis will be afflicted after the 30th Oct 2023 when Ketu joins Virgo and Rahu Pisces and Saturn joins after 25th March 2025 will be most Crucial time for Arvind Kejriwal from the Oct. 2023  onwards FOR ANOTHER 3 YEARS AS MENTIONED ABOVE.

Written on  the 30th Nov. 2022 at 20-06 hrs  Reproduced on the 21st April 2023 09-00 am Reproduced again on the 14th July 2023 at 19-00 hrs  Reproduced again on the 4th August 2023 10-22 hrs AND THEN ON THE 10TH AUGUST 2023 Reproduced on the 19th March 2024 09-30 am New Delhi

Finally on the 16th Sept. 2024 at 06-00 hrs New Delhi

The Most Critical time frame for Arvind Kejriwal Starts from the 26th March to 12thApril 2024——– Note these Predictions

Date  21st Sept. 2024 14.30 hrs New Delhi

Please Note since the predictions were made in advance the time taken by me between 16.34 to 16.44 by all the 5 Ministers  Hence very bad for the AAP Party    Updated on 21st Sept. 17-00 hrs. My predictions for time on dot with Aquarius Lagna and Libra navamsha

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 



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