Oath Chart of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti and Trouble Ridden Jammu & Kashmir

by astrodocanil

Not even a Day has passed and the untoward happening  are indicative of that Chief Minister will face tough situations  in the trouble ridden Jammu & Kashmir, more so the Foundation chart of Jammu and Kashmir has the mars and Saturn conjunction in the 7th house in the cancer sign and this Conjunction in the Oath taking Chart of the Chief Minister in the 6th house of the Foundation  chart   rising in Lagna

Now read this —Unrest At Srinagar’s NIT Campus Again, CRPF Deployed, Batons Used http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/unrest-at-srinagars-nit-campus-again-crpf-deployed-batons-used-1339126

The Oath chart is below of 4th April 2016 10-59 hrs Srinagar 

Oath chart

The Oath chart of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on the 4th April 2016 10-59 hrs Srinagar is an Enigmatic one.

There a siddha Yoga but Rahu is in adverse motion.

The day Lord Moon is placed in the Yam of Leo the 3rd house of the chart having Rahu in Adverse motion and Jupiter in Retrogression and aspected by 8th Lord Saturn who is also in Retrogression and degreewise is a strong negative in the chart for the Chief Minister .

The 8th Lord and 6th Lord Mars  is ill placed from Lagna and Lagna Lord  and Mars  Placed at the MEP of Lagna the most critical parameter.

The Degree aspect of Saturn on Jupiter cancels all Rajyogas in the chart.

Lagna is also in the nakshatra of Rahu.Lagna is also aspected by Mars . Lagna Lord in the nakshatra of Ketu .

10th lord afflicted badly , connection of 8th lord Saturn and aspect on 7th Lord and 10th Lord Jupiter , Makes the Jupiter first Rate Killer since Jupiter is Bhadak, Marak and has Kendraadhipati dosh and afflicted , will behave like a mad elephant since afflicted Jupiter can be compared with a Mad Elephant and is capable to Ruin the complete Jungle, Jupiter gets into Stationary mode from 5th to 11th May 2016 will be crucial Parameter along with 6th June when Jupiter is again eclipsed as was the case on the 9th Jan. 2016 

Moon with Ketu and aspected by 6th Lord Mars and Moon also in the nakshatra of Mars ,

Venus Placed in the 10th house as 5th Lord is a Commanding Parameter  but shortlived since the Dispositor is Badly afflicted 

Navamsha 8th house rising and the 8th Lord of the Rashi chart in the Lagna with Sun . This is indicative of untoward happenings in the State relating to the neighboring States a, Countries, Communal Roits , Educational Institutions , Temples, Courts, Ambassadors and diplomats of the Country . There may not be Peace in the State after 13th April 2016 . Untoward Happening and Communal Roits are indicated , more so the chart of Jammu and Kashmir is Trouble Ridden. The Oath chart has no Promise except Roits, Terrorism and Untoward happenings concerning the Educational Institutions, Financial Institutions , Banks, Temples, Courts, Kingly Persons of Repute . The Involvement of Terrorism by neighboring Countries cannot be ruled out. 8th house rising shows the Tenure of the Govt. may not be good at all  and when Mars goes in the sign Capricorn and Saturn the 8th Lord aspects the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Mercury

 The Chief Minister will face Explosive situations and the hence the tenure will be also Influenced more so between the Period from 11th April to 3rd July 2016, Sun Transit in Leo and the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 will be explosive for Jammu & Kashmir. 23rd to 29th August and then 1st to 13 Sept 2016 will be critical Periods .

The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house and Mars aspecting the Lagna  is the most precarious parameter since placed in the MEP of the Lagna see the Lagna degrees 12.48  and the degrees of Mars 13.47 .  and Mars is ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Mercury. As per the Principles of Prashna Shastra  when  when A Planet is with another Planet  anwhen it joins the sign of the other Planet it gives the result of the same . Mars the 6th Lord is with 8th Lord and when it goes in the sign Capricorn it will give the results of the 8th house . See the Close Rudda yoga of the 6th and the 11th Lord Mars with 8th and the 9th Lord Saturn. Hence when Mars joins the Sign Capricorn which is also the Lagna of the Foundation chart of Jammu & Kashmir and reaches the Lagna Degrees  of 12.48 there could be Trouble for the Chief Minister.  Unfortunately when Mars reaches the sign Capricorn in June 2018 Ketu will also be there and there will be degree conjunction  of Mars and Ketu in Capricorn on the 8th June 2018  at  13..00 degrees  at the MEP of the Lagna of the Oath Chart . The Chief Minister Tenure could come to an end it so seems .

Now read my article “Red Planet Conjuncts Saturn : What Stars Foretell ForTrouble Ridden Jammu& Kashmir” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/red-planet-conju…of-jammu-kashmir/

Reproducing it here —

Let us have a Look on the Chart of Kashmir Accession of 27th Oct. 1947 13.21 .43 hrs Below



The Chart is of Capricorn Lagna  and Mars and Saturn Conjunction in the 7th house , Makes the State Most War Prone and hence Torn by the history of the Past.  Debilitated Sun 8th Lord in the 10th house with 10th Lord and fallen Mercury in the 10th house further adds fuel to the Fire for the State to be involved always in a War Prone Condition.

In the Present Scenerio Mars Transit over Fallen Mercury the 6th and the 9th Lord at same degrees has activated Mercury just before entering in Scorpio Sign and then the Natal Ketu has also been activated by Mars which was activated by Saturn when it ingressed in Scorpio in Nov. 2014.

Mars Transit over natal Ketu is therefore Explosive specially till Mars is over Ketu in the same Navamsha till 29th Feb. 2016, Unfortunately the Natal mars is also debilitated and when Mars Conjuncts Saturn also activates the Natal Saturn and Mars in Cancer  for 2 Reasons. 1. Mars and Saturn Conjunction, In Transit navamsha Mars and Saturn also Influencing each other in the same axis  of the Lagna .

The Transit of Rahu over Jupiter in the 8th house is another Parameter in the Happenings after 14th Jan. 2016 when there was Exchange of Sun and Jupiter and then Sun Transitted in the Lagna as the 8th Lord as well.

The Current dasha is of Moon  the 7th Lord is Prone to wars as we all know  and the the Dasha of Mars from middle 2018 will be worst . The Transit of Saturn in Stationary position over Ketu and Jupitbetween the 27th July to 7th August in the same navamsha has also acrivated Natal Jupiter and Now the turn of the Mars , hence till 20th March 2016 the State will be involved in War like conditions and more Prominent will be till mars is over natal Ketu  and same navamsha till 9th March 2016. It seems there will be no relief to the state for 211 long days stay of Mars and Saturn over the natal Ketu and Jupiter .

The Eclipses of the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will further Escalate the issues , since the same are taking place in the 1/7 axis of the 8th house .

Till ingress of Rahu is there in the 8th house in Leo and in Sagitarius Navamsha there may be Terrorism and War like condition till 26th April 2016 and as per the Dates mentioned above

When Mars Falls back on Venus and Mercury between the 17th June to 13th July will be critical Period for The State 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 6th April 2016 12-00 PM

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Astrology,Prashna, Mundane, Predictive Astrology  and Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer : This is only Astrological Explanation and not my Personal Opinion, the same are indicative factors only. the writer is not responsible for the writeup if taken in any other Offensive .


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