‘North Node Rahu in Cancer and Mars In Capricorn With Ketu On Natal Degrees Of Planets ‘ May Prove Havoc A Research

by astrodocanil

This is again a Research Article and I am sharing my observations on the Transit of Rahu in Cancer from 9th Sept. 2017 to 25th March 2019  and Mars in Capricorn with Ketu from the 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018. In this connection I have already written the following Articles .Some Observations which may play a vital role for the Countries and the Individuals it so seems provided the Birth charts available on the net are Correct . I therefore take the opportunity to write this Research article. My findings are Rahu and Mars Transit can be detrimental till 6th Nov. 2018 and specially from the 27th June to 27th August and then till 25th March 2019  Read these following articles first  

  1. “‘North Node Rahu Over Natal Jupiter Or Saturn Plays Havoc’ My Research” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/06/north-node-rahu-…avoc-my-research/ dated 4th June 2018
  2. .”Retrograde Mars Conjunct South Node Ketu Most Venomous From 27th June-27th August 2018″ link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/retrograde-mars-…27th-august-2018/ ‎ dated 12th May 2018
  3. “Rahu North Node The Key Planet For Rise and Fall”  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/03/rahu-north-node-…or-rise-and-fall/ dated
  4. “Red Planet Mars In Retrogression Conjunct South Node Ketu In Capricorn After 205 years: What They Foretell ?” link 1st June 2018


It has been observed that when Rahu Transit in any sign close to the Planet degrees and the same navamsha brings Havoc  specially when in Cancer and in Sarp Dreshkanne 22Dk, 64 N or 85D. Some Research Analysis below


Happenings in the US. The below is the Foundation chart of US 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs as Taken By K N Rao

Rahu natal is placed in the sign of Cancer at  16.52 degrees . Transit Rahu over the Natal Rahu at the same degrees from the 28th April 2018 and see what is happening in Hawai Read this ‘Hypnotic lava overflows at Hawaii volcano: Must-see video’ link https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/usgs-releases-images-of-lava-overflows-at-mount-kilauea-volcano-in-hawaii-april-2018/100341  Monday, April 30, 2018, 8:00 AM – Newly-released video from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) features lava from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano spilling over the banks of its summit lava lake last week.

The footage, which was captured by the agency’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) on April 22, shows lava spilling onto Halema‘uma‘u crater. 

2018 Hawaii earthquake link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Hawaii_earthquake

On May 4, 2018, an earthquake with a magnitude of Mw 6.9 struck Hawaii island in the Hawaii archipelago at around 12:33 p.m. local time. The earthquake’s epicenter was near the south flank of Kīlauea, which has been the site of seismic and volcanic activity since late April. According to the United States Geological Survey the quake was related to the new lava outbreaks at the volcano, and it resulted in the Hilina Slump moving about two feet. It was the largest earthquake to affect Hawaii since the 1975 earthquake, which affected the same region, killing two people and injuring another 28.

The earthquake had a maximum strength on the Mercalli intensity scale of VIII (Severe) The earthquake was preceded by a smaller event, measuring 5.4, that was felt across the island and as far away as Oahu.The earthquake produced a minor tsunami that reached a maximum height of 40 cm (15.7 in.) in Kapoho, 20 cm (7.9 in.) in Hilo and 15 cm (5.9 in.) in Honuapo.

The Parameters most crucial were

1.On the Day of the Volcano first cited on the 22nd April North Node Rahu was 17.08 degrees  and over the Natal Rahu and in the same navamsha  and Mars aspects the Natal and the Transit Rahu from the sign Sagitarius

2. Mars ingressed in Capricorn and aspects the Natal Rahu as well as the Transit Rahu  and in Transit with  Natal chart and Transit Ketu , This ingress of Mars is most Venomous specially when it goes in Retrogression on the 27th June 2018 when Saturn in Retrogression will also be very close to Earth and Mars will be stationary and turs Retrograde, Hence till 27th August 2018 most venomous although the Eclipse points will be activated on the 8th June, 27th July and the 26th Sept. 2018 could give worst results  for US.

3. Rahu North Node will ingress over the 4 planets in the 11th house on the 25th March 2019 and when Rahu Reaches the Jupiter degrees may prove to be most malefic and Venomous for the Country in terms of the Financial Markets  and other untoward happenings in the Country along with Brawls with Nations taking most ugly shape Around the June 2019.

4. Latest updates for the Volcano “Guatemala’s Fuego volcano eruption leaves at least 25 DEAD and nearly 300 injured” link https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/968947/Guatemala-Fuego-volcano-eruption-latest-20-injured-six-missing-as-ash-fills-the-sky dated 4th June 2018

5. “Hawaii shook by 5.5 magnitude earthquake as Kilauea Volcano eruption CONTINUES” link https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/968971/Hawaii-earthquake-5-5-Kilauea-volcano-eruption-continues-Pahoa-USGS dated 4th June

The Volcano may continue till the  1st point 27th June 2018 2nd Time frame 27th July 2018 and if it continue then till 27th August 2018. The Intensity may be crucial as far as the same is concerned after 27th June 2018

6.Till 6th Nov. 2018 there will be untoward happenings

7. There may be a compromise between Trump and Kim since it is said in Astrology if any planet is in Exaltation it may bring a compromise if it is placed between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord  Hence till 27th June 2018 a Compromise is possible , but another Parameter is Mars with Ketu in Capricorn and Mars will be eclipsed by Ketu and will turn Retrograde and behave like a Debilitated Planet , The other Principle is if any Planet is in a sign  it gives the results till it is in that sign, and Since Mars will be retrograde and with Ketu from 27th June to 27th August and activate the Eclipse points 3 times 8th June , 27th July and 26th Sept. 2018 these Time frames may prove most Venomous for the Treaty and compromise  and the 2 months from 27th June to 27th August 2018 may be the worst  time frame  for the Global activities may be it Brawl between the nations, Financial Markets , Earthquakes, Storms, Volcanos, Fire , Bloodshed , and Political Tug of Wars in the different Nations


Transit Rahu over the natal Rahu  in Cancer from the 28th April 2018 most crucial for the Country getting involved in war like situations and hence in the gulf war


Iran has Exalted Jupiter in the sign Cancer and Rahu Transit over the same and will be over the natal degrees near the natal degrees before Mars leaves the sign Capricorn  on the 6th Nov. 2018, After Rahu is over the natal Jupiter in the same navamsha will be crucial for the Country from the 28th Oct. 2018 and hence the effect on the Financial Markets , Earthquakes, Storms, Volcanos, Fire , Bloodshed , and Political Tug of Wars may take place . Involvemet of Iran in the Gulf war is not Ruled out


The Chart of China of the 1st Oct. 1949  is Below

Rahu Transit in the 7th house of Wars Eclipses at the Degrees of the Moon the 7th Lord in the Lagna on the 27-28th July 2018 can be most Crucial for the country getting involved in the activities mentioned above , in fact the crucial dates will be after 8thJune 2018  and 27th June 2018 and till Mars comes back on the Mars degrees on the 21st Oct. 2018 may also involve the Country in Wars it so seems


The Dasha in Operation is Rahu-Venus . The Eclipses over the Natal Saturn, Moon and Rahu could Bring downfall for Russia, Venus is laced in the 8th house . Saturn with Rahu and Connected to the 7th house , Dispositor of Venus in the 7th house .In the D11 Rudramasha Chart rhe Rahu and Venus are ill placed from the 10th Lord hence no success

Transit is Crystal Clear Rahu over the natal Ketu and Ketu over the 3 Planets in the 5th house  Rahu and Ketu natal 14.20 degrees and  Eclipse taking Place over the natal Moon  and hence from the day the Rahu has crossed the Natal Ketu on the 20th May 2018 is most crucial they are in the same Navamsha from the 28th April 2018 hence most Venomous for Russia also to get involved in the wars and ugly situations as mentioned above from the 8th June , 27th June, 26th Sept till 25th March 2019



India has 5 Planets in the sign Cancer and Rahu is in Transit over the same and very close to Mercury Degrees from the 28th April 2018. Mercury is 13.40 degrees and rahu has come over it and the same Navamsha on the 28th April 2018 and has changed the Weather conditions, and Storms have also taken place since mars has also activated the same in close degrees  from Capricorn , Rahu is also Over Natal Saturn and has crossed it and we see lot of Political Tug of War in the Country  Treaty between all the Opposition Parties against the ruling Govt. BJP . Due to an Exalted Planet Mars  and as mentioned only an Exalted planet can bring a treaty between the Parties, but the question is will it last ?, The Answer is No it will not last since Mars the Planet in Exaltation will turn Retrograde and behave like a debilitated planet and Break the same with ugly scenario, Mars is also the 7th Lord for the Foundation chart of the Country and the Opposition Parties .Hence the Effect on the Financial Markets , Earthquakes, Storms, Volcanos, Fire , Bloodshed , and Political Tug of Wars may take place . Involvemet of Iran in the Gulf war is not Ruled out

Congress Party

In the Foundation chart of Congress of the 2nd Jan 1978 12-00 hrs New Delhi with Pieces Lagna has Debilitated Mars in Retrogression in Cancer at 15.57 degrees and Rahu has crossed the natal Mars on the 28th April 2018 and the Natal Mars at 15.30 degrees  will be activated by the Transit Mars at 15.06 degrees on the 27th June 2018. At this Point Saturn will be closest to earth and Mars will be Stationary and going in Retrogression may give a big blow to the Party it so seems . It may be in 2 ways , the treaty with other Parties may take an ugly turn. and secondly some other happenings which may be the breaking news.

Rahul Gandhi

19th June 1970 14.28 hrs New Delhi Venus in the sign Cancer the 1th house of the Chart at 9.39 degrees will be activated by both Rahu and Mars . The Dates are as follows Mars has already activated the Natal Venus in the 18th May 2018 and will again activate the natal Venus on the 27th July at the time of the Lunar Eclipse which is taking place in the 4/10 axis of the Horoscope. Rahu will activate the Natal Venus on the 27th Sept. 2018. For Obvious reasons I do not want to write what will be the Happenings when Rahu and Mars Transit over the Natal Venus , but obvious untoward happenings . We all know for male the Importance of  Venus  and Rahu in Transit is also the Dara Karka for Marriage  over the natal Venus along with Mars activating from the sign Capricorn and the Sign Cancer is the 8th from the natal Moon not good specially when Venus is also the 8th Lord from the Lagna . Rahul Gandhi has poor combinations for Marriage . Venus is weak, 7P is Leo having Ketu and Kendra from it are weak and so are the Kona’s and the Girl joining her for marriage may not get the apnapan. Even if he marries there will be no Fortune since From MCL  and Venus the 10th house has a Debilitated Saturn. I will discuss his Marriage in a separate article Although As Per declination Venus is activating the Marriage , other Parameters have to be seen . In Totality not a good Period for him to get Married.

Amitabh Bacchan

11th Oct 1942  Aquarius Lagna and Jupiter in the 6th House exalted at 00.32 degrees  and Rahu will reach these degrees after 7th Dec. 2018 and will be in the same Navamsha  May not be good for Him it so seems . Rahu will be on these degrees in the middle of March 2019

Kumarswamy CM of Karnataka

Birth details  16th Dec 1959 18-08 hrs Hassan He has Saturn at 14.20 degrees and with Sun in the 7th house of sagitarius sign in a Bhandan yoga and Transit Saturn in Retrogression will be at these degrees and very close to Earth and opposite Sun on the 27th June 2018 when Mars will be in his 8th house in Stationary position and turning Retrograde may prove detrimental for him  it so seems.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 4th June 2018  10-00  hrs
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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  • My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 44 link on my webpage https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/08/natal-chart-reflects-past-karmasdeeds-of-the-present-life-can-be-effectively-depictedonly-through-prashna/
  • My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
  • My Articles In the Astrology Magzine  ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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