Trump and Kim to Meet on Singapore’s Sentosa Island Resort: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

Trump and Kim to Meet on Singapore’s Sentosa Island Resort on the 12th June 2018 at 09-00 am. Please refer to my earlier Articles on this Summit

  1. “Trump And Kim ‘Expected Summit’: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link…up-their-sleeves/ dated 29th May 2018. In this Article I had  discussed the various possibilities of the summit after 09-24 hrs. Where as now the summit is taking place at 09-00 am hence it calls for a new analysis since the parameters are changing before 09-24 hrs .
  2. Please refer to my earlier Article‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/ dated 24th May 2018 and also to my Article “Donald Trump Threatens US will DECIMATE North Korea if Kim ‘doesn’t make a deal’ What Stars Foretell ?” link…t-stars-foretell/ ‎ dated 18th May 2018

Let us now have a look at the chart of the 09-00 am of Singapore to see what the stars have up their sleeves for this summit

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars 

The Tithi is Krishna Paksha 13

Nakshatra Krittika

Karna Vanija till 10.04 and after that Vishti which is supposed to be extremely bad for good Fructifications

Abhijeet Muhurat from 12.40 to 1329 hrs

Rahu Kaal 16-06 to 17.36 hrs .

At the time of the summit the Gemini Lagna is rising . Hora of Sun and Yama of Venus  the Taurus Sign. The Lagna is Signified by Trump and the 7th house by Kim

The Day Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house in Exaltation and totally eclipsed by Ketu. Mars is in the yama of Taurus sign which is the 12th house of the Event chart having Moon in Exaltation and Sun. The Day Lord is in affliction and is ill placed from the Lagna and Lagna Lord Mercury and also ill placed from the 9th house and the 9th Lord Saturn. The Yama Lord Venus is placed with Rahu in the 2nd house and having aspect of Mars from the 8th house. The Lagnesh is placed in the yama of Sun who is placed in the 12th house  but in a friendly sign. The 7th Lord Jupiter is placed in the sign of he Gemini  and the Yama Lord is Placed in own house hence 7th Lord is stronger in the Chart . 


The most malefic Parameters at the time of the Event

1.Day Lord Mars placed in the 8th house totally eclipsed by Ketu and aspects the Yama Lord Venus  who has exchange with Moon in the 12th house.

2. Day Lord Mars ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Mercury, and also ill placed from the 9th house and the 9th Lord Saturn

3. Moon has poorna ithasla with Venus the 12th Lord Venus and they also have exchange .

4. Moon is placed in the yama of Sagitarius  and e placed in the sign Taurus . The Yama Moon and the Event Moon is in 6/8 axis is the most malefic parameter in the event chart. As per Tamil Texts of Prashna Jyotish it is a failure of the Query.

5. Lagnesh Mercury  and Moon are in 2/12  axis and 7th Lord  Jupiter and Moon are also in 6/8 axis the dispute will prolong

6. Lagna Lord Mercury and the 9th and the 8th Lord has ithasla with Saturn  openly ithasla and a Rudda yoga  which shows cancellation of the event .

7. Ul and AL same has Mercury is Good but aspected by 8th and 9th Lord Saturn from the 7th house , Chaitra Rashi is Aries a prishtodayo and aspects of Jupiter is good shows only 30% results but Lord is placed in the 8th house and  Jupiter and Mars are in Kendra and forming a Rudda Yoga again, hence even if there is some compromise for which thin chances the future is not good .

8. 8th Lord from Lagna is Saturn and Retrograde and placed in the 8th from Moon the Planet of Compromise in the summit may  open the effects of the Summit after Moon joins Saturn in the Lunation chart of the 28th June 2018.

9.  Mars is also Exalted and eclipsed by Ketu in the 8th house again may give negative or erractic effects when it turns Retrograde on the 28th June 2018 for the Summit


 Let us see if there are Parameters for some compromise .

  1. Compromise between the Trump and Kim can be bought by the Planets in Exaltation. In the Chart there are 2 Planets in Exaltation  Moon and Mars .
  2. If the summit had taken place after 09-24 then a compromise could have been possible for the time being sincethen Cancer sign would have risen and Venus placed in it .
  3. No Benefics aspect the Lagna Lord or the 7th house , rather the Lagna Lord has aspect of the 8th and the 9th Lord Saturn who is also in Retrogression the most malefic Parameter in the chart
  4. There are thin chances of Compromise but cannot be ruled out since Moon is also an Exalted Planet and significations of Moon  and a Person with the significations of Moon or Mars can bring about a compromise.

Nut shell 

Timing of the event

Since the Navamsha of Venus is rising at the time of the event and Venus is in the 2nd Navamsha and just completed the 1st Navamsha the Time period which is important is 15to 30 Days  from the event on the 12th June 2018, unfortunately  adding 15 days taking Completion of 1 navamsha of Venus  adding 15 days is 27th June 2018 and a most Venomous Planetary positions as stated above and adding 2 Navamsha then it is 13th July 2018 the day of Solar Eclipse.

When Sun the Nakshatra Lord of Moon reaches the Punarvasu Nakshatra on the 7th August to 11th August 2018  Crucial dates

There may be some compromises, but the outcome of the above may not be as expected and more such summit may be on the Cards . The Most malefic Component in the event chart is the Yama Moon and the event Moon and in 6/8 axis hence the Brawl between Trump and Kim may continue though some compromises may also be there . The Day Lord Mars is in Exaltation and when it turns Stationary on the 27th June 2018 when Saturn will be nearest to earth may be the point of the Brawl taking ugly shape  and specially when the Eclipses take place in the month of July on the 13th and 28th July and when Mars Activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse on the 27th July and 26th Sept. 2018. Apart from the above time frames the Time when Rahu will be adverse will be most venomous for any good results for the summit in the month of June, July and August 2018



anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 6th June  2018 8.00 hrs  
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