North Node Of Moon Rahu And Marriages

by astrodocanil

Rahu Is Up Karka for Marriage  In this Article I am going to Discuss the significations as per Tamil Texts.

What is Rahu—– Rahu is amrit, it is at the mouth of amrit. How marriage is taken, How Marriage takes the Shape of Life.

Biologically a women is only incomplete till she becomes a mother, without being a mother she is full of negatives . Rahu is a Planet  which bestows all this and so then MARRIAGE  brings the fulfillment. All this is given by Rahu. ASs per Jaimini Sutra any Planet which becomes Retrograde or Fallen  loses its significations  to become a Chara Karka , the rest of the Planets take care of the Kartatwas. In such Cases Rahu Becomes the Dara Karka  irrespective of the Degrees of Rahu and there are only 7 Karkas . Rahu is the first one who drunk the amrit. “Sura Saram Rog Harnam” Rahu is Rog Harnam and Ketu is Rog Karnam. Normally the Diseases sprout in the dasha of Rahu and the Disease giving Planet is Ketu . Retrograde Planets do not have Quality , since they move in the opposite direction and are unpredictable. If in the chart there are 3 Planets in Retrogression then there will be 2 Karkas which will be missing. GK Gnati Karka will not be there and OK Putra Karka will not be formed . In such a Case Rahu will be Dara Karka , PK will be Jupiter,GK will be Mercury , why Mercury GK, because from Mercury the Chandra Vansh came into existence, from Moon the Chandra Vansh did not start, the Child which was illegitimate took the family forward, that is what was in store. For this Reason if 5th House of the Male chart has connection with Mercury then he has Bhau Putra , In the Girls Chart the Male Progny is seen from the 9th house .

To see the strength of Rahu is most Essential, because Rahu is Natural DaraKarka  and a Natural Marriage Giver . Marriage in a Natural way and Life after Marriage is seen from Rahu, How Will be the Married Life  is depicted from Rahu. Rahu in Direct Motion has been considered most malefic for Marriage  in the Chart, if Stationary then Worst , both these Parameters should not be there in the chart. Rahu should be in its Natural Motion else it is Supposed to be poison. Rahu should always be taken as a True Rahu and Not Mean Rahu  for any analysis.

Every Month Rahu is in Direct motion for 3-4 Days and Stationary for 2 Days. Rahu is Responsible for the Tumble in the Stock Market . Since Rahu is the North Node of Moon the Distance from Moon has to be measured.

Rahu is strong as Per the Following Parameters .

  1. When Rahu is in Direct motion or Stationary
  2. When Rahu is Connected with a Debilitated Planet , or Aspected by Debilitated Planet , then in afflicted condition, then he becomes very bad for marriage  and Good foe the Dasha Results and will give Rajyogas .
  3. Rahu in the Kendra is Supposed to give Benefic Results for the marriage
  4. Rahu Placed in the 3,6,10, 11 houses is not good For Marriages.
  5. Rahu in the 2nd and the 12th house is also not good For marriage as he supports the 2nd Marriage  and does not give good results for the first marriage .
  6. Some People first married to a Tree and then Get married
  7. Rahu if afflicted then he delays Marriage and Delays in Life
  8. Rahu is Sishya of Venus  hence both have to be seen , Rahu Should be Less powerful then Venus , only then Life is worth the while.
  9. In the Birth chart Rahu making a Connection with the Kendra and Kona Lord is most Beneficial  and Rahu Becomes Pious , Rahu aspected by Jupiter is excellent. 8th aspect of Mars, 0th aspect of Jupiter and 10th aspect of Saturn is Pious, Mars 4th aspect , Jupiter 5th aspect and Saturn 3rd aspect are not considered Pious , 7th aspect is Blind aspect .
  10. Rahu with in 5 degrees of Sun is a Rajyoga in a Good House and Rahu becomes Blind and gives most Benefic Results when aspected By Jupiter specially by 9th aspect .. Rahu in the 3rd house aspected by Jupiter by 9th aspect is most pious.
  11. Rahu is Karka for Medicine
  12.   Transit  Rahu in Forward or Direct motion or Stationary nothing Concerning Marriages should be done , even a Girl should not be seen , no marriage functions should be done, it indicates the Marriage will not be a Pious One and Life after marriage will not be good one
  13. Mars is the Lord of the Lagna and the 8th house of the Natural Zodiac  and also Karka for Female Sexual Liquid, If Mars is also weak then it is worst , Mars should not be weak in the chart of the Girl

Present Transit In Feb. 2017 Rahu is in Forward motion from 1st to 5th and then from 11th to 27th Feb. 2017 and there are Twin Eclipses in February 2017.

See the chart Below

Venus although Exhalted but in 6/8 axis with Rahu are most malefic Component in the Month of Feb. 2017 and till 31st May 2017  when Rahu is in Forward motion . I was surprised Marriages are taking Place and Girls seen during these Periods for Marriages . The Normal Astrologer and Traditional Astrologers donot see the True Rahu resulting in Bad results for Marriage and giving a Bad name to Astrology

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 12th Feb. 2017 16-15 hrs. New Delhi  
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