Immigrant Community Fearing Donald Trump’s Deportation Bolt From The Blue

by astrodocanil

As an Astrologer I always use the Natural Zodiac for Mundane Predictions using  the Aries Sign. In the Present Context The Following are the Parameters acquire a Special Parameter for the Immigrants  .

1.Lagna Lord Mars in the 12th house of Foreign Countries , it is with Venus the 2nd and the 7th Lord Venus who is in its Exhaltation sign.

2. Venus the Karka for Luxury and Since Exhalts in the 12th house of the Natural Zodiac influences the Foreign affairs as well

3. Venus has Reached its Declination point with Respect to the Pieces sign and hence will stay in this Sign for 124 Days  till 31st May 2017

4. Venus will be in Retrogression from 4th March to 15th April 2017

5.Rahu signifies all things connected to Foreign affairs and Specially the Illegal ones .

6. Rahu is In adverse motion in the Month of Feb. 2017 for a Maximum period from 11th Feb. 2017 to 27th Feb. 2017

7. Jupiter the Lord of the 9th House and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac Placed in the 6th house of the natural Zodiac has gone in retrogression on the 6th Feb. 2017 and aspected by Saturn the Lord of the 10th house and the 11th house of the Natural Zodiac from the 9th house of Long Travels ,

8.The Settlement in the Foreign Country the Parameters are

1.Affliction to 4th House /Lord .                                                                                                                                                

2. 7H/7L connection to 9H/L and 12H/12L. The dasha of these planets.                                                                                        

3. 9th house afflicted foreign travel, fate away from homeland.                                                                                                   

4. 12H/L connection in that dasha the native travels abroad.                                                                                                               

5. 5H/5L connection to 12H/12L foreign travel for studies

9. The 5th house of the Natural Zodiac is Leo and Rahu is Placed there and the Moment the Saturn is fallen and aspects Rahu those gone to Foreign Countries and since will not be offered Jobs  will Return Back

10. Saturn in the 9th house of the natural Zodiac and aspects the 9th and the 12th Lord Jupiter

11.  Twin Eclipses in Feb. 2017, world Wide Illegal immigrants will be on the Check and deported .

12.  Saturn Exhalts in Libra and Jupiter Aspects Venus from the Bhadak Sthan from the Pieces and Venus will be in Pieces for 124 days till 31st May 2017 , Strict Measures will be Taken by the Govt.

13. Twin Eclipses in Feb. 2017 .

14. Sun in Aquarius with Ketu in the 11th house of the natural Zodiac and aspect of Saturn, worst will be when Saturn Falls Back in Scorpio and aspects Rahu again the Karka for Foreign Element and Illegal immigrants from 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 and More so when Sun will be in Taurus along with Mars till 26th May 2017.

15. Visa Abraod is Governed by 3rd, 11th house or 3rd, 6th, 11th house  or 3rd,10th, 11th house , Saturn is Influencing all the Relevent houses . Mercury will Join Saturnon the 22nd Feb. 2017 being the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house of the Natural Zodiac

From the Above it is Crystal clear that illegal immigrants will be Deported  from all over the world and Specially Countries of High Status and Royal Countries , Since Rahu is in a Royal Sign of Leo and the Dispositor is getting Eclipsed. The Issues Regarding the Immigrants is highlighted only in Feb. 2017 when Rahu is in worst Position. Since the Lagna of US is Leo and is a Royal Country , the People who are immigrants in US will suffer the Most , since Rahu is Presently in the Lagna of the Foundation chart

  1. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  2. 12th Feb. 2017 16-15 hrs. New Delhi  
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