North Node In Adverse Motion Proves Fatal For Missing Father Through Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

In this article of the missing Father I have observed that Rahu and Ketu have played an important role in his disappearance since in all the charts Rahu and Ketu are adverse and Sat and Mars under affliction in Transit have played their role in disappearance due to a fight for ancestral Agricultural Land  

On the 1st Nov. 2018 in the early Morning around 8.30-9.00 hrs. I got a call from a Querist regarding the Missing Father since 25-26th Oct. 2017.  I was stunned to see the planetary positions at the time of disappearance of father and at the time of Prashna. After comparing the two I got amazing results. Have a look at the chart below 



For the Query for the missing person Lagna denotes the missing Person, 4th house his happiness the 7th house the road map for his travel and difficulties encountered on the way and 10th house  parvas and away from Home.

Since the Lagna is Even and in the 4th Navamsha the chinta is for a Jeeva Chinta as per Mook Prashna  and hence a living being , more so Saturn aspects the Lagna the chinta is for the whereabouts of a missing person.

Hence the Prashna chart Indicates the query for a  missing person and his whereabouts

Whether the Person has gone of his own or forced to leave  

As per the above chart at the time of leaving Moon is placed in the 12th house, hence  the native has gone out of his own willingness.

Purpose of Travel

Lagna Lord and  2nd Lord Saturn placed in the 11th house in an inimical sign and in fallen condition in a sign owned by Mars clerarly shows  that he had gone for  for wealth relating to Earth since capricorn sign is rising and an earthy  sign and may be relating to Agriculture Land since Saturn is also Agriculture property and may be an ancestral Property  since Jupiter and Saturn connected to the 2nd house of Ancestral Property . Since the 2nd Lord is in inmical sign , the Cobrothers may be in possession of the same.

Direction of Travel 

The strongest planet in the Kendra is Sun and hence in the East Direction and closeby Since on the 26th Oct. 2017 the Lagna was Sagitarius and again East Direction and Distance may be with in 5-10 kms from the residence 

Between the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord the Lagna Lord  Saturn is stronger  and counting from Saturn to Moon is 2 hence the Query is for the 2nd House and since 2nd house is aspected by Combusted Jupiter , It clearly shows  some dispute for Money , also Jupiter Debilitates in the Lagna hence it is purely regarding some Money which had to be recovered and since the Sign Capricorn is rising it is from earth and ruled by Saturn where Mars Exhalts, hence from his coborns  and a  

The Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis and adverse are the Most malefic parameter for the safe return of the Missing person more so the Lagna Lord Saturn is placed in the 11th house in the sign Scorpio in a fallen condition and aspects the Lagna where Ketu is placed  and almost degree-wise  , Moon is also in Paap Kartari yoga  , hence they indicate no safe return of the missing person

Lagna signifies the Missing Person, 4th house his state and 7th house the road and the way for his travel, since the 1/7 axis is afflicted badly the native suffered troubles on the way more so for him self due to affliction on the Lagna , Lagna Lord and Moon and indicates that the native was in depression

The following parameters acquire a special dimension

  1. Prashtodayo sign Capricorn rising and Ketu in it at 27.05 degrees at the time of disappearance and Mars 27.24 degrees exactly over the Ketu degree-wise at the time of Prashna
  2. Rahu in the 7th house in Cancer at 27.05 degrees at the time of Disappearance  and Moon in Cancer at 27.13 degrees at the time of Prashna .
  3. Both Cases at the time of Disappearance and Prashna Rahu North node adverse and Poison
  4. At the time of Disappearance Dwadamsha of Sun is Capricorn and that is rising at the time of disappearance
  5. In both cases Mars aspects Moon and afflicted in both cases
  6. Sun Debilitated in both cases
  7. The Life giving planets Sun and Moon afflicted in both cases
  8. Moon in the 12th house , the missing person has gone of his own choice
  9. Lagna Lord Saturn in both cases weak at the time of disappearance in gandantha, fallen and aspects Ketu in the Lagna degree-wise . At the time of Prashna Saturn in the 12th house over the Moon at the time of disappearance degree-wise see the degrees in both cases9.52 and 10.52 respectively
  10. 2nd Lord and the Lagna Lord in the 11th house in inimical sign, fallen and in gandantha , hence the missing person had gone in connection with his money . There is an ishraaf yoga between Moon and Mars and an inimical one , Mars is Karka for Bhoomi and Coborns. Between the Lagna Lord Saturn and the 11th Lord asper Mook Prashna Saturn is stronger and thus counting upto Moon is 2 , hence the query is relating to the 2nd house and is concerning Bhoomi and Gains through Bhoomi and from Coborns
  11. All the above Parameters point out some dispute with coborns regarding some Land and income from the same , Saturn is also Karka for Agriculture and hence may be Agriculture land . The Missing person had therefore gone to meet his coborns and went missing after meeting them and seems a fight with them
  12. 2nd house is aspected by Jupiter combusted and 2nd Lord Fallen and in Gandantha clearly shows a dispute for Ancestral Agricultrul land
  13.  The Missing Person was again spotted on the 26th Oct. 2017 at 12.00 noon.near a Bank, Hence it becomes essentail to see according this time also what happened to him which did not allow him to return back. The Chart of his Son and his birth details also have to be seen to confirm the outcome of the same .. 


Now since the Missing person was seen on the 26th Oct. 2017 at 12.00 hrs. let us see what happened after that to the missing person

Lagna here is Sagitarius which is not supposed to be good for a missing person whereabouts and his safe return .

The Lagna is in Paap Kartari yoga

Lagna Lord is Combusted totally in the 11th house 

Lagna in the nakshatra of Poorva Shadha and the Lord is Venus debilitated and placed in the 10th house with Mars the Karka for Property and coborns

Lagna in Paap Kartari yoga and aspected by Mars 

8th Lord Moon in the Lagna and in Paap Kartari yoga and aspected by Mars the 12th Lord

No safe return

As per the combinations the planetary positions are not conducive for safe return of the missing father 

Purpose of Travel

As per the Mook Prashna the Missing person had chinta of Mula and Vegetables  and from the above it clearly indicates the Agriculture Land since the Lagna is aspected By Mars karka for Bhoomi and Saturn was in the Lagna and had fallen back in the 12th house as the 2nd and the 3rd Lord . Saturn the 2nd and the 3rd Lord in the 12th house and aspects Ketu in the 2nd house 

Between the Lagna Lord Jupiter and the 11th Lord Venus, Jupiter is Stronger and placed in the 11th house and counting till Moon is the 3rd house of the younger Brothers and aspected by combusted Jupiter  , and since Moon is in Paap Kartari yoga and placed in the Lagna and the Lagna Lord combusted by Sun , the issue remains of the Ancestral Property since 2nd house is the house if ancestral property

Difficulties to Traveller

Prishtodayo sign and aspected by malefics and Prishtodayo planet Mars 

Sun and Moon both in affliction the life giving planets .

Saturn in the 12th house under affliction Karka for Longevity and aspects the 6th and the 9th hlouse , the person is also ill

Has the missing person been kidnapped 

There is Poorna ithasla Benefic between 8th Lord Moon and Mercury and inimical ithasla of Moon and Venus who is debilitated . See the degrees of the Planets , Moon, Mercury and Venus 20 degrees extremely malefic combinations

2nd Lord Saturn in Gandantha and in Fallen Condition in the 12th house and 11th Lord Debilitated 

Lagna Lord Moon are not connected hence the person went missing not of his own choice after this time frame

Lagna is in Paap kartari yoga along with Moon 8th Lord the person may have been kept in captivity , for this the Bhandan Saham has to be seen if under affliction

The Bhandan saham calculation is as follows , Since day time Punya Saham-Saturn+Asd = 3s 7Degree 15 minute. Hence the sign Cancer is Bhandan Saham and on the day of the Query on the 1st Nov. 2018 Rahu is at 6.30 degrees with Moon the 8th Lord   . Hence it is confirmed that the native was kidnapped and latter given Poison since the 8th Lord Moon at the time of Prashna was with Adverse Moon the 8th Lord 

Place where the native was kidnapped 

Sign Sagitarius is rising and governs places of Firearms, resthouse,inspection banglow,Boarder areas , Police stations since the 3rd Dreshkanne rising the Back portion of the same and about 50 km from the place he was seen last at the bank and in the South or the South East Direction

The Time of Birth of the missing person is not known , never the less I drew the Chart with Capricorn Lagna the Lagna at the time of  leaving the house with Capricorn 10.20 degrees and is below . The Native is born on the 5th Jan 1964 but no times details .

I have therefore opened tha same Lagna with his Birth time and Find the Following Parameters which acquire an important dimension

1. Natal Saturn at 27.29 degrees where Ketu is at the same degrees at the time of disappearance on the 25th-26th Oct. 2018 and fallen Saturn in Transit aspects the Natal Saturn degree-wise

2. Sun very close degrees with Ketiu and Mercury and hence Rahu and Ketu are in adverse motion in the chart and supposed to be most malefic if they are connected to the Trik Bhavas , It may be Noted that in all the 3 charts Time of Disappearance, Prashna chart and the Birth chart Rahu is the main culprit and adverse and most malefic since he is also Dara Karka . 

3.Transit Saturn at the time of Prashna over the natal Sun , Mer and Ketu 

4. Nodes over the Natal Venus, Mars and Saturn and Ketu in the sign Capricorn and specually when over the Natal Venus a person suffers losses concerning wealth and Ketu is also over the Natal Sat and Mars , hence issues relating to Bhoomi 2nd house and Coborns


Hence from the above we can say the native went of his own to his coborns concerning an Agriculture Land and had a fight with them since they refused to give him the gains out of the Ancestral Property and The above charts also show he was kidnapped and tortured and no safe return from his travel. Rahu the North Node is most malefic in the Chars 1 and 2 at the time of Missing, Prashna chart on the 1st Nov. 2018 and also in the Birth chart of the native of the 5th Jan 1964 and in the Bhandan Saham Rahu is Placed at the time of Missing and also at the time of Prashna and amazingly Rahu at the time of Prashna on the 1st Nov. 2018 at the Exact Bhandan Saham and Rahu is Poison in all the charts . Hence we cannot expect his return and every thing in the Event will be smoky also.

I also went through the chart of the Son in Question and Found afflictions of Rahu and Ketu over the Sun in the D12 Dwadamsha chart and the Dasha connected to Saturn afflicting the same and could see the son suffering due to disappearance of his father 



Written on 13th Nov.. 2018 7.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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