Mystery Of Missing Mother Through Prashna Jyotish :North Node Proves Fatal

by astrodocanil

On the Night of the 13th Nov. 2018 I was not able to sleep and was awake just then I got a message on the Whatapp which I read  around 11.35 Pm. from a Querist for his missing Mother. For Reasons best known I will not divuldge the details, but discuss the reasons of the person’s disappearance .Let me explain  as mentioned in my previous Article the Lagna represents the Missing person 4th house the happiness , 7th house the difficulties encountered on the way and the 10th house is parvas away from home.

This is another case in Nov. 2018 for a missing person where Rahu takes the lead  since the native disapprears in Rahu Kaal  and DinRatri Sandhi and at the time of Prashna and in the Birth chart of the native Rahu in adverse motion and Venus and Jupiter under acute affliction proves fatal and native running the Dasha of Rahu-Venus which is also enigmatic. Even after the lapse of more then 47 days the missing Mother is not traceable. 2 dates in the event are most important 11th Nov. and 17th Nov. 2018 when the Querist could get some news regarding the Missing Mother but may be Smoky 

The Following is the chart when the mother goes missing 

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Sunday and the Lord Sun is placed in the yama of Virgo the 7th house of the chart where the 7th Lord is placed in the Exhaltation sign and has aspects of Saturn from the 10th house of Parvas . The Day Lord is placed there at the MEP of the Lagna  who is the 6th Lord also and having Ishraaf yoga with Mars who is the 9th Lord and the 2nd Lord . The Yama Lord Mercury also has complete ithhasla a benefic one with Moon in the 3rd house . Hence the Journey was preplanned about 2 days / weeks back, since the difference of the Day Lord and Mars is 2.

Between the Lagna Lord Jupiter and 11th Lord Saturn , Saturn is stronger  and as per Mook Prashna we have to count from Saturn to Moon and it is 6 , hence the Event relates to the 6th house more so the Day Lord Sun is Placed in the 7th house with 7th Lord Mercury at the MEP and has Ishraaf yoga with Mars  2 Days/weeks/ Months and years are most importanrt in the event from the day of disappearance 

There are 2 possibilities   and 2nd Possibility is more , though the First one also cannot be ruled out

1.Since the Mook Prashna points out a Dispute and 6th Lord Sun has Ishraaf Yoga with Mars the 2nd and the 9th Lord , it could be a Dispute with Coborns  for ancestral Property 

2. Moon has Poorna Ithasla with Mercury and both are exhalted , Mercury is afflicted and Dispositor of Moon in the 8th house  Influence of  Mercury

Mercury Brahmin-an expert in knowledge of Bhram & Tatwa e.g Teacher, Religious Preacher, Traveller. Since Mercury is with Sun the 6th Lord and has aspects of Saturn is  shows the quality of the Religious Preacher and not good at all . This combination in the 7th house of Travel. The Lady has been induced to leave by a Religious Preacher. The Ithasla of Mercury and Moon is also not considered good in Astrology and shows the Culprit has induced the Lady to leave .Moon and Sun in the Lagna in the Trishamasha Chart D30 and Rahu-Ketu and Mars in the 7th house , Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord and the 8th Lord of the Prashna chart is Jupiter  and Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic component 


Most Malefic Parameters for safe return

The Time of leaving is Dinratri Sandhi and is also Rahu Kaal, Sun in the 7th house and Karna Lord in 8th house with 8th Lord . Day Lord Sun and 7th Lord Mercury ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord most malefic for the Longevity of the person disappearing

Whether the missing Lady has gone of her own or induced to leave 

The malefic influence caused by Mars, Ketu and Lords of the 6th and the 8th house on the Lagna and the Lagna Lord  or any weak planet result in forced disappearance. Here in this case the 6th Lord Sun is placed at the MEP of the Lagna and afflicts the 7th house and the 7th Lord  and the Lagna . Sun also has ishraaf yoga with Mars . The Lagnesh Jupiter is placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord Venus  who is again close to the Lagna Degrees and at the MEP of the 8th house . Dispositor of Moon is also Placed in the 8th house . Lagnesh Jupiter is also not related to Moon. Moon is in Exhaltation but again the dispositor in the 8th house and the Rahu is placed in the Moon Sign Cancer .From these combinations it is crystal clear that the Lady was induced to leave and may have been even kidnapped. 

Direction and Place where the missing lady would have gone 

Sun is the Planet which is at the MEP of the Lagna and in the Kendra and  also the Day Lord and governs the East Direction hence the journey was planned for some pillgramage ,Temple or a place near Ponds , River or deep caves etc. Since the Pieces sign is rising in the Lagna and the degrees are 14 the distance could be around 13 Kms from the place of disappearance since the lagna is with in the 5th Navamsha 

No Journey and No Return

Since the Lagna is Pieces and less then 15 degrees it is towards a fixed Lagna and Moon is also in a fixed sign. Also the Arudha Lagna is also Fixed Taurus and malefics in the 5th and the 7th house . Sun in the 7th house . The Navamsha Lagna is of Mars and also a fixed sign Scorpio, hence no return and no journey after the Disappearance is indicated. All the benefics are in the houses from the 5th to 10th which governs the Outward Journey  hence the native may not return back. 

Possibility of Return taking a positive stance for which the possibility is weak but cannot be ruled out or may be some news 

 There is also Poorna ithasla of Mercury and Moon  Moon is 18.56 degrees and Mercury 20.30 and there is difference of 1.34 degrees and converting into Days = 1.34 x 30 = 40.2 days  Hence adding on the date of disappearance  10-11th Nov. 2018 becomes most important date for communication for the missing Lady  by the people who have organsised the disappearance of the Lady . The ithasla is between the 7th Lord and the 5th Lord Moon placed in the 3rd house of short travels nearby. and since the 7th Lord is in the 2nd hora and about to Retrograde on the 17th Nov. 06-46 hrs. The above 2 dats are crucial for the Missing person whereabouts , though they may be smoky, since Rahu is placed in the sign of Moon in the 5th house 

Traveller Facing difficulties in Journey

The 6th Lord Sun in the 7th house aspected by Saturn and the Lagna Lord Jupiter in the 8th house with 8th Lord the Missing lady is suffering from difficulties 

4th house ia slo aspected by Saturn and Jupiter and Saturn at the MEP of the Lagna  hence the missing lady is not in a happy condition

Where is the missing Lady

7th Lord Exhalted and in the Kendra the missing Lady is in the City itself after disappearance and as explained gone in the East Direction with in 13 Kms of the City at a place near Seashore, Temple , Pilgramage place or Deep Caves . Places near water and could be adjoining to a village as well

Who has Induced the Lady to Leave 

Moon Sign Cancer has Rahu and a Person with significations of Rahu and Sun 

nd Rahu is Chandal-one  engaged in antisocial work, like theft, corruption, kidnappings, earning through immoral means, underground workerEtc. Rahu is placed in the Movable sign and in the trikona, hence the Person who is a Foreigner Far away from the City in the north Direction. Rahu is also Muslim

Sun with Mercury is Top person in his field of Preaching

Moon is Tapasvi saintly person who is devoted in his life to sacrifice, Religion( Lady) since the query is asked by the Son and the Moon is the Mother

Mercury Brahmin-an expert in knowledge of Bhram & Tatwa e.g Teacher, Religious Preacher, Traveller. Since Mercury is with Sun the 6th Lord and has aspects of Saturn is  shows the quality of the Religious Preacher and not good at all . This combination in the 7th house of Travel. The Lady has been induced to leave by a Religious Preacher. The Ithasla of Mercury and Moon is also not considered good in Astrology and shows the Culprit has induced the Lady to leave .Moon and Sun in the Lagna in the Trishamasha Chart D30 and Rahu-Ketu and Mars in the 7th house , Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord and the 8th Lord of the Prashna chart is Jupiter  and Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic component 

D12 Dwadamsha Chart  Moon is Placed in the 5th house in the sign of Jupiter and aspected by both Mars and Saturn

D10 chart the Career . 10th Lord in the 8th house with 8th Lord and Sun in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna shows that the Native was also frustrated in the job front . See the Chart Below

In the above chart the 8th Lord is placed in the Lagna and Sun again aspects the Lagna , the Lagna Lord and Moon are placed well but 8th Lord is stronger then the Lagna Lord and aspected By Sun the seniors . These Parameters show frustration in the Career Front and hence she was in depression specially after Ingress of Rahu-Ketu on the 9th Sept. 2017 and Jupiter Transit in Libra on the 12th Sept. 2018. Jupiter then was in the 8th house of the Prashna chart as the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord . Sun also ingressed in the Sign Virgo after 18th August to 18th Sept. 2017 in the 7th house . The depression in the job front forced her to approach the Guru’s with whom she was already in contact with them. Latter after I had given Predictions that she may return back after 17th Nov. 2018 I was told that her Guru’s told her she had very bad period ahead till 16th Nov. 2018 since she was running the Dasha of Rahu-Venus and Natal Rahu and Transit Rahu afflicting the Venus could be the main cause  as far as I analyse . It is just possible that the Guru’s exploited the situation and gave a very Venemous period ahead and asked her to follow them else she may face extreme situations. In the natal chart Moon with Rahu such people can be easily taken for a ride since they have uncaused phobies of all kind . In the Chart of the Native Rahu is also Adverse and Poison in the 7th house  , hence she is liable to meet  such Rahu Like Guru’s who have malified intentions to exploit the client

D150 Moon is with Rahu and Ketu in the Lagna 

Hence from the above it seems that the Return of the missing Lady seems to be difficult due to adverse planetary positions  and danger to the life of the missing lady

About the Culprit, Age, Caste

7th Lord is the culprit and since Mercury  he will be a good conversationalist, clever speech,imposing and humorous.Wearing clothes may be Green or unwashed. or dark color clothes. Age of the Culprit 7×6 = 42 years as per the placement of Sun . Shudra by caste. The 7th Lord is also combust See Mercury 20.31 and Sun  13.11. Sun and Mercury will join again in Scorpio on the 17th Nov.2018 and Mercury will be totally Combusted between the 26th to 28th Nov. 2018. This time is critical for the Culprit to be caught by the Police . In fact any time after 17th Nov. 2018 the Culprit can be caught till 28th Nov. 2018 specially between the 26th to 28th Nov. 2018 by the efforts of the Police 

Mercury is Culprit  Brahmin-an expert in knowledge of Bhram & Tatwa e.g Teacher, Religious Preacher, Traveller. Since Mercury is with Sun the 6th Lord and has aspects of Saturn is  shows the quality of the Religious Preacher and not good at all . This combination in the 7th house of Travel. The Lady has been induced to leave by a Religious Preacher. The Ithasla of Mercury and Moon is also not considered good in Astrology and shows the Culprit has induced the Lady to leave .Moon and Sun in the Lagna in the Trishamasha Chart D30 and Rahu-Ketu and Mars in the 7th house , Trishamsha Lord of the 6th Lord and the 8th Lord of the Prashna chart is Jupiter  and Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic component 

The possibility is very weak  for the Return of the missing Lady but taking a positive stance and God Grace she may Return after 17th Nov. 2018 since the 7th Lord will go in Retrogression and 7th Lord is in the 2nd Hora of the sign and Moon has complete ithasla with Mercury the 7th Lord 

Analysis as per the Prashna on the 13th Nov. 23.35 hrs.

Panchang of the Day 

Most Malefic parameter for safe return

The day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars placed in the yama of Sagitarius the 6th house of the Prashna chart where the 8th Lord Saturn is placed  and the Day Lord is placed in the 8th house aspected by 8th Lord Saturn is the most malefic parameter for the safe return of the missing Lady. 

Moon is with Ketu in the 7th house and Rahu in the Lagna and Poison on the day of Query.

Whether the missing Lady has gone of her own or induced to leave 

From the above parameters it is evident that the missing lady was induced to leave and kidnapped and totured. Debilitated sun in the 4th house with Retrograde Venus opens the unhappiness she has gone through

Who has Induced the Lady to Leave 

This chart shows the influence of Rahu Chandal-one  engaged in antisocial work, like theft, corruption, kidnappings, earning through immoral means, underground worker Etc. Rahu is placed in the Movable sign and in the Lagna here  hence the Person who is a Foreigner Far away from the City in the north Direction. Rahu is also Muslim . The Rahu Ketu influence in the 1/7 axis of the Prashna chart along with Moon and the Lagna Lord together in the Navamsha chart clearly shows abduction and kidnapping after she was missing from the Front portion of the house since the Lagna Degrees were 14 Pieces at the time of the Disappearance . Moon is very close to Ketu degrees and already crossed the Moon degrees of 7.02 on the 25th Oct. 2018. Hence this Date seems to be most critical for the Safety of the missing lady

Amazingly Mercury is at 18.36 in Scorpio the 7th Lord at the time of Disappearance and again in a watery sign under ground and aspects the Moon Degree-wise at 19 degrees . This Parameter clearly shows the involvement of the Mercury Brahmin-an expert in knowledge of Bhram & Tatwa e.g Teacher, Religious Preacher, Traveller as explained above as per the Prashna at the time of disappearance , Sun is also Degreewise over the Jupiter in the 8th house at the time of Disappearance   Moon Over Rahu. Hence the job of the Planets Rahu, Mercury and Sun for the Kidnappings forced disappearance of the missing lady

Where is the missing Lady

The Life force giving planets are afflicted badly. Sun Debilitated and Moon in Paap Kartari yoga and with Ketu

The 8th house is the House of Longevity and has Mars afflicted by Saturn , this parameter is most Venomous for the safe return of the missing Lady 

Jupiter the Lagna Lord at the time of disappearance is in the sign Scorpio where Moon Debilitates , this sign signifies depleted buildings,basements, under ground or secret room, tunnel,Cavity, Crevices, Rocky areas near Ponds, River, Forest in the South East Direction and about 13 +39=  52 Kms from the Place of Disappearance 

The Lagna prishtodayo and adhomukh and 8th house having Mars and aspected by 8th Lord from the 6th house opens the secret of the missing Lady and hence the possibility of her safe return are extremely weak 

D12  Chart Moon is afflicted and placed in the 12th house with Ketu and Mars and is evident of the happenings

Just to confirm the happenings I raised a Query myself for the Stranger Missing Lady  on the 15th Nov. 2018 at 20-12 hrs 

The Chart is below

Panchang of the Day . The Day is Thursday and the Lord is placed in the 6th house in the Yama of Scorpio the same sign and gthe Lord is placed in the 9th house of Strangers and aspected by Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord , this combination is not good for the safe return of the missing Person . Kendra has Saturn at the MEP of the Lagna  bad for Safe return . Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord both in the 6th house , note the degrees of Mercury the same in Scorpio as the Moon in Taurus at the tiem of disappearance and aspects the Moon degree-wise in Taurus, the 9th house of the chart has become the 6th house of the chart in this Prashna . Moon badly afflicted and has poorna ithasla with Debilitated Sun is another parameter which opens the secret of the missing lady. Hence from the above also there are no positive indications for the safe return of the Lady. Between the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord Mars Mars is stronger and countingupto Moon the query is about the 12th house and the 12th Lord is with Sun who has Poorna inimical ithasla with Moon, hence the basic cause is the Tensions created by the Senior in the job and after which she resorted to following the Guru’s who exploited her . Day Lord Jupiter is ill placed from thje 5th house and the 5th Lord along with Sun. Rahu is also adverse on this day also 

Birth chart of Missing Lady  

I am not posting the Birth chart of the Mother but pointing out that she had afflicted Venus with Ketu in Lagna  , Moon with Rahu in 7th house  and and Jupiter totally combusted in 11th house  . The worst parameter the Moon and Rahu combination gives uncaused phobies in life and one resorts to Guru’s in life  and Jupiter totally combusted along with Mercury the Preachers and Guru’s will be fake cheater’s and mislead her in life . Rahu is adverse and connected to Moon and Ketu with Venus the Significator of Marital life and afflicted badly . The Native was also running the Dasha of Rahu-Venus and in Transit and in the natal chart when Venus was in the nakshatra of Rahu the event took place and the time of Rahu-Kaal and Din Ratrisandhi. In the sons Natal chart in the D12 Moon in the Lagna in Paap Kartari yoga  also points out no happiness from Mother  and the Dasha is also related to the Planets

Chart of the Husband 

7th house has Rahu Adverse aspected by Saturn from the 5th house . 2nd House has Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the sign Cancer the 8th house from the 7th house , Venus with Mercuryand Ketu in Lagna and Dasha of Mer-Venus-Mars at the time of Disappearance is also not condicive for good return 

Still I am hopeful by God Grace she may return on the 17th Nov. 2018 taking a positive stance. Till the writing of the Article I have got no positive news  

As per parameters for the Person to be in good state  all the 3 Charts for Prashna the Calculation shows Zero and a even number  in the 3 Charts 

1.Prashna at the time of Disappearance 

2. Prashna on the 13th Nov. 2018

3. Self Prashna on the 15th Nov. 2018

My observation all those who have weak Moon specially with Rahu or Ketu they have uncaused fears and they resort to following some Guru’s who exploit the women specially in every respect and they land themselves in Hot waters 

This has also reference to my earlier Article “North Node In Adverse Motion Proves Fatal For Missing Father Through Prashna Jyotish” link…-prashna-jyotish/.  Hence The Parameter Rahu adverse in the Birth chart and the Prashna chart Proves Fatal for the Missing Lady also as discussed in this article 

I happen to see the news ” Delhi fashion designer Mala Lakhani was killed by the man she helped get out of Jail”

The Murder took place on the 14th Nov. 2018 at 22.00 hrs and the chart is below 

The idea of discussing this Chart at the time of Murder is similair to that of the Prashna chart raised on the 13th Nov. 2018 at 23.35 hrs , Both charts are of Prishtodayo Lagna and having Rahu adverse  and rising from behind and a malefic in the 6th house 

The Lagna in both Cases is rising from behind  meaning adhomukh and Venus in the 4th house qith Debilitated Sun and there is perfect Ithasla of Moon and Mercury, in the case of Prashna we had Perfect ithasla of Moon and Jupiter. 6th house has the 8th Lord in both cases and Mars in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn the 8th Lord . Hence we can come to the conclusion that similair happenings for the Missing Lady . Lets hope there is God Grace and the Lady returns today as the single parameter favourable for return of Mercury going in Retrogression today who is the 7th Lord at the time of Disappearance
Adding the Information on the 17th Nov. 2018 18.56 hrs . No information for the Missing Lady , hence there is danger to the life of the missing Lady as per the 3 Prashna charts, Birth charts of the Lady, husband and the son if he is not traced maximum by 17thNov. 2018. The Cat will come out of the bag after Mercury is totally combusted and the culprit will be caught by the Police between the 26th to 28th Nov. or may be before the 2nd Dec. 2018 Hopefully . As mentioned above the 10-11th Nov. 2018 are the key date for some News on the missing Lady and the culprit may even contact the family , since Mercury and Moon are in complete ithasla and difference of 41 days from the date of Disappearance according to the degree difference of 1.34 (1.34×30 =40.02 days ) and 17th Nov. 2018 are the key dates in the event  along with a Time frame of 26th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2018


Written on 17th Nov.. 2018 13-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Adding  on the 24th Nov. 2018  “Missing Air India staffer: Cops Arrest man for Rs 1 Crore” link
Read more at:


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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