Full Moon Chart of 23rd Nov. 2018 Most Enigmatic One

by astrodocanil

The Planetary positions continue to be most malefic since very little relief from the Mars separation from Ketu in the sign Capricorn. Ketu is now in Paap Kartari yoga since Mars and Saturn are gripping Ketu and all Planets except Mars are being gripped by Rahu and Ketu. 8th house from Ketu is aspected by Mars . As per Varahamihra the Sign Capricorn is taken for India for Mundane event and unfortunately the sign Capricorn is rising at the time of the Full Moon and the Lord of the Capricorn sign in the Nakshatra of Ketu and also in Nakshatra Gandantha  since Saturn is at 12.53 degrees . The Nodes at the MEP of the Lagna and in the 1/7 axis  the of the  Rashi Chart, Hora, Navamsha , Dreshkanne, Chaturthamsha, Ashtamsha  divisional charts alone can be most enigmatic in this Fortnight . Ketu in the Lagna and in Paap Kartari yoga then there will be fear from Terrorism, Accidents of Major nature cannot be ruled out of any kind . Kendra from Venus the Karka for Airplanes, Vehicles is afflicted badly hence there could also be events related to Airplanes and Vehicles 

See the Chart of the Fortnight below 

Panchang of the day

The Day is friday and the Lord is Venus placed strongly in the 10th house in its Mool Trikona sign and Vargottam and is in the yama of the sign Gemini the 6th house of the Chart and the Lord is placed in the 11th house in Retrogration with Combusted Jupiter the 12th and the 3rd Lord and Sun the 8th Lord . The Day Lord Venus is ill placed from the 9th house and the 9th Lord Mercury along with 3rd house and 3rd Lord Jupiter . Ill placement from these houses will sprout events related to these houses with magnitude may be it is Regarding Religion, Temples, Courts, Embassies and the Boarder, Media and about accidents of Rail and Airplanes 

The Placement of the nodes in the 1/7 axis of the Divisional charts mentioned above are most Venomous for malefic results to take place in the fortnight . The Trishamasha Lords of the 6th and the 8th Lord are Jupiter and Mercury  and Placed with 8th Lord Sun in the 11th house and as expalined they are ill placed from Venus the Day Lord and the 10th Lord . the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are also in 6/8 axis hence the opposition parties will not leave any stone unturned to spoil the image of the Ruling Govt. But Inspite of all this the 10th Lord Primeminister is strong and vargottam , but the Lagna and the Lagna Lord are under affliction hence there will be no peace in the fortnight and the general condition of the Country may not be a healthy one . Even for the Primeminister they may be lot of smoky allegations and  smoky mudslingings from the Oppositions parties . The 8th Lord from the Lagna Sun and the 8th Lord from Moon Jupiter are influencing the Moon in the 5th house of the house of Speculations , Entertainments , Educational Institutions. All these are bound for afflictions in this fortnight .Strong Earthquake cannot be ruled out due to Mercury affliction and in Retrogression connected to Moon

The Day Lord ill placed from the 9th house and 9th house together with 3rd house and the Lord Mercury, there could be events related to the Temples, Courts, Embassies, Law and also the Boarder Classes , Terrorism, Accidents on the rail Tracks,  Clashes  and untoward happenings with magnitude cannot be ruled out

2nd Lord in 12th house , Jupiter Karka for wealth combusted and with 8th Lord and Mercury Retrograde and coming close to Sun, all this could be malefic for the Stock and the Financial Markets  as aleready pointed out by me in my earlier Articles 

Nodes in the 1/7 axis of the Charts and going in adverse motion from the 26th to 2nd Dec. 2018 could be explosive for what ever has been mentioned above . 

The Strongest planet in the Kendra is Venus and the Direction governed by Venus is South East hence this Direction in the Country will be most prone to the above activities. There are malefic parameters for investment in the Stock and Financial Markets specially for speculations . It is advised to keep away from the above else there could be heavy losses 

In this context see the chart of the 28th Nov. 2018 below

I don’t want to write any thing on this . But it may be noted that till 2nd Dec. 2018 from 26th Nov. 2018 the Planetary positions will be most Venomous and events pertaining above can take place  not only in India but Globally most enigmatic. Mars Most Predominant in all the charts. Moon in the nakshatra of Saturn Pushya  and signifies the East direction as per Koorma Chakra ,hence troubles in Eastern Part of the Country  

Written on 19th Nov.. 2018 8.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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