Mars Saturn Stationary And Activation Of Eclipse Point : What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

We are nearing the point when the North node will play the game between the 7th August to 11th August ,19th August to 24th August 2018 in the near future and Trade wars  could be taking ugly shape again . Mars will also be out of Pushkar navansha on the 8th -9th August 2018. Lets us see what is in fate of the World. ASTROLOGY PREDICTS LOUD AND CLEAR . Stationary points of Mars , Saturn and the Eclipse Point of the Lunar Eclipse are the most Crucial Parameters in the Present and the Future of the Financial , Stock Markets, Brawl between Nations, Earthquakes, and Natural and Unnatural Disasters . Jupiter becoming Attichari is another Parameter which cannot be ignored since will cover its journey to Sagitarius in just 5.5 months from 11th Oct. 2018 and then Fall back in Scorpio

When Planets are in Retrogression there will be a Bullish Trend is the main parameter in Financial Astrology. In the Present  scenario since 27th June 2018 there has been a surge in the Financial and Stock Markets and Mars has been instrumental for this. We all know that Mars is like pressing the key and gives the results instantly and being retrograde  gives spikes in the Financial and the Stock Markets . The Change in situations could be prominantly seen after these points are activated as per the Time frames mentioned in this Article and above

Stationary Points of Mars and Saturn

Mars is Becoming Direct and Stationary on the 27th August 2018 Evening and Saturn on the 6th Sept. 2018 Evening and these planets are crucial for 4 to 5 days from this Point and can give piercing and venomous results  for the global events .Being Malefic Planets they become most Venomous specially when owning the trik bhavas.  Hence a big change in the Global Financial Markets trends and Global Events  . The spikes may wither away . Brawl between nations may take ugly shape  specially between US and other countries like , China, Russia, North Korea, Iran. Gulf Countries may be in Trouble 

Activation of Eclipse point 

On the 26th Sept. 2018 Mars will be activating the Sharavan Nakashatra at 10 degrees the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018. more so when it is also not  in the Pushkar Navamsha at these degrees . Mars activation of the Eclipse point on the 26th Sept. 2018 may be ugly for all this what has just started to happen after a cool .The Planetary Positions in the year 2019 are even worst than June-July-August  2018 when Saturn and Ketu join in Sagitarius on the 25th March 2019 and Mars Joins Rahu on the 7th May 2019 , Degree conjunction of Saturn and Ketu at 23 degrees opposed by Rahu amd Mars at these degrees . Solar Eclipses on the 6th Jan 2019, 2nd July 2019, Lunar Eclipse on the 21st Jan 2019 and 16th July 2019. The worst will be after Jupiter is also Fallen from Sagitarius to Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 till 5th Nov. 2019. Jupiter after ingress in Scorpio will cover the 12th month course in just 5.5 months to Sagitarius as a Attichari planet and then Fall back as a Fallen Planet supposed to be most venomous for its significations . The Planetary positions are worst and the Eclipses in the Dual Signs, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Ketu opposing Degreewise in these dual signs are indicative of a Big Disaster and Brawl between the Nations taking the ugliest shape along with Financial Crash as the 2008 and 2019 I have already mentioned in my latest Article the fate of the Financial and Stock Markets
After 1or 2 more spikes in the Financial Markets for which also the Planetary positions may not be condusive but the Future is bleak after Nifty crosses 11500-11600 it so seems as per the time frames mentioned and activation of the critical points of Mars, Saturn andthe Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse  in this Year 2018

Jupiter the Karka For Wealth  Becomes Attichari

11th Oct. 2018 Jupiter ingresses in Scorpio the sign of Mars and Mars Placed in its Debilitation sign Capricorn  and Jupiter covers its travel to Sagitarius sign in just 5.5 months on the 1st April 2019 and becomes Retrograde on the 10th April 2019 and falls back in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 as a Fallen Planet will be the Most Sebnsitive parameter for the Global Stock and the Financial Markets . Jupiter Remains in Scorpio till the 5th Nov. 2019 and then Joins Saturn and Ketu placed there. Between the 1st April to 23rd April 2019. Jupiter will be with Saturn, Ketu in Sagitarius could be the most sensitive Parameters for the Global Financial Markets and a Parallel situation could emerge as the 1929 and the 2008 Crash of the Financial Markets . At this point Saturn also be completing its 30 year cycle from 1990 and 90 year cycle from 1929. Both these years were most sensitive . 1990 Gulf War and break in financial markets. 1929 the year of great depression. It seems 12th June 2019 will be a day to be remembered in the Global events together with Financial and Stock Markets . Hence from the  7th-8th August 2018 ,27th August, 6th Sept. 2018 in the Present Scenario will be crucial time frames  for changing the Fate of the Financial and Stock Markets  it soo seems and finally worst in June 2019.

Financial Astrology is the most difficult Subject and there are no researches available and no detailed text by our Seers and all depends upon the Research of the Astrologer and If it does not happen , please do not blame me. People react when Prediction go wrong but not the other way round when they are on dot . I try my level best to put in my sincere efforts to give maximum to the readers with my Research in Astrology .

Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 6th August  2018  19-00 hrs 
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