Mars Activating Eclipse Point Twice On 22nd Nov. and 1st Jan 2017 Bane or Boon For US Presidential Elections

by astrodocanil

hillary-trumpMars Activating Eclipse Point Twice On 22nd Nov. and 1st Jan 2017 Bane or Boon For US Presidential Elections

This is with reference to my Article on the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 “Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 and Earthquake Prone Periods”  link

Let me put the chart here once again for ready reference  of 1st Sept. 2016 14.33 hrs. IST

1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Saturn  Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees in Scorpio and The Eclipse Point of 15.15  in Leo of  the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at same degrees, an Explosive Parameter and then Mars activating this Eclipse point twice on the 22nd Nov. 2016 and the 1st Jan. 2017 could Prove Explosive for the US Presidential Election Results . This Eclipse is taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon in the Foundation chart of the US of 4th July 1776 10-20-30 hrs Pheladelphia.

The Solar Eclipse chart is Below of the 1st Sept. 2016

Eclipse of Sept 2016

Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes  followed by  Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude. The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon, Sun and the 8th house are also Explosive Parameters for the Kings and the Queens of the Country  as well.

Eclipse in a Royal Sign of Leo and Sun also eclipsed points out Disgrace, Scandles and Humiliations for the People in Power , specially if the Eclipses are taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon , Sun .  As per theory of K N Rao as written by him in the Book of Nehru Dynasty  the Chapter Astrological  Inavitability. The Kings, Queens  , Head of thr States can suffer specially those running the Anter Dasha of a Planet who has the capacity to kill or bring a down fall in the life of the native or a Nation. Since the Dasha at the time of the Solar Eclipse is also Mars -Ketu till 9th Sept. 2016 the Fatal Results are inevitable when Mars activates the Eclipse Point of 15.15 degrees in Leo on the 22nd Nov. 2016 and the 1st Jan. 2017. Hence US is Bound for Explosive happenings as far as the US Presidential Elections since the  same are taking place around that time and Rahu aspected by both Mars and Saturn and Rahu in Forward motion will turn the tables upside down , or Disqualify the Candidate who wins the Elections. Rahu is also Capable to hang the Election Results and even recounting cannot be ruled out

Eclipse in a fixed and Fiery sign on the 1st Sept. 2016 , will influence more on the animals and 4 legged , vehicles, those who work on Fire , hunters , People living in Mountains, Leo is also Eastern direction and the nakshatra is Bharini governed by North East Direction. Hence Nepal, Sikkam,Bhutan,Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China and Burma, being the 8th house of China and Kashmir will be a Sensitive Time Frame. In this article since we are more concerned about the fate of the US Presidential Elections  we will concentrate on this only , although this Activation of the Eclipse point will also influence many countries as mentioned by me in my other articles on my webpage

The Eclipse is taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Moon in Aquarius in the case of US and the dasha was also Mars -Ketu till 9th Sept. 2016 , hence there will be major impact on the Kings and the Queens of the country and specially the Elections taking Place when Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees twice on the 21-22nd Nov. 2016 and then 1st Jan 2017 . Scandles, Disgrace and Humiiations for the Country Kings and Queen will sprout with magnitude close to the Elections first as mentioned by me in my earlier articles  between 23rd -28th Oct. 2016 which has proved 100%  and then when Mars Activates the Eclipse points as mentioned above

Image of 1st Sept. 2016 Solar Eclipse


Chart of 22nd Nov. 2016 when Mars Reaches Eclipse point  15.15 degrees and aspects Moon and Rahu. Rahu is also in Forward motion on this day and most explosive


I have already explained this in my article “Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016” link dated 4th Nov. 2016

Let us now Look at the Time  on the 1st Jan 2017 when Mars joins Ketu and Neptune in Aquarius and aspects the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees and opens a wealth of Secrets and  Scandles which will bring Disgrace , Humiliations  for the Candidate in the Lime light for the US Presidential Elections . Look at the Degrees of Mars and Neptune

Chart is below


The Above chart is most Explosive . As Per the theory of K N Rao, When Mars activates the Eclipse point it is Explosive and supposed to be Ammunition Dump

Mars Triggers the Results twice fist between 21-22nd When Rahu is also Adverse and the on the 1st Jan 2016 and 3rd Jan 2016 when Rahu is again in forward motion, Mars also Joins Neptune in Transit and will open all the Secrets in the Political Fields and Bring Disgrace , Scandles and Humiliations for the People in Power , Specially those who have got entangled in the Period from 23rd to 28th Oct. 2016 , Let me put the important events which happened then

1. Cyrus Mistry of TATA

2. Smajwadi Party Split

3. Scandles of Hillary Clinton , Hence Humiliations and Disgrace for her , if she is elected  and before the inauguration day of the 20th Jan 2017

Please refer to my article “Rahu Demon becomes most venomous like snakebite in Nov-Dec. 2016 as per the dates 21st -22nd Nov. 2016 and then on the 1st Jan 2017 to 3rd Jan 2017

Since the Burning Topic is of the US Presidential Elections let us also Study the Chart of the Daughter of Hillary Clinton which is an authentic one , since the Chart of Hillary is not Authentic


I am putting the Chart of Chelsea Clinton of the 27th Feb. 1980 of 23-24 hrs Little Rock Ad USA From Astrologic Magzine


Normally when the Chart of A family member is not authentic then we can also take the chart of another family member to evaluate the situations. Hence in this connection we are considering the Daughters chart  . For Mother we can see the chart from the 4th house  and also from Moon  since Moon is the significator of Mother

She is running the Dasha  Ven-Jupiter-Sun in the Present Scenerio , Venus is yoga Karka for Capricorn Lagna and is Exhalted but Jupiter is 3rd and 12th Lord placed in the 8th house from the 4th house. And Jupiter is placed with Mars and Rahu forming a Malefic Guru Chandal yoga  and Sun is in the 2nd house from 4th house who is again  Eclipsed by Ketu  . The Most Explosive parameter is the Degrees of Sun  it is 15.12 in Aquarius  and Exactly the Eclipse point Degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 in Leo  . Also As per Principles of K N Rao if the Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun or Moon then there is  down fall in the life of a Celebrity and a well known person , specially when the anter dasha is of a Planet which has the capacity to kill or bring the Native down from Positions due to Scandles,Disgrace and Humiliations. The dispositor of Venus is also in the 8th house is also showing the concern for the  Mother and she may face Scandles , Disgrace and Humilaitions and 8 types of Death(Not actually death but 8 types of Insults).  We all know the FBI Investigations in the 6,50000 emails under observations .

The results from Moon are also the Same since Sun, Ketu and Mercury are placed in the 8th from Moon and the sub sub Dasha Lord is Sun.Moon Placed in the 7th house from the 4th house is strong and shows the Mother but the Dasha sequence and the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 and the Mars activating the 8th house from 4th house and 8th house from Moon will put the Mother in a disgraceful position . Hence Till Mars reaches the Aquarius sign and Joins Ketu and Neptune , she may win the Elections but the Moment Mars Reaches 11 degrees of Aquarius on the 26th Dec. 2016 and reaches 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan 2017  over the Natal Sun and the Eclipse Point Degrees  Hillary Clinton will have a nasty fall , disgrace , humiliations and 8 type of Death as explained above.The Conjunction of Jupiter and Mars at 11. degrees is explosive along with Rahu at 5 -6 degrees , which will be activated as well

The Media and all the Astrologers are pointing Victory for Hillary Clinton and surprises me . Chart of Donald Trum is much Superior than Hillary any day , but since Hillary has to face the Humiliations  and 8 type of Deaths ( Not actual Death) in the form of Insult etc. and there is a wave for her. The wave will also subside slowly as the elections approach and specially after 22nd Nov. 2016 she will face Hell.

The Mars activating the Eclipse point twice will not only Influence US but the other Parts of the World as well  and Specially  the Countries Progressive year is multiple of 18 or 18.5 since the Nodes come over the Nodes after 18 years multiples and have Sun afflicted in the charts  , but the worst is when Ketu comes over Rahu and Rahu over Ketu

Before the Mars Activates the Eclipse Point it is also Possible for the FBI may Clear the Email Row , but after Mars activates the Eclipse points there could be untoward happenings of any kind putting Hillary in an akward Position  and surprises after surprises .

What will actually happen to the US Elections will only be decided after 1st- 3rd Jan 2017 as Per the Planetary Positions and Specially Mars ,

Recountings cannot be ruled out . , Hillary to Step Down even if she wins since by then there will be wealth of Probe by the FBI against her

I have been mentioning that Rahu has the capacity to turn the tables and even hang the Elections like a Hanging Fire since Rahu is unpredictable , Please bear with me in case it happens the other way round although the Possibility is as Predicted above

There will be surprises after surprises

What Happens to Trum if he can Take over is the decision of the US Lawmakers

He will be close to the Elections figures  and if his Rahu Favours he can even get the Heaven, But the above is Inevitable

In the case of Chelsea 18 years Back when Rahu-Ketu were again on the natal Rahu-Ketu  her father  Bill Clinton was impeached.

Hence the US Presidential Elections in Nov 2016 would Prove a Bane  . First Hillary may win and then Face 8 type of Humiliations or Untoward Happeings in Life  as mentioned above .

Trump Horoscope is definitely stronger then Hillary  Analysis as per Chelsea Clinton chart, Irrespective who wins Hillary is bound for a fall , disgrace and humiliations , even if she wins

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

6th Nov. 2016  21.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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