My Research For Using the 5 Limbs of the Day

by astrodocanil

My Research For Using the 5 Limbs of the Day

I have been using the 5 Limbs of the Day for the Birth Charts, Muhurat Charts, Prashna Charts and Found amazing good results . Some Time Back I started to use them also in the Paksha Kundalis and in Mundane charts and found amazing good Results . One such analysis of the Paksha Kundali of the 30th Oct. 2016 23-08 hrs  is discussed Below for the Amazing Results

The Paksha Kundali of the 30th Oct. 2016 23-08 hrs  Belowpaksha-kundali-30th

The 5 Limbs of the Day

Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun Debilitated  in the chart  and in a Dagdha Rashi

Day Lord Sun is ill placed from the 9th house , 9th Lord , 11th house 11th Lord Venus

Tithi  Amavasya  First Part is Totally Malefic

Nakshatra  Swati   Rahu is the Lord and Placed in the Royal Sign of Leo , whose Dispositor is Debilitated , Navamsha Lord of Rahu Mercury Combusted , . Rahu aspected By Saturn and since Mars just shifting in Capricorn will also aspect Rahu on the 1st Nov. 2016 . Rahu is aspected By 7th and 8th Lord Saturn Rahu Nakshatra Lord Becomes extremely Strong malefic and Placed in the 2nd House of Reserves of the Country.

Yoga  Ayushma

Karna Kimstughna A Malefic Karna and Lord is Sun and Debilitated and 2nd Lord the House of Reserves . All Financial matters are seen from the Tithi and the Karna and since Afflicted there will be malefic effects on the 2nd House of the Chart and hence Monetary

Hora  Sandhi of Mercury and Moon Hora  and Both Placed in the 4th house with 2nd Lord Sun  who is badly afflicted since in Dagdha Rashi and Debilitated

Sun Rise 06-35 hrs

Day Lord is Sun Placed in the yama of  Sagitarius which has Mars the 10th Lord  is the 6th house of the Chart and the Lord Jupiter is placed in the  8th house from 8th house a Shookasham Sthan of the 8th house  and The Day Lord Sun is ill placed from 9th house and 9th Lord Jupiter and also the Yama Lord , the Most Malefic Parameter . Sun will give the Results of the Mars  who will become Exhalted after a day .

Day Lord  Sun is also Afflicted badly and ill placed from 11th house and 11th Lord Venus , who is with 8th Lord and in Planetary war and Venus Loses since in higher Longitude .

Moon is in the Nakshatra of  Rahu along with Sun and Mercury in the 4th house  and the Lord Rahu in the 2nd House . Rahu is also Avyogi Planet , hence Extremely bad for the Reserves of the country

Yama Moon is in the sign of Virgo  and in the Paksha Kundlai in Libra , hence 2/2 position is also not good more so it is with the 3nd and 12th Lord Mercury who is totally Combusted

Hence from the above it is clear that the Lagnesh Moon is Extremely weak along with Sun the Karka for Govt. and the 2nd Lord where Rahu is Placed as a Avyogi

10th Lord Mars is in the 9th Navamsha and just going to become exhalted and ingress in the 10th from 10th house which will stimulate the Image of the Prime Minister

Planet aspecting the Lagna is Mars and since about to change sign and become exhalted , Mars Acquires a special Dimension and since in the 9th navamsha and takes one day and Night for Fructification it will give the results after 9 Days and hence on the 8th Nov. 2016 . The Prime Minister will come Out with some thing Strong , since the 10th house is Governed By the Prime Minister and the Lagna by the General condition and since the Lagna and 2nd House are afflicted , the General condition of the Public will not be good with the Decision .

In Mundane 4th house is the Public and the 5th house the Money of the Public and there is Planetary war of the 11th and 4th Lord with Saturn the 7th and 8th Lord Exactly point out what has happened yesterday

Rahu in the chart is Extremely Malefic State and bring some Changes and Rulings regarding the Reserves of the country .Rahu stands for Mutiny connetcted to Mars and Saturn will be explosive for the 2nd House which is the Financial Condition of the Country, National wealth , Purchasing Power . Since Rahu is Placed there will be surprises regarding the same and some strong Changes

Sun in Mundane represents Kings, Prime Ministers and the  Influential Buisness People since afflicted there will be some Major happening in this Fortnight .

Moon represents the General Common man and afflicted the general common man may suffer in this fortnight specially after the 8th Nov. 2016

Day Lord Sun and the King  ill placed from Jupiter which represents the Banks Treasury, Finance ,Revenues  and Buisness in General will be adversely influenced in this Fortnight after 8th Nov. 2016

Venus afflicted Shows  Civil Strife

Saturn as the 7th and 8th Lord and in General as per Kalidas Dukh Karka , connection with Mars in the 7th house on the 1st Nov. 2016 , therefore harm will be more .Saturn aspects the 2nd House , 11th house as well is most Malefic. Saturn the strongest Planet in Shadbala  

11th House is National Mint and aspected by 8th Lord Saturn and 11th lord in Planetary War hence change in Currency

The Major Effect is of Rahu since in the sign of Leo and the 2nd House

Rahu becomes 1st Rate Malefic as per the following Parameters and in the Chart above as well

  1. Rahu Avyogi. Here it is Avyogi.
  2. Dispositor of Rahu Debilitated , Sun dispositor is Debilitated
  3. Navamsha Lord of Rahu afflicted , In the chart Rahu in Virgo Navamsha and Mercury Totally combusted
  4. Rahu aspected by Mars and Saturn , Here as explained above aspected by Mars and Saturn after 1st Nov. 2016
  5. Rahu in the 2nd House in the Rashi and Navamsha chart
  6. Rahu in Forward Motion on the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016
  7. Rahu is Unpredictable and Can change the Glass upside down
  8. More Expected on the 21-22nd Nov and then 1st to 5th Jan . 2017


Navamsha of Leo hence the Significations of the 2nd House will dominate in this Fortnight .

As PerRashi Tula Navamsha Sun, Moon and Mercury in the 8th house of the Rashi Chart shows what has happened on the 8th Nov. 2016

Now Read this

Read: Entire Speech Of PM Modi Announcing Large Notes Banned

A Good Decision to Take care of the Currency which is Fake and Black Money . Things will be sorted out  soon .

Stock Market may take the biggest hit on 9th Nov. 2016  and a Black Wednesday

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

8th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 



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