Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018: What Stars Foretell For Stock And Financial Markets ?

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my various articles written on the stock  and financial markets and also the latest one written “Will The Lunar Eclipse Of 28th July 2018 Trigger Global ‘Seismic Unrest’ – Including ‘Monster 7-Mag Earthquake’ ? ” link…7-mag-earthquake/

I have already compared the Planetary positions of the 28th July 2018 with the 16th July 2000 when there was a big change in the Stock Markets when there was a similair Lunar Eclipse . Let me further analyse the situations for the Stock and the Financial Markets in the Present and the Future Scenario.

Now See the Chart Below of the 28th July 2018 of  01-50 hrs

Now Have a look at the Present Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018  at 01-51 hrs IST  

I need not explain the chart since it is self explanting, For India since the sign rising at the time of the Eclipse is Taurus and the same as the Lagna of the Foundation chart may spell evil  more so  since Retrograde Mars and Ketu almost degree conjunct and Mars also activating the Eclipse point at this time. The Placement of the dispositor of Mars, Moon and Ketu in the 8th house is another parameter which cannot be ignored . The Mercury getting Retrograde on the 26th July 2018 and with Rahu till 2nd Sept. 2018 is another Parameter which is getting afflicted at the time of the Eclipse and will therefore influence the weather, stock markets and also give birth to Earthquakes of intensity 

Mars and Ketu Conjunction for a long stay for 187 was 205 years back in the sign Capricorn and  Solar Eclipse took place on the 27th July 1813 at 19.57 hrs IST and the Month of August 1813 was Month of Wars as per   The Degrees of the Luminaries were 12.49 and Mars and Ketu were 17 and 19 respectively.

The most crucial parameters at the time of the Lunar Eclipse are as follows 

1.Kaal Sarpa Yoga on the 28th July 2018 . if the readers remember on the 20th Sept. 2017 there was Kaal Sarpa yoga in the Paksha Kundali and it influenced the stock market 

2. Mars the Planet which gives ups and down in the Market influencing the Rahu for Speculation , Cheating and capable of turning the glass full of water upside down is badly influenced by Mars degreewise on the 27th-28th July 2018. Ketu gives bear trends and unfortunately Mercury also with this combination and also turns Retrograde on the 26th July 2018 at 10.30 am. Mercury controls the Trades and is Karka for Stock Markets, weather, Earthquakes . This Parameter is a risky one for the Trade wars to escalate and take ugly turn and in turn influence the Stock and the Financial Markets strongly for a negative trend after crossing a new high . Saturn 60 year cycle from the 1958-1959 is also running and when the stock Market reached new highs when Saturn was in Sagitarius 60 years back and a parallel trend being followed by the financial Markets . Unfortunately the Saturn cycle of 90 years from the 1929 will also be completed in the early 2019 along with Oct. 2008 trends of Market crash

3. The Day is Friday since before sunrise and placed in the Yama of Aquarius the 10th house of the Eclipse chart and the Lord is placed in the 8th house is most malefic component in the Eclipse chart and Mars is Placed in the North Direction will strongly influence the North Part of India and also the World Economy . For India this Eclispe is most malefic since the same Lagna rising . We can also say that from the Monday the 30th July 2018 onwards may  be the most important time frame for the Global Economy of the world

4. Since there is a Kaal Sarpa yoga being formed at the time of the Eclipse , Mars afflicting Mercury and also Sun and Moon badly afflicted in close degrees and the Nodes in Forward motion till 30th July 2018 could prove to be most explosive 

5. There is a saving in the chart which is Jupiter is not afflicted and can save the Market to some extent only  . Venus is also afflicted by 8th Aspect of Mars , which shows that this is crucial point for the Global activities and also the Stock markets .Jupiter in the present scenario is not afflicted but in Rahu nakshatra hence the Stock Market flare may be mislead the Investors . Jupiter will also be attichari after its ingress in Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018 and cover its journey to Sagitarius in just  5.5 months on the 1st April 2019 and become retrograde on the 10th April 2019 and fall back in Scorpio will be the most crucial and explosive parameter for the Stock Market ,here Jupiter will join Ketu in Sagitarius could be like a bolt from the blue for the Financial Markets of the Globe . Ketu joins Saturn and Mars Joins Rahu in Gemini and again a kaal Sarpa Yoaga with an Eclipse could prove to be the Most Venomous Time and one almost parallel to the great depression of the 24th Oct. 1929. Hence after 25th March 2019 till 23rd April 2019 will be the worst time frma efor the Financial Markets after the Time frame in 2018 after the Eclipse of the 28th July 2018, spwecially when Rahu is most venomous in August and Sept 2018 for the First break in the stock Market after 30th July 2018. The Eclipses in the Month of June 2019 may further escalate the the troubles in the Financial Markets of the World it so seems. The troubles may strat from Countries like US, Greece, Venezeula and India apart from Europe Union

6. After 16th July 2018 after Sun Transit in Cancer and in Dakhnayana the Energy of Sun will be least hence this time frame till 27th August till when Mars will be retrograde will be most sensitive period for the Glodbe and also the US. The Mars Activation of the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July, 26th Sept. 2018 and when in Stationary mode from the 27th August to 31st August and then when Saturn is also Stationary from the 6th Sept. to 11th Sept. 2018 could prove to be most Venomous for the world in terms to the Trade wars, Financial and Stock Markets. The Fall now may be after crossing new highs which have already taken place , hence the Present Situation is dicy and worstin 2019 as explained above.

7. When The North node is in adverse motion from the 28th to 30th July , 8th to 11th August , 18th to 23rd August , 4th to 7th Sept., 18th to 21st Sept. 2018 would be most crucial for the Mundane activities of the World along with major impact on the Trade, Financial and Stock Markets , Mind you there is a saving now of the Jupiter which could save the fall to some level but in June 2019 there is no saving at all . Saturn cycle of the 30th anf the 90th Year cycle will also complete then. In any caseeven the first fall could be an ugly one which is round the corner any time after Nifty crosses 11500 points the bubble can burst .

8. Since Saturn is also in the 6/ 8 axis with Sun who has the least enery in a watery sign and afflicted badly there will be Political Tug of Wars , Brawl between the nations will take ugly Turn, Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Country will be influenced negatively ,World Politics will have issue . BSE and Nifty can break but mind you some saving of Jupiter till 11th Oct 2018 , but in 2019 worst . The Global  Trade warning is rising that could sink the Economy into a recession. It is possible it could bring an end to the longest expansion in the Stock and the Financial Markets .The situations will be clear  and indications on the Monday the 30th July 2018 and the dates mentioned above and seems even after 11th Oct. 2018 when Jupiter will join Scorpio where it is going to fall back from Sagitarius on the 23rd April 2019.  It seems  the Saturn Cycles of 30 years and the 90 years will also be completed then and a Parallel happenings what took place on the 29th Oct. 1929 and Oct. 2008.. It seems that some action taken by Donnald Trump concerning the Banks will be the main parameter for the Global recession it seems before Nov. 2018 and as perthe Dates mentioned above which could turn more ugliest around the March-June 2019

9. Another Malefic Parameter for the US is the Rahu will ingress over the natal Jupiter in the foundation chart of US would be killing the US economy and hence the world 

This is a research article and if it does not happen please do not blame me , any investments made will be purly at your own risk and fancies. I donot take the responsibility in anty case where the investor suffers any loss from the Stock Markets. 

  1. Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
    • Written on 26th July  2018  10.30 hrs 
    • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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