Kumaraswamy’s Floor Test Today, BJP In Race For Speaker’s Post: What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

Kumaraswamy’s Floor Test Today, BJP In Race For Speaker’s Post link https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/hd-kumaraswamys-floor-test-today-bjp-in-race-for-speakers-post-10-points-1857243?pfrom=home-topscroll. 

Many Twists and Turns still on the Cards  in The Karnataka Elections and seems the New CM Kumaraswamy days are also numbered  As per his Natal Chart  He has Saturn and Sun in the 7th house of Alliances and Saturn will be closest to Earth on the 27th June 2018 when Mars will also turn Retrograde may prove disastrous for him and also as per the Dates mentioned by me in my articles . The Simhasan Chakra Spells Hell for him and hence Fall from Position from the post of CM Now Read this News “Full 5-year term still not discussed, Says Karnataka Dy CM” https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/full-5-year-term-for-kumaraswamy-still-not-discussed-says-karnataka-dy-cm-parameshwara/ar-AAxL8N3?ocid=spartanntp

Read my Article “‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/red-planet-mars-…-between-nations/

Also Read My Articles on the Karnataka  Elections

1.”Kumaraswamy Oath Taking Ceremony On Wednesday 23rd May at 4.30 PM: Simhasan Chakra Bolt From the Blue” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/kumaraswamy-oath…lt-from-the-blue/

2.”Kumaraswamy to swear-in as CM on May 23: A Bolt From The Blue As Per Simhasan Chakra” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/kumaraswamy-to-swear-in-as-cm-on-may-23-a-bolt-from-the-blue-as-per-simhasan-chakra/

3.”Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions On Karnataka Elections Prove On Dot” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/astrology-speaks…ons-prove-on-dot/

4. “https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/astrology-speaks…ons-prove-on-dot/” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/sc-turns-down-th…r-bjp-floor-test/

5.”Karnataka Election Crisis. Floor Test 19th May Before16.00 Hrs. : What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/karnataka-electi…up-their-sleeves/

6.”Supreme Court Allows BSY’s Swearing-in: What Stars Foretell” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/supreme-court-al…t-stars-foretell/

7. “Karnataka Legislative Assembly Election, 2018: What Stars Foretell ?” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/05/karnataka-legisl…t-stars-foretell/

Let us have a look at the Panchang of the 25th May 2018 to see what could be the Results of the Floor Test 

The Day if Friday and the Lord is Venus .

The Tithi is SP-11

Nakshatra Haste

Yoga Siddhi 

Karna Vishti Not good for Auspicious Works  and Saturn the Lord is Making Rudda Yoga with Venus the Day Lord  with in a Day/week/Month on the 26th May 2018 earliest .

Lagnas in the day 

Mithuna 07:19:57 09:31:26 09:04:59
Karka 09:31:26 11:40:41 10:02:08
Simha 11:40:41 13:43:32 13:07:10
Kanya 13:43:32 15:44:59 14:39:56
Tula 15:44:59 17:51:35 17:25:42
Vrischika 17:51:35 20:03:25 18:22:07

Karnataka floor Test Live updates https://www.firstpost.com/politics/karnataka-assembly-election-floor-test-live-updates-trust-vote-expected-at-12-pm-today-after-election-of-new-speaker-hd-kumaraswamy-likely-to-sail-through-4482005.html As per the Link and Tweet 



Coalition government will prove its strength on the floor of the Karnataka Assembly at 12:15pm today.

https://www.thequint.com/news/politics/karnataka-floor-test-live-updates-cm-kumaraswamy-to-move-trust-vote-at-1215 also confirms the same 
Let us have a look at the Chart at the time of 12.15 hrs
Rahu Kaal 10.42 to 12.17 hrs and Abhijeet Muhurat from11.51 to 12.42 hrs.
The Day is Friday and the Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo the Lagna of the Muhurat chart is good .
Lagnesh is placed in the yama of Aquarius and the Lord Saturn is Placed in the 5th house of Pad Prapti and Saturn  is Retrograde and having Rudda Yoga with Venus the 10th Lord Karyesh and also the Day Lord . The Rudda yoga is formed in good houses , but unfortunately Saturn is also the Lord of the 6th house may give permanent Cancellation of the event and hence with in 1 day/week/Month or maximum in a year there may be cancellation of the Event / Promotion
The Karyesh Venus is placed in the yama of Leo and the Lord though placed in the 10th house is in an inimical sign and also the Lagna is Adhomuhk and downward looking , Sun has Ishraaf yoga and shows some previous event with in 1-2 days and hence the Oath 
The Labesh Mercury is placed in Own yama and Mercury has an Ishraaf yoga with Jupiter who is the 5th and the 8th Lord, This combination is also worst but being Benefics may confer malefic results after some time 
As Per the Natal Chart of the 16th Dec. 1959 18-08 PM Hassan 76E05 and 12N57 of Gemini Lagna and Sun and Saturn a Bhandan yoga in the 7th house  and  Dasha in operation of Mercury-Saturn ,Transit Saturn coming closest to Earth and at 180 degrees from Sun on the 27th June 2018 when Mars is turning Retrograde may give him a big blow it seems .He is running the Dasha of Mercury -Saturn and the Vedic Progression chart  also indicate a Fall from Status . I have already indicated his Fall through the Simhasan Chakra which spells a downfall as well. It seems President Rule may come in force in Karnataka . Even if the Time changes and not as per the above there are negative Parameters of Ishraaf yoga, Rudda Yoga and are capable of Spelling Negative results along with Simhasan Chakra. ASTROLOGY SPEAKS LOUDLY if the Basic Information is correct the Predictions cannot be wrong 
Parameters Added at 18-00 hrs on the 25th May 2018 since some changes of the time and hence Predictions also change
Some changes since the Oath Taking Started AT 12.22  Abhijeet Muhurat and not Rahu Kaal which ended at 12.17 hrs . The Floor Test  took place at 13.38 hrs  as per “Karnataka floor test updates: HD Kumaraswamy wins trust vote, BJP walks out of state Assembly” link https://www.firstpost.com/politics/karnataka-floor-test-live-updates-hd-kumaraswamy-moves-trust-vote-motion-says-worked-to-maintain-jds-secular-identity-4482005.html
The Floor Test took place at 13.48 hrs with Virgo Lagna and the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the 8th house is not good though the 11th Lord id in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord is Exalted may initially give good results then Fall from Position
Let us have a look at the chart at 13.48 hrs on the 25th May 2018
The Day Lord Venus is Placed in the Yama of Leo which is the 12th house and has aspect by Mars the 8th Lord by 8th strong aspect, the Yama Lord Sun is placed in the 9th house making the Lagna urdamukh  and Strong . Lagna is also and Shirshodayo and the Moon Placed in it
. The Lagnesh Mercury and Karyesh  10th Lord again Mercury is placed in the Yama of Gemini in own sign but the Yama Lord id Placed in the 8th house is the most malefic component of the Muhurat Chart . The 11th Lord Moon is placed in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord Mars is Exalted in the 5th house of Pad Prapti confers good results, but again the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord in square position indicates the Strife and Quarrels . In case of Coalition Govt. the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord should be placed well and Friends . Here in the chart the Lagnesh Mercury and the 7th Lord are placed in the 1/7 axis in the 8th and the 2nd House respectively . There is a Ishraaf yoga between the Lagnesh and the 7th Lord Jupiter who is Retrograde and the difference shows some coalition 4 days back since the Difference is 4  degrees and Since the Jupiter is Retrograde it can spell worst results specially Lagna Lord in the 8th house and having aspect of Exalted mars the 8th Lord and 8th Lord is stronger than the Lagna Lord . There is also Rudda Yoga of the Venus the Day Lord with Saturn the 5th and the 6th Lord and a Malefic one . Moon has Ishraaf yoga with , Saturn and Venus and the difference is  6 degrees hence this figure acquires a special dimension. The Ishraaf yoga shows a past event  but if the Planet involved if a Malefic owning a trik bhav and Retrograde it is most malefic and can spell the worst results according the degree difference
The Benefic Parameters today
1.Abhijeet muhurat The Cereminy started at 12.22 instead of 12.15 hrs. which was very bad and Rahu Kaal.
2. Lagna Shisshodayo and Urdha Mukh.
3. 11th Lord in the yama of Scorpio and the Lord is Exhalted
But since the Lagnesh and 10th Lord  Mercury are placed in the Yama sign of Gemini and the Lord is Placed in the 8th house aspected by 8th Lord Mars will spell malefic results  soon ,more so the Placement of Moon in the Lagna and the diposiotr in the 8th house and aspected by Saturn Retrograde will spell most malefic results , although Moon has improved in the Simhasan Chakra and gone in a higher Nadi in Simha, but aspect of Saturn will ruin it more so they are in Ishraaf yoga and a malefic one , hence Moon in totality has not improved and Saturn and Rahu in the Aasan nadi will do what has been explained earlier and may prove to be a Bolt from the Blue specially when Mars is Stationary closest to Earth and degree conjunction with Ketu. The Most provocative dates are as followsin the immediate future
1. 30th May to 10th June 2018
2. Saturn closest to earth on the 27th June 2018 when Mars will be stationary and goes in Retrogression..
3. Mars and Ketu Meet in degree conjunction on the 8th June, 27th July and 26th Sept. 2018 are bound to give negative results 
4.Venus in Gemini till 8th June and then till it goes in Libra till Sept 2018.
5.Till Mars in Capricorn till 6th Nov. 2018 can spell a down fall for the King it so seems
anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 25th May 201811.00 hrs  Added some Parameter as above at 18.00 hrs due to change in the time of the Ceremony
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  • My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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