Kumaraswamy to swear-in as CM on May 23: A Bolt From The Blue As Per Simhasan Chakra

by astrodocanil

Karnataka power tussle HIGHLIGHTS: BJP’s Yeddyurappa resigns before floor test; Kumaraswamy to swear-in as CM on May 23 link www.newindianexpress.com/live/2018/may/19/karnataka-power-tussle-highlights-bjps-yeddyurappa-resigns-before-floor-test-kumaraswamy-to-swear-1816730.html

Let us analyse the Planetary positions on the 23rd May 2018 Bangalore 

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Me

Mercury. It is a Benefic Day for Auspicious works 

The  Tithi is SP-Navmi and a Rikta Tithi is not good for Auspicious works

Nakshatra P. Phalguni not good for Fixed works . This nakshatra is a Ugra nakshatra and good for Cruel works

Yoga is Harshan and the Lord is Sun and an Auspicious Yoga

Karna Kaulava

Dur Muhurta 11.51 to 12.41 hrs

Rahu Kalam 10-41to 12.16 hrs


Panchaka Rahita Muhurta and Udaya Lagna
Panchaka Rahita Muhurta for the day:
05:56 – 07:27 Roga Panchaka
07:27 – 09:39 Good Muhurta
09:39 – 11:48 Mrityu Panchaka
11:48 – 13:51 Agni Panchaka
13:51 – 15:52 Good Muhurta
15:52 – 17:59 Raja Panchaka
17:59 – 19:12 Good Muhurta
19:12 – 19:55 Chora Panchaka
19:55 – 20:11 Good Muhurta
20:11 – 22:18 Roga Panchaka
22:18 – 24:11+ Good Muhurta
24:11+25:53+ Mrityu Panchaka
25:53+27:33+ Agni Panchaka
27:33+29:21+ Good Muhurta
29:21+29:56+ Mrityu Panchaka
Udaya Lagna Muhurta for the day:
05:56 – 07:27 Vrishabha
07:27 – 09:39 Mithuna
09:39 – 11:48 Karka
11:48 – 13:51 Simha
13:51 – 15:52 Kanya
15:52 – 17:59 Tula
17:59 – 20:11 Vrischika
20:11 – 22:18 Dhanu
22:18 – 24:11+ Makara
24:11+25:53+ Kumbha
25:53+27:33+ Meena
27:33+29:21+ Mesha
29:21+29:56+ Vrishabha

Chandrabalam amd Tarabalam are  Positive Parameters

In this article I will discuss the Various Time Frames Positive or Negative for the Oath Taking Ceremony 

The 1st Possibility  is between 07.27 to 9.39 hrs with Gemini Lagna  having Venus  in the Lagna at 10 degrees, Lagna Lord Mercury in the 11th house at 22.24 and Saturn in the 7th house at 14.04 degrees , Jupiter is at 22.27 degrees  The Degrees of the Planets are most important at the time of the event .

1. Now The Day is Wednesday and the Day Lord is in the Yama of Gemini and has aspects by Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord a Strong Negative Parameter for good fructifications.—– Most Malefic

2. Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord  Mercury is Placed in the 11th house and the dipositor  Mars is placed in the 8th house and aspects Mercury. The Lagnesh and the Karyesh have a square relation and the Karyesh in the 8th house shows Strife and Quarrels .—- Malefic

3. There are Tajik Yogas in the Chart and those connected to the Lagnesh are most important  Lagnesh Mercury and Jupiter have Poorna Ithasla  Note the Degree Mercury is 22.24 and Jupiter at 22.27  and there placement in the 1/7 axis from each other  shows openly inimical. Unfortunately Since Jupiter is Retrograde there is Rudda Yoga and shows cancellation of the event after some Promise or some Repeat action may take place  . According to the degrees of Moon it may also be involved in the Tajik Yoga it so seems  in very close degrees to Mercury and Jupiter ——  Most Malefic

4. Saturn at 14.04 degrees has Ishraaf Yoga with  Jupiter, Mercury and Moon and Being the 8th Lord and Retrograde will form the Most Malefic Ishraaf yoga  Is the Wost Combination in the Chart and hence the Muhurta Chart will fall like a pack of Cards  —- Most Malefic 

5. Saturn is also having Open inimical Ithasla  with Venus and since Retrograde again a Rudda Yoga —- Most Malefic

6.  Sun and Mars Poorna Ithasla in Bad houses —— Most malefic 

From the above we can say that the Time frame of the Gemini Lagna is Most Malefic 

2nd Possibility 9-39 to 11.48 Cancer Lagna .

1.The Lagna is Prishtoidayo having Rahu in the Lagna and Ketu in the 7th House—- Malefic

2.The Day Lord Mercury is placed in the yama of Mercury the sign Gemini and in the 12th house of the Chart where the 11th Lord and the 4th Lord is placed and has aspects of the 8th Lord Saturn Retrograde —— Most Malefic

3. The Yama Lord Mercury has poorna Ithasla with Jupiter and also the Lagnesh Moon .  The Moon is forming Rudda Yoga with the 12th  Mercury and the 6th Lord Jupiter a Permanent Cancellation of the event is seen——— Most Malefic

4. Moon and Saturn are forming a Ishraaf yoga most malefic since Saturn is Retrograde ——– Most Malefic

5.  Sun and Mars Poorna Ithasla  in good houses but no connection with Lagnesh

6. Saturn and Venus Rudda Yoga—— Most malefic

From the above we can say that the Time periods of the Gemini and Cancer Lagna are most inauspicious Time frame  till 11.48 hrs .

Now Dur Muhurat Starts from the 11.51 to 12.41 Hrs.

 Rahu Kalam from the  12.16 to 13.51 hrs. 

Gulika Kaal from the 10.41 to 12.16 hrs.

3rd Possibility of Leo Lagna 11.48-13.51 hrs 

1.As Per the above we have only 3 minutes from the 11.48 to 11.51 hrs  but then there will be Gandantha of the Lagna since it will be from Cancer to Leo also from 11.51 to 13.51 hrs is Bad Muhurta —- Malefic 

2. The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo and the Lagna of the Muhurta  and the Lagna Lord  and the Yama Lord Sun placed in the 10th house  is very strong Parameter , but is has Poorna Ithasla with Mars the yoga Karka  and Mars placed in the 6th house always gives good Results , but a Poorna ithasla from the 6th house again may not be  as good as expected ——–Good 

3. Yama Lord and the Lagna Lord Sun is ill placed from the Day Lord,11th House and the 11th Lord—— Malefic for Gains 

4. Day Lord Mercury in Poorna Ithasla with 8th Lord Jupiter  Rudda Yoga—— Malefic 

4. Only some gains from the 11.51 to 12.15 hrs of Leo Lagna may be beneficial to limited extent —– Good

5. Moon has Poorna Ithasla with 8th and the 11th Lord  and a Rudda yoga ——– Most Malefic

6. 10th Lord Venus has Rudda yoga future with 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn  in 4 days, 4 weeks or 4 months  Maximum — Most Malefic 

Hence even Leo Lagna not very good it so seems but better then Gemini and Cancer Lagna , but the Event Fructifications are also weakened by the Inauspicious Time frame of Leo sign on the 23rd May 2018

4th Possibility  of Virgo Lagna  13.51 to 15.52 hrs.

  1. 13.51 to 14.52 is Yama of Leo and the House is the 12th house of Losss and the Yama Lord has Poorna ithasla with 8th Lord Mars —- Most malefic .
  2.  14.52 to 15.52  till Virgo Lagna is most malefic sine the Lagna Lord, Day Lord and the Yama Lord all the 3 is Mercury and placed in the 8th house having Rudda Yoaa with Jupiter and Ishraaf Yoga with Moon the 11th Lord ——— Most Venomous Time frame it so seems as the same like the Time when BJP had to Prove the Majority on the floor  and can turn the Event up side down. The Degree difference in the chart is 1   and 4 hence with in I, 4 Day, week, Month the CM can face similar situations as the BJP Yeddyurappa, it is Possible that on the 24th May 2018 he may not be able to Prove his majority  since 1 day away
  3. Lagna Lord Mercury and Saturn Ishraaf yoga and a malefic one —— Most malefic 

5th Possibility Libra Lagna 15.52 to 17.59   All the malefic combinations as explained above.

DBA Planets Mainly Venus and Mercury and both afflicted by malefics 

Hence from the above it seems the Oath Taking chart on the 23rd May cannot be an auspicious one to give any good tenure  from the above Planetary positions

 The Exact time of the Oath taking will be the Key factor for the fructifications of the Oath Taking chart

 Let us now look at the Simhasan Chakra to see the Position of Moon, Saturn , Rahu and Sun to see if there is any relief .

The effect of the Venus and Saturn Rudda Yoga is the most malefic one for India as already explained in my previous articles and would take place after 4 days and till Venus will be in Gemini sign till 8th June 2018  will be most malefic for the Political scenario of the Country. Venus changed sign just before the Election results of Karnataka were declared on the 15th May and Venus has aspect of Retrograde Saturn is the most malefic parameter. 

The Most malefic component in the Muhurat chart is that Saturn is Retrograde and Placed with Rahu and Moon in the Aasan Nadi in the Simhasan chakra and as per the Book of  Mundane Astrology By M.S Mehta and A Radhika  the placement Saturn Retrograde, with Rahu and Moon in Aasan Nadi Destroys the King , hence he loses the Throne and a downfall of the 2nd Chief Minister is on the Cards. The time frame may be  with in1 to 4 Days, weeks or Months and a President Rule may come into force it so seems . It is Possible he may not be able to prove his majority on the Floor 1st Point . 2nd point after 1 to 4 days , weeks or Months .

Please take this Article in a Broader spectrum since the Navamsha is not known and exact predictions would be written only once the Oath Taking Ceremony will take place on the 23rd May 2018 . The Nut shell is the Planetary positions are not conducive to give good fructifications , The Simhasan Chakra crystal clear Predicts the Down fall of this Govt  with in the numerical figures of one or four may be a day, week and maximum Month. The Floor Test may show the Results instantly on the 24th May 2018 in the worst case , though the Figure of 4  given may also hold as explained above.


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 21st May 2018  18.00 hrs 
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  • My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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