Transit The Most Important Gradient In Astrology

by astrodocanil

In Astrology the promise in the Horoscope is like having a Passport to Travel adroad, condusive Dasha Like the Visa and the Favourable Transit  for the fructification of any event is like a Flight and Ticket for the same .Hence without Favourable Transit of Planets will be like Thick Clouds and  no Rain.

The Most important Gradient in Astrology Fructification is the Favourable Transit of Planets . Gocharam- Go means planets and Charam means Transverse . In the Zodiac the Planets keep on moving as per their speeds and cycles . Due to their constant Moving  they tend to produce different results  in a single day  at different given times. . One has to be very careful in giving the Predictions   according to the timing of the Event.all has to Relate to the Promise , then condusive dasha and then Favourable Transit .

Manteshwara Deliniated the Transit from Moon  and Moon Rashi. First he says  Moon is Prana the begining of all pervasive . Om is the Prana Mantra . Every Sloka starts with Om , likewise  Moon is the Prana for the Horoscope  and is the most important Parameter and point in the horoscope. Hence the Deliniation of the transit has to be done from the Moon  only.

Secondly he says that since Moon is Waxing and Waning , it influences our Body and mind . Hence the Transit of Planets should be seen with respect to the natal moon only.

Thirdly he says that Moon is the fastest moving planet  amongst the 7 Planets and the 2 nodes , Hence Moon acquires a special dimension for the Transit of Planets .

Forthly he says Moon is the Prana-the life giving force, because Balarishta is deliniated from Moon position in the natal chart, for this reason it has direct relation with our Prana  .Both mental and Physical diseases are to be seen from Moon . Placement of the Planets in the Trik bhavs from Moon therefore will effect the mental and Physical well being of the native  thereby causing Anguish and Pain or loss of self respect.

After this Theory certain astrologers  came up with the idea that with out the Lagna , Moon does not have independence since Prana exists in our body . The other Parameter Brought forward was that 3 persons born  in the same city  same day may have the same Rashi but different Lagna , would they have the same fate , Similarlty for these natives the Moon nakshatras will also be different . Now the question was should we take Moon or the Lagna as the Prime Importance for the transit of Planets. This concept came latter and was considered to be given equal importance .Moon being celestial Force and since came from the churning force of the Ocean (Sumadra manthan) , Moon has got sanctions of God Vishnu and he is on the head of Lord Shivatherefore Moon has the Power of all Trinity.. Lagna was kept as an alternative source and benefic Points from Lagna were also involved . Hence the Following Parameters are to be considered for analysing the Transit .

  1. Transit of Planet Favourable or Inimical for the specific Lagna
  2. Transit of Planet in a specific Sign Friend or Ememy
  3. Transit of a Planet from Natal Moon
  4. Bhinashtak Varga Bindoos Planet has in Transit .The evaluation has to be done keeping the above 4 elements in reaching the results.

Let me also take up the Factors Influencing the Transit of Planets from Moon

1.The Asc.

2. Nakshatra

3.The ashtak varga strength

4.The Dasha Syndrome

5.the Vedha of Planets

6.The Kaksha of Planet

7.Sadesati of Saturn

8. Murti Nirnay  . The Tale of the 2 Moons


  1. Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd  May 2016 8.30 PM New Delhi  Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comVideo on Planetary cycle on of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of USAward Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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