Heart Throbbing Predictions From Jamakkol Prashna For House Shifting

by astrodocanil
Heart Throbbing Predictions From Jamakkol Prashna For House Shifting

Concept of Jamakkol Prashna

Jama means Timing and Kkol meaning Planets. Jama means the time period of 1.5 hrs. A day is of 24 hrs.  and divided into 16 equal jama durations

Now  24×60= 1440 minutes in one day divided by 16 equal jama durations  = 1440/16= 90 minutes  and a day has 8 identical jama intervals and night  another 8 equal durations. Kkol refers to Tamil Word and is the Planets. Janam Planets wre written out side the Southindian Chart and the Transit planets are written in the inner  portion of the chart. We have to calculate the Udhayam, Arudha and Kavippu and Place the Jama Grahas in the out side of the South Indian Chart and they move anticlock Direction where as the Udhayam and Adudham Move in clock wise and Kavippu moves in Anti clock wise direction. The Total number of Planets are 8 Jama Grahas . Rahu and Ketu are taken as one and the Snake or Pambu and 9 innner planets in Transit.

In my last to last video I had mentioned the Cosmic Energies keep on sending messages , it is we to understand the same and I had mentioned that the cosmic forces indicated that I would get a house on rent soon which I got after meeting the Property dealer  by stroke of luck. Now I was wondering when would I shift to the house  since the Last tenant had not vacated the house . I therefore raised a query on the 28th March 2023 at 17-31 hrs. The Chart is Below

The Explanation of the above Chart

  1. The Udhayam is Aquarius  Shirshodayo and the Udaypati Saturn as Jama Graha is in Exhalation in the 9th house . In the inner Planet Saturn is also strong in Aquarius
  2. The Planet approaching the Udhayam is Jupiter the 2nd and the 11th Lord  and also Karka for Children. The Transit Jupiter the inner planet is also strong placed in the 2nd house from Udhayam. The Querist is renting a house very near her Daughter  who lives just 1 km from the House to be rented because of Jupiter approaching the Udhayam.
  3. Hence Udhaya and Udaypati both are strong.
  4. Shifting house is seen from the 4th house and the 4th Lord  and Karka Mars.  From Udhayam 4th house is Taurus and the Lord Venus is placed in the 11th house from Udhayam  Hence strong Parameter .
  5. Mars the Karka for Property and placed in Aries its own sign  in the 3rd house which shows that the Property to be rented is nearby with in 4 kms in Eastern direction from the Querist house  since the Rays of Mars is 4 . Mars is also Red and the House is of Red bricks and since the Transit Rahu and Venus are there in Aries influencing the outer  Mars the Property has big glasses  and tastefully maintained . Mars is also higher floor , amazingly I have taken the 1st Floor of the House.
  6. Arudha in the 9th house where Exhalted Saturn is Placed
  7. 4th house has Inner Moon Exhalted  is also good making the house very beautiful
  8. Jupiter is approaching the Udhayam hence after 10 days  since the Rays of Jupiter are 10 the querist would change the house around the 7th April 2023. Amazingly I had Planned the shifting only on the 7th April 2023 but the Tenant  the  Lady did not vacate the House . This Morning on the 29th March I get a news that she is vacating on the 31st March 2023
  9. The another question is when would the Govt. Give approval for Construction of the Ancestral Property. When the Transit Sun Crosses the Kavippu in the sign Virgo after the 17th Sept 2023 there will be complete approval from the Govt.. At the moment the Free hold in Delhi is stopped by the Govt. Hence the Process may take around the 5-6 months from the date of the Question.
  10. Moon in KVP hence I would stay in the rented house for 21 Months since the rays of Moon are 21 .. Amazingly I have planned for 22 months a lease of 11 months which will be made again after 11 months

It is amazing that the above predictions are proving 100 %. The Lady in the rented house will vacate the house on the 31st March and after that the Cleaning and repairs have to carried which may take a couple of Days. I plan to shift on the 7th April 2023 exactly as per the above predictions 28-3-2023 +10= 7th April 2023.

The above Technique is amazing  and gives 100 % accurate results. I have used for Stock Markets Prediction and also for the Mundane astrology which gives amazing good Predictions. I have been using this Technique for all type of queries raised by the Querist and found the Results are amazing and 100 % accurate.

As mentioned in my last videos I am also teaching this Technique as per the mutual convenience of the Learner.


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

 29th Mar 2023 9-00 hrs   New Delhi
New Webpage http://www.astrodocanil.in/

Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764 both on Whatapp

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer. .All My Predictions on the Virus Spread and ease have proved 100 % correct even the dates .

More than 2000 Predictions have been made and all spot on  with 96% True Results 450 YouTube Videos

Anil Aggarwala” 





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