Full Moon Chart of the 24th Oct. 2018 Mars Ammunition Dump Placed in 8th House Most Vunerable

by astrodocanil

Full Moon Chart of the 24th Oct. 2018 Mars Ammunition Dump Placed in 8th House Most Vunerable specially when we have the celebrations of Diwali in this Fortnight . Fire, Blasts, Terrorism of all sorts , Accidents, Kidnappings, Torture on Women , Mass Happenings, Brutality will be on the cards in this Fortnight  due to Mars and Ketu in the 8th house .

In My Article “New Moon Chart of the 9th Oct. 2018 What It Foretells ?”  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/10/new-moon-chart-o…hat-it-foretells/ I had mentioned that The Planetary positions have been sickening  specially all the Planets in the shadow of the Nodes , Mars and Saturn  who have  cast an evil spell on the Global Events specially on the Stock , Financial Markets  Earth Quake in Indonesia and both these 2 Parameters were PREDICTED BY ASTROLOGY WELL IN ADVANCE  AND PROVED ON DOT between the 2nd and 4th Oct. 2018. Needless to mention that the Train Mishap in Amritsar was as per the Planetary positions and as predicted . Unfortunately  the planetary positions are worst in the fortnight starting from the 24th Oct. 2018  22.16 hrs. There does not seems to be any respite from the evil happenings  due to the fact that all the planets are under the shadow of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn . Moon the Fast moving is out of the grip of the above but still aspected by the malefic Mars from the 8th house and Kendra from Moon are again under acute affliction. This will therefore give no respite from the evil happenings taking a special dimension in this fortnight, more so Mars will be activating the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 on the 26th Oct. 2018 at 24 degrees. This can cast an evil spell on the Globe in totality specially those Countries where this Solar Eclipse was visible. The solar eclipse of August 11, 2018 was a partial solar eclipse that was visible in the north of North America, Greenland, Northern Europe and north-eastern Asia. There could be Global Events related to Significations of Mars and needless to mention about the same. Natural and Unnatural Calamities of greater magnitude.

As a matter of Fact the Globe is reeling in pain due to the evil spell of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn gripping all the planets and till the Planets cross the sign Capricorn there would be angusih and pain in the Globe. The first planet getting out of the grip of the Nodes  in this would be Mars ingressing Aquarius and will still be under the 3rd shiva aspect of Saturn on the 6th Nov. 2018 at 08-22 hrs. The Planets still will be under the Grip of Mars  which can also be malefic for the globe. for its significations . It is said when a Planet changes the signs, mode , nakshatra or navamsha it gives the results instantanously and Mars in this list is on the top. Hence it can be said that although Mars will be out of the Grip of the nodes it would still be under the influence of Saturn in the Saturn house till 23rd Dec. 2018 when there will be exchange between the Mars and Jupiter houses  only then there could be some relief 

Let us now have a Look at the chart of the 24th Oct. 2018 at 22.16 hrs. below 

The Day is wednesday and the Lord is Mercury  who is the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord also and placed in the yama of Scorpio the 6th house of the chart  where the 10th and the 7th Lord is placed . The Yama Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house with Ketu and the 8th Lord Saturn aspecting the Lagna these parameters are disastrous . Mars is the Planets who is nearest to the Lagna degrees and hence near the MEP  and placed in the 8th house is the most Malefic and Venomous Planet in this fornight and also known in astrology as the Ammunition dump  and being the Yama Lord can give disastrous results in this fortnight . Mars and Ketu conjunction in the 8th house Explosions, Blasts , Chemical Blasts and hence this fortnight one has to be careful in celebrating Diwali and handling of the Crackers may be it is  for an individual or the Shops and the dealers of such material. Children should not handle the Crackers 

Saturn aspecting the Lagna and also influencing the Trishamsha Lagna along with Venus is deadful specially when Saturn is also the Trishamasha Lord of the Mars the 6th Lord of the Paksha Kundali. . All the Planets are placed from the 5th to the 8th house , except the Moon in the 11th house and again under evil aspect of Mars. The Point where lunation takes place is most important in the Fortnight , which is the 11th house and the Lord in the 8th house and connection of the same with the 2nd and the 11th house is most crucial for the economic condition of the Country , this could adversely influence the Financial and the Stock Markets and the Currency  

The Day Lord Mercury is ill placed from the 10th House and the 10th Lord  and is the most malefic Parameter in this chart when Moon is also the Karna Lord and under evil aspect and ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord . The Head of the Nations, States, Head of the MNC etc. need to be careful in this fortnight . It seems that the Head of the State or the Person responsible for the Train Mishap in Amritsar will be brought to Book.The Worst is the Malefics placed in the Kendra from the Luminaries, Venus , Mercury the Day Lord, Lagna Lord and 4th Lord and the 4th house . Note the Ishraaf yoga of the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord Mars placed in the 8th house and a difference of 4 degrees indicates an event in which Mass death took place 4 days back and on the 20th Oct. 2018

Using the Tajik aspect of the Planets  . The Planets which acquire a special dimension are as Follows 

Sun  7.06 degrees

Moon 7.06 degrees

Rahu 7.14 degrees 

Ketu 7.14 degrees 

Venus Retrograde  Deep Combusted in the 5th house 10.08 degrees  all these planets are placed in the Kendra from each other  Most Malefic for significations of Venus  and there is Poorna Ithasla of Saturn and Venus 

Saturn 10.15 degrees . There is Ruddha Yoga between the Saturn and Venus  Poorna ithasla leading to Ruddha yoga Cancellation of a Promise made  earlier  Leading to Venus significations , Marriage, Buying a Car,  5th House is entertainment Industry and events related the same .  Note the degrees of the Nodes and the Luminaries are most crucial and botht eh Luminaries are afflicted who are the life giving force . There may be a Positive yoga in this respect  to Venus and Saturn only after 15th Dec. 2018

The strongest Planet in the Kendra is Saturn and Governs the west direction and hence this direction will be influenced most

The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension

1.Combustion of Venus  on the 26th Oct. 2018 Suffering on account of Venus Significations Car accidents, Taking off and Landing of Aircrafts , Marriage Disputes,Women allegations agains Men for Harasement and Break in Marriages of Some Celebrity  which was Promised  or otherwise .

2.When Mercury Meet the 7th andthe 10th Lord in the 6th house and degree conjunction on the 27th Oct. 2018 most venomous for the head of the Nations, States , MNC etc and also for their Security

3. The Tajik aspects of the Nodes, Luminaries, Venus and Saturn most Venomous staring from 24-25th Oct. 2018 ISIS can also be involved in Hijacking of Aircrafts, Saturn and Sun ithasala  and Rudda Yoga  Cancellation of Promotions  and a Tug of War in Politics 2nd house 2nd Lord , 11th house and 11th Lord afflicted badly the Financial Scenario of the Country may not be good after 25th Oct. 2018 and the Currency Fluctuations and break cannot be ruled out . Roller Coaster rides In the Financial Markets  with negative impact 

4. Mars activating the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Oct. 2018 at 24 degrees can prove to be ammunition dump as per the Theory of Inevitabilty of K N Rao . 

5. Scams related to wealth may also surface during this fortnight and the culprit may be brought to book

6.  The Following parameter further escalate the issues

Lagna Gemini sign and Nakshatra Rahu Lagna aspected bY Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord , Lagna Lord Mercury in the 5th House and with Ishraaf yoga with 6th Lord Mars in the 8th house 

Sun and Venus In Rahu Nakshatra

Moon and Saturn in Ketu Nakshatra 

Ketu in Sun Nakshatra who is debilitated 

Mars in Moon Nakshatra ill placed fromthe 10th house and the Lord Jupiter , Moon is also the Karna Lord 

From the above we can say that this fortnight starting from the 24th Oct. 2018 may not be a good one and the Country may reel in anguish and pain and specially the Head of the Nations, States MNC may suffer due to  Security lapses and their position may be at stake.


Written on 23rd Oct. 2018 07.25 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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