Fear of Terrorism’s Long Shadow Looming On Paris: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

This is in continution to my earlier Article “Red Planet Mars Activates Eclipse Point: Terrorism Sprouts. What it Foretells For Future” dated 14th Nov. 2015 link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/red-mars-activates-eclipse-point-and-terrorism-sproutes-in-paris-as-predicted/

 and the Article  “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of 11th Nov.2015 What it Foretells’ dated  7th Nov. 2015 .link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/enigmatic-paksha-kundali-of-11th-nov-2015-what-it-foretells/

As per the above article I have mentioned  the following

Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees  of the Lunar Eclipse of 28th Sept. 2015 will be most crucial to give untoward happenings  Combination of Mars and Rahu and specially degree conjunction at 6 degrees on the 12-13 Nov. 2015 and the Activating the Eclipse point is a Dreaded one . The combination signifies Chemical weapons and Blasts . War like Situations specially concerning the Middle Eastern Countries. The Strikes from Russia on Islamic Countries may be increased and may take a greater dimension 

As per Article “Menace of Red Planet Mars Activating Eclipse Point: What it Foretells for Shia and Sunni Countries”  dated 1st Oct. 2015 link 

https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/10/syria-crisis-what-stars-foretell/ I had mentioned this while discussing the Chart of Syria  the following

The fall of  Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad is an astrological inevitability. For Syria there is a serious threat for the violent end of the regime of Bashar-al-Assad   as the stars are indicating. Specially when Mars and Saturn both Transit in Scorpio over Natal Mercury after 20th Feb 2015.

Countries with Virgo Lagna/Pieces Lagna will be worst influenced those Supporting the Shai and Sunni regimes  till 9th Jan 2016 and after Mars Ingresses Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and in the Present Scenerio when Mars activates once again activates  the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 by 7th aspect. On the 12-13 Nov. 2015 Rahu and Mars will be degree conjunct could also prove Disasterous for all such Countries. The following are Countries with Virgo, Pieces Lagna, Moon and Sun signs   liable to be victim of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015  and Mars, Saturn Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2016″

Astrology is most amazing and the Predictions coming 100 % as far as the dates of Terrorism in Paris and even the the Lagna of the Paris which is Pieces is mentioned in all my article on my webpage. Since Paris has Pieces Ascendant  and the Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and the Sun, there will Terrorism Sprouting again and again till Rahu is there in Virgo till 9th Jan. 2015 in a Nut shell

Chart of Paris as per Book of World Horoscopes By Nicholas Campion

6th Oct 1958 18-30 hrs  CET -1.00 Longitude 002E19 and Lattitude 48N51


The main feature in the Foundation chart of the France is the Opposition of Mars and Saturn in the 3/9 axis will sprout Tensions and War pertaining to Religion and Fight for the same will be never ending . The Lagna is vargottam and Saturn, Mars and Ketu in Lagna of the navamsha  make the happenings crystal clear with the Dasha running of  Venus-Rahu-Rahu all connected to the 7th house of international affairs and war .

As Per the Book The Nehru Dynasty  page 80 the Astrological Inevitability  When Eclipses take place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon and Sun signs and Sub dasha of Rahu then there is Downfall of the nation when Mars triggers and activates the eclipse point of the Eclipses. The Formula has gone a long way in the Terrorist attack on France and Proved its Strength to give the Malefic and Venomous results  . See the Lagna is Pieces and the Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015 has taken place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and Sun. Transit Mars in the Leo sign and Saturn in the Scorpio activated the Mars and Saturn in the Foundation chart of the France along with the Return aspect and as I have already mentioned in my webpage that when a planet changes sign, nakshatra or navamsha it gives the results immedaitely. Here Mars has Played a Most crucial role in the Transit. The moment is has gone in the sign of Virgo and aspected the Eclipse Point of 10.35 degrees and the Degrees of Rahu at the time of Eclipse , It has played its full term game . In Transit Mars was conjunct with  Rahu at 6 degrees approx. The Terrorism with magnitude sprouted in France . We all also know that Mars gives results in the 1st Dreshkanne. This was Predicted by me as per the above articles .

Let us see the Varsh Phala chart to analyse the situations for the Future of  Paris  for Terrorism  of 7th Oct 2015  0911-40 hrs Paris below Varsh phala France

The Parameters afflicted for Terrorism, Blodshed and War like condition  must be checked in the Varshphala chart.

I have already mentioned the Parameters Important for the same in my last article on this webpage .

Here in the varshphala chart the Following Parameters are afflicted .

  1. Lagna is Libra and in Paap Kartari yoga.
  2. Lagna Lord Venus  is Placed with Mars  and Jupiter , Jupiter is 3rd and 6th Lord .
  3. 3rd Lord is Jupiter and afflicted by Mars and Saturn
  4. 4th house lord is Saturn and aspected by Mars
  5. 6th house is having Ketu and aspected by Mars. 6th lord is also influenced by both Mars and Saturn
  6. 8th house is aspected by Saturn and both Mars and Ssaturn are influencing 8th Lord Venus .
  7. Mars and Saturn Return aspect is Crucial
  8. Sun in Rahu-Ketu axis
  9. Muntha is placed in the 3rd house and Lord is placed in the 11th house influenced by both Mars and Saturn
  10. Rahu in Forward motion  . Most malefic to give unprecedented Results with magnitude.
  11. Year Lord Jupiter afflicted by both Mars and  Saturn
  12. Transit of Mars over  Rahu at the Degrees of Rahu and the 12th Lord Mercury Sprouted Terrorism on the 13th Nov. 2015
  13.  Terrorism can sprout again when Mars Transit over Sun degreewise on the 6th Dec. 2015 at 19.30 degrees and when Mars Transits Libra and aspects the 8th house over the Lagna Degrees of  12.48
  14. There can be a Terrorist Attack with magnitude when Mars and Saturn conjunct in Scorpio for 211 days  and in the 25 days when Mars will be Fallen from 18th June 2016
  15. The Varsh Phala chart shows there can be Repeat Terrorist Attacks till 24th-25 Dec. 2015 and more so till 6th Dec. 2015 and a Period when Mars and Satrun conjunct in Scorpio for 211  days and the 25 days when Mars is in Libra  from 18th  June 2016  and immedaitely after the eclipses of March 2016.
  16. The Terrorism which has sprouted from the oil rich Islamic countries is a never ending Process till the main source of funding is Blocked and hence the fear of Terrorism will loom over the Globe  for a Long time . As per Vedic Astrology the year 2016 is a Durmukhi year and the 5 years in a row are bad as per the Famous Jyotish Vachaspati R G Krishnan.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd Nov. 2016 10-30 PM

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