Fallen Saturn Proves Catastrophic For Ukraine as Fire RAGES Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Zone

by astrodocanil

Fire RAGES in Chernobyl nuclear disaster zone as over 100 firefighters rush to scene  http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/626191/Chernobyl-exclusion-zone-fire-Ukraine-nuclear-facility-radioactive-waste-Soviet-Union

A FIRE erupted in the Chernobyl exclusion zone during tree cutting works. A helicopter and two planes scrambled to the site as the blaze ripped through the area. Emergency services confirmed in a statement that the fire spread out to “an area of some 20 hectares”. At least 102 firemen and 22 fire engines arrived at the scene, while the Mi-8 helicopter dropped water on the fire.

Chernobyl fire

GETTY BLAZE: Fire ripped through the exclusion zone

Official name: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Zone of Alienation
Named for: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant after the disaster
Country  Ukraine
Oblasts Kiev Oblast, Zhytomyr Oblast
Raions Ivankiv Raion (includes former Chernobyl Raion), Poliske Raion, Narodychi Raion

“Tree residue and the forest bed have caught fire”

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

“At 12:35pm during technological tree cutting works in the exclusion and obligatory evacuation zone at the territory of Lubyanskoye Forest, tree residue and the forest bed have caught fire.

“The fire spread out to an area of some 20 hectares,” the State Emergency Service of Ukraine said in a statement.

The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic accident on 26 April 1986.

The area was abandoned within a day of the meltdown at the nuclear reactor.

Russian scientists recreate Chernobyl nuclear explosion

  The Chernobyl disaster of 30 years ago remembered across Europe
This is not the first wildfire to break out near the crippled Chernobyl nuclear power station, though.In 2015, forest and grass fires erupted in the exclusion zone several times with the worst one breaking out in May, when some 400 hectares of forests were engulfed in flames.

Children of Chernobyl: the kids who suffered the fallout



The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 irradiated millions of people, and the region saw children being born with birth defects and diagnosed with cancer in the aftermath




Let us first have a look at the chart of Ukraine of the 1st Dec. 1991 18-00 hrs. Kiev

Balance of Dasha is of Moon 3 Months and 13 Days , hence Moon is in Nakshatra Gandantha

The Lagna is Gemini 16.48 degrees and Ketu is placed at 16.31 degrees at the MEP of the Lagna

The Lagna Lord Mercury  is Fallen in the 6th house with Sun and the 6th Lord Mars  is the Most malefic Placement of the Lagna Lord

The Lagna Lord apart from being fallen is also Debilitated in the navamsha and Placed in the Lagna of the Navamsha with Saturn and has aspects of Mars and Jupiter from the 7th house

The Current Dasha is of Jupiter which started from the 14th March 2017 and on the 26th June 2017 the Dasha of Jup-Jup-Sat started . Saturn is Placed in the 8th house as the 8th Lord , and since Placed in the 8th house loses the Lordship of the 9th house , which is aspected by Jupiter

Dispositor of Jupiter is placed in the 6th house making Jupiter also weak

Benefic Kendra Lords Mercury and Jupiter  are weak both in the Rashi and the Navamsha , making the Foundation chart Precarious.

Let us have a Look at the Chart of the Earlier Occasion of the 26th April 1986  31years Back , Primarily due to Cycle of Saturn of 30 years it seems Saturn may have a major role to play then also.

Chart of the 25th April 1986 at the time of the Disaster

Now Have a Look at the Present Planetary positions on the 27th June 2017 and compare with the Foundation chart and the Event Earlier on the 25th April 1986

The Country is running the Dasha of Jup-Jup-Saturn from the 26th June 2017 .

The Following Parameters acquire a special dimension as compared to the foundation chart

1. The Event chart above shows the 3 Planets  Mercury, Mars and Sun in the 6th house of the Foundation chart are in the Lagna in Transit .

2. The 8th Lord Saturn in Fallen State and in Ganantha over the Natal Lagna Lord Mercury in Fallen State at exact degrees .

3. Fallen Saturn aspects the Natal Saturn in the 8th house

4. Venus activates the Natal Venus since placed in the 7th from it .

5. Natal Jupiter in Leo has aspects of Fallen Saturn   from the 6th house

6. On the 20th June Saturn also aspected Jupiter at 19.0 degrees in Transit in Virgo.

7. Transit Mars aspects the natal  Saturn in the 8th house and Transit Saturn Fallen over the Natal Mars and Sun

8. In the foundation chart of Ukraine Saturn and Mercury are in the  Navamsha Lagna and in Transit Both are activating the Same . Mars has just Changed the Navamsha and was also in the Lagna . Thereby activating the Natal Affliction on the Mercury and Jupiter with Magnitude as the Foundation chart

9. In the Foundation chart Rahu and Ketu are in the Leo-Aquarius Sign in Navamsha and the same axis as the Present Transit

10. 2nd July 2017 Sun will also Join the Pieces Navamsha where Saturn and Mercury are placed , making the worst planetary positions 

11. Rahu Transit over the Natal Jupiter and Jupiter as.per Navamsha Over the Natal Ketu

Comparing  with the 25th April 1986 Planetary Positions 

  1. Saturn Transit over the Saturn in Scorpio, But as a Fallen Planet is Worst .
  2. Saturn and Venus in 1/7 axis and Presently same after 29th June 2017
  3. Mars Activating the Mars since in 1/7 axis . On the 25th April 1986 it was in Sagitarius and Now in Gemini
  4. Rahu-Ketu in the Aries and Libra Sign which is the same as per the Navamsha Transit of 27th June 2017
  5. Mercury Debilitated on the 25th April 1986 and now in affliction and Debilitated in Navamsha
  6. The Planetary Positions now are even more Explosive then the 25th -26th April 1986

From the above it is clear that Astrology Principles Repeat and The Fear of the Fire RAGES in Chernobyl nuclear disaster  are definitely there and Explosive .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

1st July 2017  9-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

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