Roman God Saturn Fallen and Red Planet Mars Joining Debilitation Sign and China in War Mood

by astrodocanil

What is happening ? Saturn on the Steering wheel and Mars about to join its Debilitation sign on the 11th July and Rahu in Leo about to Join the junction point and then join Cancer and Sun ingress in Cancer sign could unfold some Aggression by the Giants and Specially China . The Planetary positions are taking explosive turn . It is said that when the Capricorn Darkest Sign of the Zodiac is Afflicted then war like conditions prevail, specially when the Malefics Transit this sign . Unfortunately Ketu will transit Capricorn and Rahu in Cancer on the 9th Sept. 2017. Saturn , Rahu Positions will be most Damaging since connected to the Watery and Fiery signs and then Mars also joining Leo on the 26th August at junction points can work as ammunition dump. I am afraid to write Ketu in Capricorn and aspects By fallen Saturn at very close degrees after 9th Sept. 2017 could Explode the situations , Since Rahu and Ketu both have been aspected by Saturn . Saturn aspects Ketu in Aquarius when Saturn ingresses in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan. 2017 , then on the 21st June as a Fallen Planet Saturn started to aspect Rahu, now Saturn as a Fallen Planet will aspect Ketu after 9th Sept. 2017. Ever since Saturn has fallen he has Punished and Rewarded so many and brought about changes in the alignment of the Countries . Take the Example of Qatar isolated by 6 Countries. The Brawl between Trump and Kim taking ugly turn and now China also wants to join. The Situations are sickening and can take the most ugly turn. Mars Activating the Eclipse point on the 2nd Sept. 2017 of the Total Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 Could further act as a catalyst to take the situations to land in oblivion. Let me write this  Article for the catastrophic Planetary positions for Heavy Rains, Tsunamis ,Earthquakes ,Natural and Unnatural Calamities , War on Sea giving weightage to  “CHINA IN WAR MOOD” .

Read My Articles
Above Articles depicting on dot what ever is happening

Let me take up the Foundation chart of China  of 1st Oct 1949 15.15 hrs. Peking 

China is Running the Dasha of Saturn -Jupiter-Jupiter   and from the 14th July it will be in the Dasha of Sat-Jup-Sat

Saturn is the Lagna Lord and Placed in the 8th house of the foundation chart , Jupiter is placed in the Last degrees in the 12th house and about to join Moon the 7th Lord placed in the Lagna. In the Bhav Chalit chart Jupiter will join Moon. In the Navamsha Jupiter aspects Moon in the Lagna . The Connection of the Anter dasha Lord with the 7th Lord of Wars can sprout Aggressive actions by China specially when the Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter Saturn starts since Saturn is the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter and Jupiter aspects Saturn in the 8th house . The Connection of Debilitated Mars in the 7th house makes the Country war mongering and specially aspecting Moon the 7th Lord in the Lagna

The Transit Planets  Fallen Saturn in the 11th house aspects the Natal Saturn in the 8th house  and Mars transit in the 7th house over the Natal Mars on the 11th July 2017 could be explosive for China taking an aggressive stand and hence will be in total war mood . China has already posed a Threat to India on the Sikkim and Bhutan Front very recently . Read this News Item “Sikkim standoff: India pushes troops in Doka La in longest impasse since 1962 ” link

India has pushed in more troops in a “non-combative mode” to strengthen its position in an area near Sikkim, where its soldiers have been locked in a standoff with Chinese troops for almost a month now in what has been the longest such impasse between the two armies since 1962.
India brought in more troops after the destruction of two of its bunkers and “aggressive tactics” adopted by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), sources said. In a “non- combative mode”, the nozzle of a gun is placed downwards.
Giving details for the first time about the events that preceded the face off between the two armies, the sources said the PLA on June 1 asked the Indian Army to remove the two bunkers set up in 2012 at Lalten in Doka La, which falls in the vicinity of Chumbi Valley at the corner of India-Bhutan- Tibet tri-junction

Read this News also ” STAND DOWN: China launches WARSHIPS to intercept US destroyer  ” link The Situations are becoming grim day by day.

For Research and Analysis let us have a Look at the Planetary positions when there was a war with China on the 20th Oct. 1962.

From the above Planetary positions in Transit with respect to China Foundation chart the following Planetary positions acquire a special dimension

  1. At the time of the Indo-China War China was running the Dasha of Mars-Saturn. Both Saturn ad Mars influencing the 1/7 axis
  2. Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart
  3. Capricorn Sign the Darkest sign of the Zodiac under affliction
  4. Mars Debilitated over the Natal Mars
  5. Moon 7th Lord in the 7th house
  6. Sun Debilitated and has aspects by both Mars and Saturn
  7. Jupiter and Saturn 2/12 axis and Jupiter also aspects Sun
  8. Mercury over the natal Sun and also over the natal Navamsha Sun
  9. Rahu -Ketu in the 1/7 axis of Navamsha  along with Sun, Mars , Saturn in the same axis
  10. Importance of Rahu-Ketu in the  Aries-Libra axis
  11. Rahu-Ketu in Transit over the Natal Navamsha in 1/7 axis , meaning Rahu over Ketu and Ketu over Rahu.
  12. Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 taking place over the natal Lagna Lord and Saturn in the 8th house

As per the above Planetary combinations the Following Dates are Prone for Aggressive actions by China in the Present Scenario along with Natural and in natural Calamities in the Country , Tsunami like events, Earthquakes , Fires etc.

11th July 2017 for Triggering of Events

29th July Most Provocative for War like situations

13th Sept. 2017 and the Worst Combinations at the Time of 25th Sept. 2017

Periods when Rahu is in Forward Motion around the above dates

Let us have a look at the Planetary positions at the time of 25th Sept. 2017 

The Transit Parameters acquiring a special dimension are as follows 

  1. Rahu-Ketu in Transit over the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart 
  2. Ketu in the Darkest sign of Capricorn and aspected by Fallen Saturn in close degrees 
  3. Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis  over the Natal Rahu and Ketu  as per Transit  of Rahu-Ketu in Navamsha
  4. Transit Sun over the Natal Sun
  5. Mercury, Mars, and Venus over the natal Saturn in the 8th house and have a look at the Degrees of Mars Transit and Natal Saturn almost same and hence in same navamsha
  6. Transit Moon Debilitated and with Fallen Saturn
  7. Saturn and Jupiter in 2/12 axis
  8. Transit Moon the 7th Lord of Wars has activated both the Dasha and anter dasha Lord along with Sub-sub dasha Lord Saturn
  9. On the 22nd August at the time of the Total Solar Eclipse Sun was over the natal Saturn and Mars ingress over the Natal Saturn and the Eclipse point on the 2th Sept. 2017 can prove an ammunition Dump
  10. The Mercury Transit is also very important and has to influence Sun natal or the Navamsha Sun  and on the 23-24th Sept. 2017 that is also done
  11. Saturn Fallen aspects Mercury at exact degrees on the 25th Sept 2017
  12. Have a Look at the Planetary positions in the Navamsha they are Explosive and need not be explained  
  13. Nodes in the Rashi and Navamsha activated  on the 9th Sept. 2017
  14. Indo-China Dispute may escalate into war like situations 
  15. US-China May be at Daggers Drawn
  16. US-Russia Aggression Brawl may increase beyond limits 
  17. US-North Korea Brawl may take a New Dimension

The Natural and In natural Calamities, Fire, Tsunami, Explosions, Earthquakes cannot be ruled out in the Globe  and this Transit may not be good for the World in Totality . China will be in war mood and the Giants , US, Russia, China may be responsible for War type Escalation of Activities . I have already mentioned in my articles that from 30th April to 5th May 2019 are most Provocative Period then the Present Scenario  hence if the Tensions begin now from these planetary positions they will explode in May 2019. Needless to mention the Countries Prone to Natural and In natural calamites since already articles have been written , This Transit will be applicable to all those articles as well, May be it is For India-China, US-Russia, US-North Korea, US-China. Gulf Countries , Syria , Qatar will be the worst affected . The alignment between the different Countries will be disturbed .

The Explosive effect on the Stock market cannot be ruled out and Economy may suffer 

The effects on Trump and N Modi in particular may be seen since Saturn Fallen is Transits over their Natal Moon in Scorpio and also Influences the Lagna and the 10th House in both cases.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

2nd  July 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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