Enigmatic Paksha Kundali of the 29th Dec.2016: What It Foretells

by astrodocanil

In my previous Articles I have been mentioning that the Month of Dec.2016 and Jan.2017 are not pleasant ones with Regard to the Planetary Positions.

The following Dates are crucial for the World and to be specific India, Europe, US. ISIS will be active during these dates , hence Terrorism is possible , which is the greatest concern of the Globe in the Present Scenerio. Read My Latest Article on the Planetary Positions in 2017 .For India South West Part most crucial  at the time of the New Year Celebrations 31st Dec. 1st Jan 2017

25th-26th Dec. 2016 Christmas Eve  Mars Ketu and Neptune Conjunct in Aquarius. Mars and Ketu Degree conjunct at 11.00 degrees.

1st Jan 2017 Mars , Neptune Degree conjunct and Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 The Sun rise Kundali is also not a good one on the 1st Jan. 2017  specially for Terrorism and Significations of Venus to suffer the most

26th Jan. 2017 Saturn in Ketu Nakshatra in Sagitarius and aspects Ketu and Mars in Aquarius.

Rahu in Forward motion from the 3rdto 5th Jan.2017 and then from 15th Jan.to 22nd Jan.2017

In this Article I am going to discuss the Full Moon Kundali of the 29th Dec. 2016 of 12.23 hrs. New Delhi

Panchang on the  Full Moon day

Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter and Placed in the Yama of Gemini the 4th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord Mercury is Retrograde and Totally combusted in the 10th house with Luminaries . Mercury as the Kendra Lord and 7th Lord  under affliction will work as a Killer since it is a Marak, Bhadak and has Kendraadhipati dosha, Hence Mercury Under affliction in this Fortnight may not prove to be good in this fortnight AND SPECIALLY IN THE FIRST PART OF THE FORTNIGHT .

Tithi Poornima  Not good as per Jyotish Shastra

Nakshatra Poorvashadha. Lord is Venus and Lord of the 3rd and the 8th house, who acquires a special dimension since ingressed in the 12th house on the 29th Dec. 2016 Morning hrs.

Yoga Dhruv Inauspicious

Karna Kimstughana Most Malefic Lord is Sun and the 10th Lord hence most Malefic Placed in the 10th house digbali and Negative for the Fortnight . This means Govt. will take strict actions this fortnight and lot of Surprises concerning the Currency

Hora  Saturn

Yama Lord Mercury

Between the Lagna Lord and the 11th Lord 11th Lord Saturn is Stronger and hence the concentration in this fortnight will be on the 2nd House of the Chart .Hence the Financial Institutions, Banks and the Tax on the Income and the Black Money since the 2nd Lord Mars is Placed in the 12th House with 3rd and the 8th Lord Venus

The Special Parameters in the chart are as follows

  1. Venus acquires an important dimension since changed sign on the 29th Dec. 2016 Morning hours . Venus is the 3rd and the8th Lord
  2. Mercury Yama Lord Totally Combusted and as explained above acquires the role of a First Rate killer   and has Exchange with Jupiter the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord placed in the Bhadak House. Jupiter is significator of wealth, Finance, Banks etc. Placed in the Bhadak house and the Lord of the Lagna and the 4th house shows the HARDSHIPS which the Country is going through the Demonetization.
  3. Exchange Of Mars and Saturn  and both aspect Rahu in the 6th House whose dispositor is placed in the 10th house digbali as the 6th Lord
  4. Mars with Ketu Venus and Neptune and about to Reach the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan 2017  and as the Lord of the 2nd and 9th with 3rd and 8th Lord and connected to Saturn the 12th Lord indicate Terrorism  and again Strict Measures which will be taken by the Govt. in this Fortnight to Curb the Black Money . 1st Jan 2017 could give some unpleasant news regarding the Demonetization again to Curb the Black Money again.
  5. 2nd to 5th Jan 2017 will there be crucial for Financial Markets
  6. Look at the Degrees of 13 in the Chart Luminaries and Mars at the same degrees and in Navamsha Mars aspects the Lumaniries , hence matters connected to the 2nd house of Wealth . Venus has just gone in the 12th house joining Mars and Ketu along with Neptune Surprises for the Black Money Curb again
  7. Jup, Saturn at the same degrees and aspect each other in Navamsha where the Lagna is again dual and the 10th house is rising in the Navamsha . Jupiter is ill aspected by Mars and Saturn in the Navamsha
  8. Mars Placement in the 12th house and connected to the Trik bhavas shows Terrorism Sprouting tat the Boarders with Magnitude , more so Mars is again connected to the 3rd house in Navamsha and the Luminaries . Pakistan and China will be instrumental in aggravating the tensions here as already pointed out by me in my earlier articles that Dec. 2016 is not a good Month for the Relations with the Neighbors
  9. 7th Lord Mercury in acute affliction even in the Navamsha and in the 8th house again as the 7th Lord and with Rahu
  10. Dispositor of Rahu Conneted to Sun in both Rashi and Navamsha, hence when Rahu is in adverse motion on the dates mentioned above Strong Results pertaining to 6th and the 8th house
  11. Luminaries in Fiery signs hence lot of Fire and Explosive accidents of the Rail and Air
  12. The Dates 25-26th Dec. 2016 , 1st Jan. to 5th Jan. and then from 15th to 26th Jan. 2017 specially till 22nd Jan. 2017 are Critical Period this fortnight
  13. Tug of War between the Ruling Party and the Opposition cannot be ruled out . Rahul Gandhi will be snubbed By Narinder Modi
  14. Prone Direction for Terrorism by ISIS or Terrorist Organizations South East , South West from India Point of View Places of Celebrations on the New Year Eve and the Subsequent Celebrations for the 26th Jan 2017. Hence 31st Dec. 2016 1st Jan 2017 Most Prone when Mars will be Ammunition dump at 15.15 degrees with Ketu and Neptune in Aquarius.


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

23rd Dec. 2016  16.00 hrs. Singapore 

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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