ED Registers Money Laundering Case Against Jet Airways Promoter Naresh Goyal What Star’s Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1199 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015
Transit Saturn activating the Natal Afflicted Jupiter, Sun and Mercury Put a Native in Deep trouble as per the Parameters for Crisis In Career . Also Eclipses in Close Degrees with a Planet of Importance in the chart also puts a native in deep trouble. Mars is at 10.52 degrees in Gemini and the Eclipses took place at 9.58 degrees in Sagitarius in the 7th house from Mars at almost same degrees and today when the case has been registered Mars and Ketu in the 1/7 axis of Mars at the same degrees.
Mars and Jupiter will have Planetary war betwen the 19th to 21st March will be the Key date after which he will be in deep trouble .
Naresh Goyal is a non resident Indian (NRI) businessman and founder Chairman of Jet Airways. He started operating Jet Airways in 1993 with initial seed money from Tail Winds incorporated, Isle of Man.Following the 2005 IPO of Jet Airways, Forbes magazine declared him the 16th richest person in India, with a net worth of $1.9 billion. He currently does not feature on the Forbes list
29 July 1949 (age 70)
Sangrur, Punjab, Republic Of India
Indian (NRI)
Former Chairman of Jet Airways[2]
Years active

ED sleuths conducted searches at Goyal’s residence which were underway till the time of going to press. Sources have told ET that his statement was also being recorded. The agency in the past had confronted Goyal with documents related to 19 privately held companies, of which 14 are registered in India and five abroad, the people said.
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Let me see the Planetary Positions in the transit with respect to his planets at birth using the wikipedia details of Birth today the 5th March 2020 when the News was Flashed on the TV

I dont have the exact time of birth never the less I will compare the Planetary [positions and give my Predictions as per my Research Parameters

1. Rahu and Ketu over the Natal Mars at 10.52 degrees and has been activated by Transit Mars on the 20th Feb 2020 since in the 1/7 axis of the same as the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse which took place on the 26th Dec 2019
2. Rahu and Ketu reaching the same degrees of Mars 10.52 in Transit on the 4th-5th March 2020. See the degrees of Mars in Gemini 10.52 and Transit Rahu over it at 11.38 degrees
3. Rahu-Ketu in the square Position in Transit from the Natal Rahu and Ketu
4. Planet for Wealth Jupiter Debilitated and Retrograde at 2.58 degrees and Transit Saturn over it at 4.28 degrees and Saturn is the Debilitation Lord of Jupiter . Jupiter is in affliction since Debilitated and also Retrograde
5.Transit Sun and Mercury in 8th from the Natal Sun and Mercury most malefic Parameter
6. Transit Venus was under affliction by Mars and Saturn and his Venus is in Leo with Saturn the affliction was there till 28th Feb 2020
7. CRISIS in CAREER Transit Saturn and Jupiter will cross the Natal afflicted Jupiter after 30th March 2020 and Jupiter will be over natal Jupiter degreewise and will go in Retrogression on the 15th May 2020 and then Fallen in the sign Sagitarius where the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 took place have taken place. Another Parameter for Crisis in Career is Saturn after 24th Jan 2020 over afflicted Jupiter and aspects Sun and Mercury and Puts him in hot waters
8. There is Exchange of Sun and Moon most malefic for Career.
9. Mars Natal aspects Ketu and Transit Mars and Ketu together in the 1/7 axis of natal Mars and both have activated the natal Mars
10. Native is Born with Vishti Karna Chaturthi and Jupiter Retrograde and Debilitated is crystal clear of the shortcuts in life for making money will be detremental
11. Transit Mars will reach Aries on the 16th August 2020 and will become retrograde and fall back in pieces on the 4th Oct. and on Rahu as a Fallen Planet at exact degrees on the 16th Oct 2020 and will put him in deep trouble.
12. At this Point there will be 2 Planets Fallen One Jupiter in Sagitsriusd snd Mars in Pieces
13. Transit Mars will be over the natal Rahu after 18th June 2020 and cross the natal Degrees of Rahu for the first time on the 6th August 2020, Second Time on the 16th Oct and third time on the 6th Dec. 2020. NOTE THE TIME FRAMES MENTIONED ABOVE .THERE ARE THE SENSITIVE PERIODS WHEN HE WILL FACE TOUGH SITUATIONS IN LIFE FOR THE MONEY LAUNDERING CASE SPECIALLY FROM THE 30TH jUNE TO 20TH NOV 2020 TILL JUPITER IS FALLEN AND DEBILITATED IN TRANSIT

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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