Eclipses In September-October 2024: North Node Afflicted for 36 Days What They Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

” Eclipses In September-October 2024: North Node Afflicted for 36 Days What They Foretell ?”

A partial lunar eclipse happens on the 18th Sept. when the Earth moves between the Sun and the Full Moon, but they are not precisely aligned. Only part of the Moon’s visible surface moves into the dark part of the Earth’s shadow on the 18th Sept. 2024. It will cover Europe, Much of Asia , Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

On October 3, 2024, a rare annular solar show will sweep across the Pacific Ocean and South America. An annular solar eclipse, also known as a “ring of fire” eclipse, is a phenomenon when we see the moon pass in front of the sun without completely covering it, resulting in a blazing ring around the Moon. It will cover North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic,  Arctic, Antarctica.

Both these Eclipses will not be seen in India, but as per the past it has been observed that they do influence the Natives and Countries when the Eclipses fall in the 1/7 and 4/10 axis of the Natal chart and specially over the Sun, Moon and Mars. or in the 1/7 axis of the Luminaries. Where the Eclipses are visible there will more effects due to these 2 Eclipses in a row and is very special. Specially the Countries Russia, Israel since the Eclipses are tasking place in the 1/7 axis of the Foundations charts of both these countries and the ongoing wars can escalate. As per the Full Moon and New Moon Lunation they will certainly influence the nations also.

A partial lunar eclipse happens on the 18th Sept. 2024 at 08:03 hrs  New Delhi

According to Varahamihra if the Luminaries Sun and Moon rise or set being eclipsed there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as the Kings. Eclipses have more effect where they are visible. Since the Eclipse of the 18th sept. is in watery sign the effects may be seen on shores of the ocean, sea bed, foresters and those whose profession is connected with water and water products. Destruction of fishes, sea food and people living around the sea.  Eclipse Lord creates more trouble but being placed in the 9th house would influence the significations of the 9th house and hence the law, religion, shipping ,trade, science and inventions. Judiciary may also be influenced adversely.. Jupiter is placed in the female sign and in the sign of Venus who is debilitated and with Ketu. This indicates more on the crime against women will take an ugly shape in the form of agitation, strikes specially for the Rape and Murder of the Doctor of West Bengal and other such happenings in the country.

 Let us see the Chart below of the 18th Sept. 2024  08:03 Hrs New Delhi.

 Sun is getting conjunct with Ketu in Virgo after the lapse of 18 years and aspect of Mars can be a bolt from the blue for the world.

The day is Wednesday and the day Lord is placed in the 12th house having aspect of retrograde Saturn placed in the Yama of Taurus the 9th house where the Jupiter Eclipse lord is placed and Venus in debilitation and having aspect of 8th lord is most malefic parameter in this partial Lunar Eclipse .  The Day Lord and the Lagna Lord Mercury and the Yama Lord of Mercury are in deep affliction is most critical parameter in this eclipse. The Placement of the 9th Lord in debilitation and with Ketu in the Lagna signifies communal Riots and Religious fundamentalism, more so since has aspects by Mars  from the 10th house. The Govt. will take strict action against all the people involved. Mars is also the 3rd Lord signifies  Rail Tracks and accidents in the Rail and Air.

First House 

This indicates the general condition of the Country. The Planets placed in this house show the events  and shape of things to come. Venus in double affliction hence crime against women , children and  and the peace of the Country will be disturbed. Ketu placement is like Mars. There could be war like conditions or destruction through epidemics, riots, strikes, earthquakes. The position of Ketu in the Lagna is not considered good. It leads to war, communal tensions, anarchy, disruptions of the natural functions of the Govt.. Crime, Murder, Rape. People will have no faith in religion, law. There can be mass tragedies and specially in the North Direction as per the Koorma chakra as the Star is Poorvabhadra.. This parameter is not only explosive for India but the whole world.  There is a possibility of use of Nuclear weapons in Ukraine-Russia Conflict since the Lagna is the same as the Lagna of Russia and Mars as the 8th Lord and the 3rd Lord placed in the 10th house digbali and aspects Ketu, Sun, Venus most critical for wars to take most ugly shape in the world. Earthquakes of Magnitude are not ruled out. Some thing unexpected in the fortnight from the 18th Sept. 2024 is possible. The worst is the Solar Eclipse of the 3rd Oct. 2024 after the Lunar Eclipse which would add fuel to the fire and brawl between the Countries  will go for a toss.

6th House 

The Planet placed in the 6th house is Saturn as the 6th Lord in retrogression relapse of diseases. 6th house is territorial attacks, working class, attack and plots by enemy. 6th house and Saturn both represent, war, strikes, agitation by masses . The Armed forces will be unable to face the enemy. In the navamsha the 6th Lord is Saturn with Ketu the disease Karka and Saturn in debilitation is not good at all for Diseases and epidemics

7th House

Lunation in this house , war, foreign countr4ies dispute, marriage and divorces.

Afflicted Moon placed in the 7th house in female sign . Trouble in Foreign affairs,  Scandals in the home life, marriages and divorces will be ugly. Many unpleasant episodes in the day to day activities.

Rahu in the 7th house  war, explosions, movement of troops, destruction and desolation. Marriages of the high profile celebrities may go for a toss in the Bollywood and in general.

9th House

Jupiter we have discussed above being the Lord of the Eclipse sign.

10th house 

Mars in this sign and house .  This house signifies the House of the King, Prime Minister, Head of the States,  and also employment situation .Mars has directional strength and is the Lord of the 3rd and the 8th house is extremely bad for the Govt. and as stated for the significations of the 10th house. In the navamsha Mars goes in the 7th house and aspects the Lagna again explosive parameter.

12th House

Mercury as the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the 12th house is bad for the Govt.. Head of the States, Kings, Prime Minister

Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Sun and Moon of natal chart

It is believed that the Eclipses influence more  the rulers and royalty much more than the normal masses.. Eclipse over the Natal Sun and Moon is not considered good, all though in some cases it has proved a Boon.

On the Natal Mars it is explosive as seen in the case of Mahatma Gandhi.

Indira Gandhi was assassinated when the eclipse fell in the 7th house  from the natal Sun.

President  Abraham Lincoln  was shot dead as the Lunar Eclipse fell on his natal Mars and a later a Solar Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse fell in the 4/10 axis of the John F Kennedy of the Natal chart and 4 months later he was assassinated .

It may be noted that Solar and Lunar eclipse occur every 18-19 years under influence of similar eclipses. Kennedy had his disc ruptured in the lower spine.

Most Important Time frame 

 North Node Rahu adverse motion from the 5th to 12th Sept. and then from 19th Sept to 5th Oct. 2024 is prone to Espionage from Foreign elements and Communal Riots in the Country and across the world. Govt. will take strict actions and the opposite community will retaliate in the form of Terrorism

October 3, 2024 00:19 hrs New Delhi, a rare annular Solar Eclipse. This eclipse has taken place in an earthy sign Virgo sign , being the 6th 6th house of the Natural Zodiac will bring diseases, accidents, epidemics, matter related to public health and labour disputes. Poets, writers, musicians will also be influenced. The Star in which the eclipse is taking place is Haste and signifies South direction and 3  Culprits who will be involved in crimes rape, murder may be exposed. There could be 3 Countries who jointly attack a country. The South Eastern Asia Could be influenced.

The chart is below.

First House

The  Day is  Wednesday again and the Day Lord ,  Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord  Is Mercury, although in exaltation is combusted  but in the Navamsha it improves since the Lagna is vargottam and Mercury in the navamsha Lagna. The parameter of concern is the Karna Lord is malefic one and shows no karya siddhi will take place and Mars in the Lagna which disturbs the peace of the Country. Due to the Mars placement there will be strikes, riots, fire, discontent, military activity, war like situation, accidents, murders and anarchy. In Both the Lunar and Solar Eclipse Mars position is very strong and can be explosive for the whole world.

4th House

The Lunation is taking place in this house, this house indicates Land, Agriculture, crops, mines, Earthquakes, Volcanos, and opposition Party, it is having aspect of Mars is not good , danger to Kings Throne. Bad weather.

There are 4 planets and all having aspect of Mars

Prestige of the Govt. suffers, shortage of Crops, mining trouble, Trouble in the Sea and Land and disturbed weather conditions.

 Afflicted Ketu in the 4th house Explosions, Mining disaster, difficulties to the Govt.

5th House

Has Venus in own sign is very good for women, honours to Prominent Actors, Music, Model and Actresses.

9th house 

Saturn in own house  Communal and Religious strife.

10th house 

Rahu in adverse motion, house of King, Chief executive, Head of the States, Prime Minister, national honour. Evil Position for the above significations,

12th House

This house signifies trouble in hospitals, prison will bring big crime. Jupiter placed here will bring reforms in the hospitals and prisons , expansion and implementation will be good.

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

26th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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