Why Different Astrologer Predicts Differently?

by astrodocanil

“Why Different Astrologer Predicts Differently?”

One of the Youtuber asked me the above question I answered . Good Question I will write an Article on this and also make a Video.

During my visit to Nakshatra  which is held every year in the Pragati Maidan New Delhi I met more that 30 astrologers who could not tell me what was happening in my life ?. I asked them how they will go about my predictions, all answered by your birth details. I asked them if my Birth details are not correct how you will verify the same ?. They answered we will ask about your time of Marriage, 1st job time and 3 to 4 more events in your life. I was not satisfied and told them every thing you are asking then what is the use of my coming to you. They had no answer. Even after giving the dates of 2 -3 events they could not pinpoint the issues in my life which were of grave importance.

WHAT IS ASTROLOGY ? Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a sky map called the Horoscope. At the time of birth  of a native the planetary configurations in the transit are freeze , and the soul enters from the 5th house carrying a bag having  different compartments in with  sanchit karmas. The different Dasha which are dependent upon our previous karmas generate the heat to stimulate the different planets to give the results. The Transit planets add heat for the planets to be activated and stimulated. The study of the 5th house/lord therefore acquires a special dimension. For this purpose Garbshista planets to be analysed in D1,D3, D9 and D12 .——-  These Parameters are not analysed by 99.99 % Astrologers which are the backbone of Astrology Reading for the Birth Chart as per Tamil Classics. Every Astrologer after drawing the Birth chart jumps on the Lagna and Lagna Lord, when the most important parameter is the 5th house from where the soul enters and with the Panchang of the day. For Example Person born on Tuesday night and Mars is afflicted badly can bring disaster in life, on the Contrary the same person is born with Exalted or Vargottam Mars will touch new heights when dasha of this planet comes in his life.

At the time of Mahabharat old times  each and every person had a knowledge of astrology . Giving you the example of Karna who was a shudra but he had knowledge of astrology. At  time of Mahabharat war  when lord Krishna went to Karna for Pandav support because Karna was brother of Pandavs at that time  Karna told Lord Krishna  Hey Krishna ! I am looking at a big change of the future  because Duration of the fortnight 13 days and 2 eclipse were taking place one lunar and one solar  (A pakh is of 15 days normally), so from this we got a clue for the eclipses, and knowledge of the old Shastras.

Now I am coming on the 2nd world war time .Our great astrologer Pandit Hardeo Sharma Shastri, who lived in a small place Solan in H.P. and had predicted the 2nd world war. We can also see the importance of Astrology at the time of  division of India and Pakistan when Pandit Hardeo Sharma  and Pandit  B Surya N Rao played  great role  by fixing a good  muhurta . A crystal clear thing comes that Pakistan was formed on the 14thAug and India was formed on 15thAug 1947 and u can see the effects yourself what is happening in Pakistan and what is happening in India. Pakistan is in doldrums for so many years  and now on the nick o0f breakdown totally.

I remember the Birth chart rectification done on Sachin Tendulkar and Barrack Obama proved totally wrong in the Institute when I was doing the Astrology course.

1.99.99 % Astrologers Predict without having done any Proper Astrology Course. They just follow the Books available in the market and have no experience to predict an event Properly. They also don’t possess proper logic which is very important for Astrology due to lack of education.

  1. Birth Charts of the Politicians and the individuals are seldom correct and any change of the Birth Time will adversely influence the Saptvarga Charts(7 in number even by 2 -7 minutes) Essential to Predict. 99.99 % Astrologers only Predict using only Birth Chart , hence the Predictions will vary.
  2. 99.99 % Astrologers use Parashar System of Prediction, which is not 100 % and the results are only 60-70 %.
  3. For Proper Predictions at least 2-3 system of Predictions should be used to come to the Conclusion. In this respect Tamil Classics and Nadi Astrology play vital Role to give accurate predictions which 99.99 % don’t know.

5.The Nadi Astrology and Tamil Classics are not easily available only the Stalwart Astrologers had it which have been either destroyed or with Good Astrologer’s whose % may be only 1-3 %

6. Birth Chart is a static Chart and does not tell you what is happening to on the Day to Day basis. It is like Having a Passport, Visa and Ticket, but whether the Flight is available of not it cannot tell you. For this dynamic charts are to be drawn when the Question is put using that accurate time date and place. By this we can know the Present Karma of the individual. Birth Chart tells you about your Previous Karma and relating to both then the Correct predictions can be done. This exercise is very comprehensive and no Astrologer has the knowledge of all this and not used by the 99.99 %

7. 98-99 % Astrologers are also not well educated . A good Mathematician can be a good Astrologer since lot of Calculations are also required other then the software’s in the market for dasha varga charts say for example. Dasha of Saturn is running  we have to generate a varga chart for Saturn for 19 years. In depth analysis of Profession  by D6 of D10

  1. Predictions also depend on the Desh, Kaal, Patra .eg For A person in USA Marriage analysis has to be done in a different way then India.
  2. 95-97 % Astrologers can not make good Predictions if  their Bread & Butter is Astrology. Their moto is to make money and by any methods like suggesting Gems, Puja Path, Which According to me is a way to Earn money for such Astrologers which has no effect. When their prediction fails they give excuses of Ashtam Shani, Sadesati, Kaal Sarpa yoga. No Astrologer propagates communication with nature which every human being has the instinct which when activated 60 % of the Problems are solved e.g. Using the 2 Nostrils on a Particular day which is stronger  would indicate the results accordingly, Shakun and Omens and so many other methods.
  3. Mundane Astrology is connected to the Global Predictions and Predictions for the individual Country using 39-40 charts which is more logical then the way the predictions are made by single chart for an individual. In Mundane Astrology  the  Pisces New Moon Chart for the year of the Country, Solar ingress in the 12 signs and the 24 Lunation charts seem very logical which also 95% Astrologers are not acquainted with these Techniques and make Predictions for Mundane Astrology.  These are dynamic Charts and show what is going to happen in the Fortnight and the Month and then in the year.
  4. Hence it becomes evident that using the Dynamic charts for day to day predictions are made in the following way for the Predictions for individuals to arrive at the problems the querist is facing using mook prashna and following Techniques.\
  5.  Only good karmas bring good results, along with hard work and sincerity.
  6. Some Astrologers also say that they can change your fate which is a way to entice the client and extract money. No Astrologer can change your fate. Life is just like driving a car on the road. The Astrologer duty is to tell you when to drive fast and when to drive slow according to your predictions. This will also tell you when you can take risk in life specially when the 6th and the 8th Lord  of your birth chart both are in pushkar navamsha in transit and nectar giving.
  7. Good Muhurta can also ward off some evils when a task has to be done irrespective of the time.

Technique 1.

Miscellaneous Methods.

Using the direction faced by the querist at the time of query.

Colour of Clothes worn by the querist.

The Body parts touched by the Querist at the time of Query.

The First letter uttered by the querist at the time of Query.

28 Nakshatra system to see the Star  falls in  Anda, Manda, Madhya and Sulochana star and the Results accordingly.

Using the Arudha navamsha Chakra to give the results of the query.

Using the Kaal Chakra at the time of Query.

Using the Pancha Pakshi the technique of the 5 Birds to see the Natal Bird in which state.

Using the Kota Chakra at the time of Query to see the Status of the Kota Swami and Kota Paala.

Using Shakun and Omens at the time of Query.

Technique 2.

Ashtamangla Prashna Using the 108 sea shells called the chowries.

Technique 3.

Using the Tamboola Prashna  Using the beetle leaves  or any number between 1 and 99 and finding out the Tamboola  Lagna there by giving the answer to the query raised by the querist.

Technique 4.

Using the Jamakkol Prashna the finest technique used in the South India.

Technique 5. 

Using the Prashna Chart By B V Raman Method using the 5 Lagnas

Technique 6. 

Using the Birth chart and rectification as per the 5th shooksham dasha lord in the Prashna chart  must signify the same house or the Query in birth chart. Garbshishtta Planets .

How to enter a Horoscope the chart above shows the importance of the 5th house, 5th Lord, Lagna, 7th house and the 9th house  and connection of these houses with Kendras , 2nd and 11th Lord  and dasha connected to these will bring prosperity

Technique 7. 

Using the Progression Chart by Manu Smriti and the Declination charts  along with Transit of Planets

Self Praise is no recommendation. I use 7 Techniques and Modules and use the Tamil Classics and the Nadi Astrology and my Predictions are 95-96 % True. I have made 3000 Predictions on my Webpage and 730 Videos on the You Tube . My webpage www.astrodocanil.com

I am An Engineer and also done diploma In Marketing From FMS Delhi.

Did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times In Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and 2 Years Research in Astrology under Guidance of Shri K N Rao For which I got Award in 2012

Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

26th August 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


Mobile +919810038903  +918527884764


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