Court Case Analysed by Prashna and Birth Chart Using Tamil Texts

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to discuss analysis of a Court Case by Prashna Chart and Birth Chart using Tamil Texts. I want to emphasize that the Panchang is the Most Important component in Astrology may be it Prashna, Natal Chart or the Muhurat Chart . 99.9 % astrologers miss this Point and start the Analysis from Lagna and Lagna Lord which is totally Wrong as per Tamil Texts

The Query was Put to my Student on the 8th Nov. 2016 09-06 hrs. New Delhi by a native  who faced a Court case  from the Govt. for Cheating and acquiring Money by Producing Fake documents

The Chart is Below.


Prashna Chart D1

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and is Exhalted and Placed in the 3rd house and in the Yama of Taurus the 7th house of the Chart and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 2nd house of the Native of Money of the Native . The Yama Lord Venus  is in Paap Kartari yoga. The dispositor  Jupiter of the Yama Lord is Placed in the 11th house  in a Dagdha Rashi showing the Query contents crystal clear . The Day Lord and Lagna Lord Mars is also aspected by Jupiter from the 11th house is also making clear of the court case since Mars is 6th Lord also and with Moon the 9th Lord . Moon the 9th Lord is having Ishraaf yoga  and the difference is 8 degrees  and asper the Timing  the Court case is older than 8 years.

The Tithi is SP-8   Negative for Wealth Related activities

Nakshatra Dhanistha

Yoga Vriddh Inauspicious

Karna Bava The Lord is Debilitated and Placed in the 12th house with 8th and the 11th Lord again shows the Natives involved in Cheating

DBA Planets Mars-Jup-Jup . Jup Placed in the Dagdha Rashi in the 11th house showing the concern

Hora Lord  Sun  Debilitated in the 12th house with 8th and the 11th Lord Mercury.

Special Parameters in the Chart

Rahu In Adverse Motion on the 8th Nov. 2016  , Hence till 12th Sept. 2017 the Case will take an Ugly Turn

Lagna in Mrityu Bhag

Navamsha Lagna in the 8th Navamsha and as per Mathematical Navamsha chart the Planet influencing the Query is Rahu in the 10th House whose disposiotr is Placed in the 12th house Debilitated and with 8th and 11th Lord Mercury  is the Most Crucial Parameter in the Chart . The Native can be brought to Book by the Govt.

The Case must have started in the Multiple of 9 when the Ketu will be in Leo and Rahu in Aquarius  or Rahu in Pieces and Ketu in Virgo.

Sun is the Planet in the 12th house at the MEP of the Lagna , hence the Court case would have started when Sun will be 21-23 degrees only  and also aspecting the Prashna Sun in the sign Libra or Aries , hence it could be only if Sun was Exhalted in Aries to have a court case from the Govt. , the Sun will be strong to give negative results and hence will be in Aries .

Saturn is also acquiring an important dimension since it is placed in the Lagna of the Prashna Chart and the Navamsha Lagna . Rahu will be in adverse motion and the Dispositor will be in the 12th house and Rahu may be connected to the 12th Lord Venus .In Transit at the time of the Court case Saturn in Transit should influence the Saturn in the Navamasha Prashna chart and hence the Date which comes according to me is 8-9 th May 2006.


Moon and Mars both in Rahu-Ketu axis and Negative for the native  and the Results will be delayed one .

Jupiter and Mercury gone in Gemini which is the 8th house of the Prashna chart  shows the Concern of Cheating by the Native

Now as per the Student the Date of the Court Case is 9th May 2006 as Below. Amazing is it not.


D1 Court Case Date

The chart exactly matches the Prashna chart .Rahu is again in Adverse motion and Moon afflicted

Dispositor of Rahu in the 12th house as in the case of Prashna chart , here it is also the Dagdha Rashi and the 12th Lord is with Rahu.

8th and 11th Lord Mercury in Mrityu Bhag

Sun and Mercury aspecting the Sun and Mercury in the Prashna chart . Sun at the MEP of the Lagna and in the 6th house .

Saturn influencing the Saturn in the Navamsha of the Prashna chart almost degree wise

Now we come to the actual Query what will happen to the Native

Since the Govt . has gone in the court against the native the Govt. is the Plantiff and the Native is the Defender

Planets from the 9th to the 2nd house signify the Plantiff and the Planets from the 3rd house to 8th house signify the Defender . Now the Benefics are placed in the area of the Plantiff hence the Native will lose the case as Per Prashna  chart of the 8th Nov. 2016

Timing of Events

Lagna is in the 7.7 navamsha and the time Passed from the Day of the Court case is  =126 months . Hence the 9 Navamsha will be covered in 126/7.7 x9= 147.27 months , Now 126 months have passed hence the Court will give the judgement after 21.27 months  hence the day which will be arrives at will be 2years 3 months and 8 days,  hence the Court Judgement will come on around the 16th Feb 2019 only

When Moon Navamsha Lord Goes in the Lagna in Scorpio , who will transit till 15th Dec. 2016 will be crucial and the Moment Sun goes in the 2nd House Sagitarius there could be bad News for the Native

Now My student  again Raised a Prashna on the 14th Dec. 2016 at 18.59 hrs Singapore  and asked me what would be the Final Results . I Raised A Prashna since This Prashna came to me as a Prashna . Earlier one was discussion on the Prashna by the Student  which the Student got it .

Now see the chart on which Authentically we can Predict


D1 Prashna Chart


Panchang of the Day

Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the 8th house and in the Yama of Virgo whose Yama Lord is again Mercury the 2nd Lord and Placed in the 8th house is a strong Malefic Parameter for the native going through 8 type of Humiliations  like Death . This parameter alone shows the Native will face dire consequences .

Tithi is KP-1 again not good for Wealth Related queries

Nakshatra is Mrigshira again of Mars as per the Earlier Prashna

Karna Lord is Placed in the 10th house under affliction and exchange with Saturn who is in Bhandan yoga in the 7th house

Yoga Subh

DBA Mars -Sun-Jup

Special Parameters in the chart

  1. Query in Din Ratri Sandhi Strong Bhandan Yoga and a Malefic one
  2. Query at the time of Solar Ingress in Sagitarius  Negative
  3. Bhandan Yoga in the 7th house
  4. Lagna Lord Placed in a Trinal house in Dagdha Rashi Negative
  5. Moon Dispositor Lord in the 8th house
  6. Day Lord Yama Lord in the 8th house .Strong Negative
  7. Day Lord Mercury Placed in the 8th house and having Exchange with 8th Lord  Jupiter in the 5th house ,Most malefic
  8. Kendras having Malefics
  9. Sun at the MEP of the Lagna Degrees  same as the earlier Prashna
  10. As Per Declination  Mars is on the Natal Mars at the time of Birth chart  most malefic, since the Native who has asked the Query is of 54 years.


9th to 2nd House has 2 Benefics  and 3rd to 8th also has 2 benefics , but the Malefics in the 3rd to 8th house are more , hence the native will face dire consequences

Navamsha Lagna is the Virgo and the Lord of the Same is Placed in the 8th house in the Prashna chart . Mercury Connection with Virgo sign in the Prashna chart, Navamsha Chart and the Yama chart indicates that the Astrologer Predictions will be on the Dot.

Moon is Debilitated in the Navamsha and Both Mars and Saturn aspect the 8th house of the navamsha also

D6 Chart Makes every thing Crystal Clear Saturn and Sun in the Lagna and 6th Lord in Bhandan yoga. Lagna Lord in the 12th house. Lagna Lord Taurusof the Prashna chart gone in the 8th house of the Prashna chart the sagitarius sign .

Timing of Event , When Mercury goes in the Sign Taurus  and Mars Goes in the Taurus Sign malefic Happenings. 25-26th Dec. 2016 and then 1st to 5th Jan 2017 are also critical dates in the near future .  When Saturn goes in the sign Capricorn it will be bad after 3 years , hence Dec. 2019 could be the time of the Final Verdict by the Court

Birth Chart

For the Reasons Best Known I am not Disclosing the Birth details


Panchang of the Day

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn  since Born in the KP and Night time the malefics are strong  and hence the Mars and Saturn are strong

Mars and Sun in Mrityu Bhag and in Long Ascension will not give death since in signs of Long Ascension, but will harm the Prestige and give 8 type of Humiliations

Mars is first Rate Killer here since In KP, Night  Born and Debilitated in the 2nd House with Mercury the Lagna Lord

Tithi KP- 8 Again not good for wealth related activities

Karna Lord is again Mars and Badly afflicted in the 2nd House of wealth. Mars is also 6th Lord and aspects the 6th house is the most malefic parameter

Sun Yogi and Saturn Avyogi aspect each other in the 1/7 axis  strong ups and downs in life

DBA Saturn-Mars -Sun Most Crucial components, Making every thing Obvoius

Some Critical Parameters in the chart

The Sun-Saturn connection in the 1/7 axis is a Bhandan yoga which is activated in the Prashna chart in the 7th house

As Per Declination Mars has activated  Mars since the native has completed 57  years of age and on the natal Jupiter

Jupiter in this Chart is Fallen in the 5th house , Hence the 60th year will be full of Obstacles and Hurdles in Life AND 8 TYPE OF HUMILIATIONS

For Dual Lagna as the Affliction to the Kendra Lords is most malefic specially when Jupiter is the 7th Lord since when afflicted it will be first Rate Killer due to the following points .

  1. As 7th Lord Marak
  2. As 7th Lord Bhadak
  3. Since Kendra Lord it has Kendra adipatidosh
  4. Jupiter here is Fallen and aspected By Debilitated Mars Hence in the Dasha of Moon -Jup he ill lose the case and all type of Humilaitions . Since Jupiter will behave like a mad elephant in his chart and give him losses from all sides and Huliliations starting from Moon-Rahu Dasha

Mars and Venus are in Sarp Dreshkanne  and Saturn is the Lord of 22DK and 64N


6th house of the Birth chart is rising having Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis the 6th Lord is Exhalted and with Sun and aspected by Saturn confirming the Strong  Bhandan yoga

D6  Chart

Aries   and the Lord is again Mars  playing its malefic game here also . The Bhandan yoga of Sun and Saturn also exists in this chart also and the Lagna Lord of the Birth chart in the 8th house. Bhandan yoga in Gemini which is the Lagna of the Birth chart. Lagna Lord Mars gone in the Bhadak sthan the 11th house . 9th Lord in the 6th house and aspected by Mars the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord . Planets Placed in the Trik Bhavas donot confer beneficiance

Present Dasha Moon _Rahu. Moon is also Eclipsed in the 10th house and Rahu is also Most Malefic here since in Adverse motion and the dispositor of Rahu is in the 5th house and Fallen, the Native will face humiliations due to his Children and the 7th house  Marriage

Dasha of Moon-Jupiter will be from 5-12-2017 to 6-4-2019 would be most malefic  in respect to his Court case .

Vedic Progression chart

Running Year most tiring till July 2017

Year from July 2018 to July 2019 will be most Critical for Him

From the above it is clear that one should use the Panchang in all activities related to Astrology and the native is bound to suffer as above

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

Date 17th Dec. 2016 10.00 hrs. Singapore

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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