Mars Activates Eclipse Point Chopper Crash 8th Dec 2021 12-20 Hrs. My Predictions Spot On Analysis Of Event By Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil
READ MY ARTICLE “Partial Lunar Eclipse 19th Nov. 2021 What it Has Up It’s Sleeves ?” LINK
My Predictions proving spot on
Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th Nov. 2021 at 3 degrees and results in Chopper Crash and Predictions made in advance for the VVIPS
Read the text here for the Predictions for the Rail and Air accidents —– 3rd house Predictions in this Article 3rd house is communication like railroads, airways, electronic media, presence of benefics is good for Economy but here Rahu is in Adverse motion and not very good for boarder clashes , rail and Air Accidents but all will be under control it seems after the Mars ingress in Scorpio after the 5th Dec to 9th Dec . 2021——– NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS
8th House Predictions in this Article 8th house Stability of the Govt., danger to life of the incumbent of the highest for VVIP’S and Air Accidents 
Political office, Foreign Debt, natural disasters epidemics , large scale deaths . Presence of Benefics is good and Presence of Malefics is bad . The Grace is both Mars and Saturn influence to the 8th house are in Pushkar navamsha but also in Mrityu bhag may give volatile results specially when in the saptsalaka chakra there is vedha between Saturn and Ketu
The Chopper Crash Today and Mr Bipin Rawat Involved in the Accident is a Bad News as Predicted
Bipin Rawat Chopper Crash: CDS, Wife Left Delhi at 9am in Spl Aircraft, Mishap at 12.20pm. God Bless him. I Salute such warriors.
ALSO READ MY ARTICLE Solar Ingress In Libra Jupiter & Mercury in Direct Motion & Mars In Libra What They Have Up Their Sleeves? dated 18th Oct 2021

The Solar Ingress in Libra has taken place on the 17th Oct. 2021 at 13.12 hrs and the chart is below 

Read the first para of the Solar Ingress which influences for 3 months and Proving Spot on for the Predictions for the Air Accident 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun  Placed in the 10th house  in Paap Kartari yoga . The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Leo the 8th house of the chart. Sun is ill placed from the 9th house /9th Lord  Mercury and also from the 11th house and the 11th Lord Mars. Sun has aspects of Saturn from the Lagna  and Sun is placed in its sign of Debilitation in the 10th house  which is the house of the King Ruler, Prime Minister, Head of the State, Party in Power. Nation’s Prestige, Reputation Parliament, National Celebrities, Disgrace , Foreign Trade  and Law-Lessnes. Hence the Transit of Sun in the 10th house is in precarious condition , although it is in shirshodayo sign , but being in the Kendra the Lagna becomes adhomukh and is also prishtodayo having  Saturn forming a Shasha Yoga  in the 4th from Sun  but also having a Fallen  Retrograde and Debilitated Jupiter . Jupiter  will become direct on the 18th Oct. 2021 at 11.00 hrs . All this is indicative of to much  movements and Turmoil’s at the Centre and Authority .The Affliction to Venus as the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord of the Foundation chart is most enigmatic  and Air Accidents and Espionage from Foreign elements is not ruled out when Mars reaches the sign Scorpio after the 5th Dec. 2021 and Venus enters the Lagna Capricorn  on the 8th Dec 2021of the above chart this time frame will be responsible for an Air Crash and some espionage from Foreign elements. Mercury the 6th Lord has Poorna ithasla with Venus a Ruddha Yoga  most enigmatic . Hence Sun ingress in Libra will bring most enigmatic results for 3 months ———- NOTE THESE PARAMETERS 
Unfortunately the Crash happened exactly on the day when Venus was to ingresss in Capricorn on the 8th Dec 2021 at 13.51 hrs  and Crash took place at 12.20 hrs . Asper the Prashna Jyotish a Planet about to change sign becomes most important for any event and Venus is 29.58 degrees in Sagittarius and about to go in the 12th house of the event chart where Gulika  Saturn and Moon are Placed in the event chart of Crash
The Day is Wednesday the time of the Chopper Crash on the 8th Dec 2021 Coonoor Tamil Nadu
22DK sign is Capricorn Gulika is in Capricorn with Moon
64N Lord is Mercury
Malefics in the 4/10 axis evil Results
Moon and Saturn in the 12th house Reason for  Crash—– Lagna Adhomukh and in the 12th house
2nd house from the Arudha Lagna Malefics—– Evil Results
Jupiter in the Lagna Reputation wealth , but dispositor in the 12th house
Mars and Sun in the 10th house Produce Victory but in Rahu-Ketu axis and close to Eclipse and Mars activation of the Eclipse point Evil Results will flow
Trishamsha  Lords of the 6th Lord Moon Jupiter and of the 8th Lord Mercury Mars  connection and aspect degree-wise  and star exchange led to the crash
Jupiter and Mars star Exchange and poorna ithasla Malefic one and Most Malefic Parameter Mars is the 3rd Lord
Trisputha falls in Virgo and the Lord in the 10th house in own nakshatra evil results will flow . Trisphuta navamsha has Ketu the native suffers from Wounds and sores form Fire . Trisphuta Lord Mercury deb in the Lagna of the navamsha
Sukshma Trisphuta falls in sagittarius where Venus about to go in the 12th house evil Results will flow from Aircraft Most Malefic parameters Lagna D9 Dual Moon D9 Dual Gulika D9 Dual Immediate death of all the passengers . PRASHNA JYOTISH IS AMAZING AND INDICATES REASONS FOR  THE CRASH .MOON AND SATURN COMBINATION IN PRASHNA IS NOT CONSIDERED GOOD FOR ANY THING AND SPECIALLY IN SUCH AN EVENT OF CRASH WHEN GULIKA IS ALSO IN THE 12TH HOUSE AND THE SIGN IS ALSO 22DKAND SATURN MOST MALEFIC 
Bipin Rawat was Born on the 15th March 1958 and B=Has Venus in Capricorn with Mars  and the 64th year of Life running and Venus on Venus just on the day of Crash. In Navamsha Venus is with Ketu degree-wise in the navamsha also . Hence My Predictions as per Venus Transit also Prove spot on 
My Salute to such warriors of the Country . God give peace to the departed souls 


This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings as per planetary positions .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

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