As Saturn in Jyestha Nakshatra reaching the Gandantha point and about to Cross from Watery to Fiery sign the same Nations get ready for war
This article also has reference to my earlier Articles on my webpage and also my Article of the Solar Ingress in Libra of North Korea on the 17th Oct. 2017.…/solar-ingress-in-libranorth…/, I have clearly written that since all the planets are connected to the 8th house there may be a Coup backed by China and the President may be replaced . The Ingress is extremely enigmatic . Now Read this Article “KIM Jong-un’s mysterious sister is believed to have been caught on camera in a bizarre photoshoot amid tensions between North Korea and the US.” link and these lines “While Jong has been hitting the headlines, Daily Star Online revealed Kim’s quiet brother Kim Jong-chul could be a contender for leadership in a coup backed by China” link…/North-Korea-Pictures-Kim-Jong-…
The Only Solution to the Rogue Tubby Tyrant Kim is in the Hands of China
Read this —- “North Korea ready for WAR as it FINISHES building nuclear arsenal” link Also Read this “‘Prepare for ANYTHING’ Britain backs Trump in major North Korea WW3 intervention ” link
Also Read “US B-52 nuclear bombers ‘on 24-hour ALERT’ as North Korea vows to annihilate Trump ” link
And this one “Donald Trump warns North Korea US is ‘totally prepared’ for WAR in shock interview ” link
Fallen Saturn has always proved most Venomous. 59 years back when it was Fallen in Scorpio, 30 years back in 1987 , In Sept. 1985 when it was fallen in Libra and ingressed in Scorpio on the 19th Sept. 1985 there was a massive Earthquake in Mexico killings as many as 30000 to 40000 people and injuring about 100000 people .Read My earlier Article “59 Years Back Roman God Saturn Was Fallen In Scorpio on the 2nd June 1958: Unfolded ?” link…ne-1958-unfolded/ dated 11th June 2017. I am afraid to write that till today the 23rd Oct. 2017 when it is in Fallen, Gandantha , it has not proved as Venomous as before . Still we have about 4 days for Saturn to join back Sagitarius and will be in Gandantha position till 4th-6th Nov. 2017. Saturn in this State aspects Ketu in Capricorn the Darkest sign of the Zodiac and entering Sagitarius again from watery to Fiery sign is like Taking the ice to a Furnace , hence Ice will melt in no time and thus Saturn will give the Results instantaneously. More over all the Planets are in the shadow of the nodes , Mars and Saturn . Sun will cross the Capricorn sign on the 14th Feb. 2018 and after 26th Oct. 2017 there will be return aspect of Mars and Saturn and both Mars and Saturn in the Foundation chart of US will be activated . Mars is ammunition dump and makes US getting involved in War mongering activities . Till Mars Leaves the Sign Capricorn there will be War Like conditions till 6th Nov. 2018 in the Globe. ,
I fear till 26th Oct. 2017 North Korea was in Aggressive stance , Now US will be in aggressive stance and getting involved in war like activities either by the Terrorist groups with in the Country or by War with other Nations and specially North Korea, Iran and Gulf Countries . The Fear of War will still loom over the Globe till Mars and Saturn are in Square position from 26th Oct. 2017 to 29th Nov. 2017 after which Mars will join Libra and aspect Ketu in Capricorn. This aspect on Ketu could further Trigger the Brawl between the Nations and take an ugly shape when Mars Reaches Sagitarius and Capricorn signs .Mars will join Sagitarius on the 8th March 2018 where Saturn is Posited and are degree conjunct on the 1st-2nd April 2018 and also aspects Rahu by 8th Aspect . Saturn becomes Retrograde for the 2nd time in Sagitarius on the 19th April 2018 at 15.02 degrees till 7th Sept. 2018 at 8.25 degrees .On the 3rd May Mars Joins Ketu in Capricorn . There is Degree conjunction of Mars and Ketu on the 8th June 2018 and on the 27th June 2018 Mars becomes Retrograde at 15.06 degrees and again meet Degree wise Ketu at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018, at this Point Mars will activate the Eclipse Point as well on the Day of Eclipse and will work as Ammunition dump. Mars will again cross Ketu for the 3rd time on the 26th Sept. 2018 after it becomes direct on the 28th August 2018 at 4.29 degrees . Mars will stay in Capricorn from 3rd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018. Hence this Period will be most Explosive for the Nuclear Exhibit and its use into a Big War it so seems and hence the Seeds of the same will be sown now as I have been mentioning in all my articles on my webpage that the Conjunction of Mars -Ketu and Sat-Ketu are Explosive then the Present Transit of Saturn aspect on Ketu , but the Planets in the Shadow of Nodes, Mars and Saturn is definitely a concern . In the Year 2018 Mars will remain in Capricorn from 3rd May to 6th Nov. 2018 for 187 days could be most Venomous and can prove ammunition dump.
For War the Conjunction of Mars-Ketu, Saturn- Ketu and then Mars-Rahu and Saturn -Rahu Conjunctions are most Venomous in order and This Factor I have been mentioning in all my Articles , Since the Conjunction of Mars and Rahu was for a Short Period from 27th August to 9th Sept. 2017 the War possibilities were contained and Provocations took place .The First Missile was Launched over Japan on the 3rd Sept. 2017 when Mars Activated the Eclipse point . Hence this Conjunction of Mars Ketu may prove most Catastrophic it so seems
In the Month of July there will be One Solar Eclipse on the 13th July and one Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 and the Lunar Eclipse seems to be most Enigmatic one . See the Chart below
I will discuss the chart when the time comes but this Chart is most Venomous and Enigmatic The Eclipse is taking Place in the 9th house of the India Foundation chart and 7th from the 3rd house of Boarders . The Eclipse will be in the nakshatra of Sharavna and in the Koorma Chakra it is situated in the North West Direction. 3 Planets in Retrogression and Mercury Fallen
In case of US in the 6th house of the Foundation chart and over the natal Rahu and Ketu and Chidra Dasha of Mars -Moon will be in operation
Now have a Look at the chart below of Oct. 1962 when we had war with China
Also have a look at the Article “Is Korean War Inevitable in 2017 link

Let us have a Look at the Planetary positions at the time of the Korean War on the 26th June 1950 and 27th July 1953 and finally evaluate the situations.
Chart at the time of 26th June 1950
Let us also have a Look at the chart of the 27th July 1953 as below
The Degrees of the Planets in the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 are the same and at the time of China War. Rahu-Ketu, Mars and Saturn were at the same degrees and in 1/7 axis and Taurus sign was rising which is the Lagna of India Foundation chart , Now In July 2018 Mars and Ketu with Moon in the 9th house is definitely an Enigmatic Planetary Combination and there will be 3 Planets in Retrogression and Mercury Fallen , This Lunar Eclipse could be Venomous for the Following Countries . Also at the time of Korean War Mars and Ketu at the same Degrees Near 10 degrees and in the same position crossing Fiery navamsha
US, Japan, India, Israel, China, Pakistan, Iran, Russia Gulf Countries and Korean Peninsula
anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch. Jyotish Acharaya , Research BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
- Written on 23rd Oct. 2017 2017 Time 06-10 hrs. New Delhi Charts of the Korean War added on the 26th Oct. 2017
- Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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