What Stars Foretell By Prashna Jyotish For 2008 Noida Double Murder Case of Aarushi and Hemraj ?

by astrodocanil

As Per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Noida_double_murder_case used in the case  and the Predictions are purely on the analysis and not my personal view . The Findings of the Court and the Police mentioned at the Bottom are kept in mind for  the Analysis

The Noida double murder case refers to the unsolved murders of 14-year-old girl Aarushi Talwar and 45-year-old Hemraj Banjade, a live-in domestic  worker, employed by her family in Noida, India. The two were killed on the night of 15–16 May 2008 at Aarushi’s home. The case aroused public interest as a whodunit story, and received heavy media coverage. The sensational media coverage, which included salacious allegations against Aarushi and the suspects, was criticized by many as a trial by media.

When Aarushi’s body was discovered on 16 May, the missing servant Hemraj was considered as the main suspect. However, the next day, his partially decomposed body was discovered on the terrace. The police were heavily criticized for failing to secure the crime scene immediately. After ruling out the family’s ex-servants, the police considered Aarushi’s parents—Dr. Rajesh Talwar and Nupur Talwar—as the prime suspects. The police suspected that Rajesh had murdered the two after finding them in an “objectionable” position, or because Rajesh’s alleged extra-marital affair had led to his blackmail by Hemraj and a confrontation with Aarushi. The accusations enraged the Talwars’ family and friends, who accused the police of framing the Talwars in order to cover up the botched-up investigation. The case was then transferred to the CBI, which exonerated the parents and suspected the Talwars’ assistant Krishna along with two domestic servants—Rajkumar and Vijay. Based on the ‘narco’ interrogation conducted on the three men, the CBI suspected that they had killed Aarushi after an attempted sexual assault, and Hemraj for being a witness. The CBI was accused of using dubious methods to extract a confession, and all the three men were released after it could not find any solid evidence against them.

In 2009, the CBI handed over the investigation to a new team, which recommended closing the case due to critical gaps in the evidence. Based on circumstantial evidence, it named Rajesh Talwar as the sole suspect, but refused to charge him due to lack of any hard evidence. The parents opposed the closure, calling CBI’s suspicion on Rajesh as baseless. Subsequently, a special CBI court rejected the CBI’s claim that there was not enough evidence, and ordered proceedings against the Talwars. In November 2013, the parents were convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, but many critics argued that the judgment was based on weak evidence. The Talwars challenged the decision in the Allahabad High Court, which acquitted them on 12 October 2017, calling the evidence against them unsatisfactory and giving them the benefit of the doubt

According to the sequence of the events as mentioned in the above link I am using the Following sequence of the 12.00 am 6th May 2008


  • Around midnight, Aarushi’s friend tried calling her on her mobile as well as the Talwar residence’s landline. The calls were not answered. Around 12:30 am, he sent her an SMS message: This message was not received by Aarushi’s phone.
  • The Internet router was used for the last time at 12:08 am. Based on this, CBI inferred that Rajesh was online until 12:08 am.
  • The exact sequence of events between the midnight and 6:00 am could not be determined by the investigators with certainty (see conjecture below). According to their post-mortem reports, Aarushi and Hemraj were killed somewhere between 12:00 am and 1:00 am

As Per Mook Prashna Since it is a Jeeva Query the Time will be taken as per the Principles of the Jeeva Query Even Lagna Capricorn  rising and the 7th Navamsha  and  since 10th house happens to be the Debilitation sign of the Sun hence the Culprit is the Family relation and Father  and hence the Fixed sign should be just rising in the Navamsha to confirm the Act done by the Father hence the Time will be  00-40 hrs. on the 16th May 2008. This Time is also as per the Post Mortum Report between 12.00 to 01-00 am  on the 16th May 2008

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter Placed in the Yama of Aquarius the 2nd house of the chart and the Family house and Jupiter is Karka for Children hence the Query is pertaining to the Child and a Jeeva Query . The Yama Lord Saturn is Placed in the 8th house and aspects the 5th house where Sun and the 6th and the 9th Lord are placed makes the position crystal clear of the happenings concerning the Murder of the Child . The Connection of the Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis and the Debilitated Mars in the 7th house opens the event crystal clear

As per Jyotish Classics if the Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord is placed in the trik bhavas then the Query is related to some crime . As per the Chart above the Lagna Lord is Placed in the 8th house , hence the Query is related to some crime . As per Prashna Gyan of Bhattopala when Mars or Saturn are placed in the 7th house it is a query of Crime . Here Mars is Placed in the 7th house , hence it is crystal clear that the Query is for Crime .

As Per Classical Texts when Lagna or the Navamsha rising is fixed then the family member is involved in the Crime , here the Fixed Navamsha Lagna is rising hence the Family member is involved , more so when the Lagna , 7th House or the 10th house happens to be the Debilitation sign of the Planets then the family relation is involved in the crime 

  1. Here Jupiter Debilitates in the Lagna hence a Prominent Family member is involved in the crime 
  2. Sun Debilitates in the 10th house hence the father of the Child is involved in the crime 
  3. Since the Yama Lord Saturn aspects the Sun in the 5th house from the 8th house the Father is Involved in the Crime 
  4. The Sign rising in the Navamsha Lagna is Leo the 8th house of the Chart and owned by Sun  and asper Rashi Tula Navamsha Sun is Placed in the Lagna of the Event chart the father is involved in the crime 
  5. The Most Prominent Person of the Family is the Father Rajesh Talwar 

As Per the 3rd Dreshkanne Rising of Capricorn the Crime has been done in the Back portion / Top of the House . Hemraj body was found on the Top Floor and Arushi Bedroom is at the back of the House 

Who is the Criminal

Venus the strongest planet  in Kendra is Placed in the 4th house, the Crime was committed by the Person who was in his Bedroom as per placement of Venus 

Sex of Criminal

The Planet Strongest in the Kendra 7th or the 11th Lord is among the Chor Graha Venus is the Strongest planet in the Kendra in a Male sign and aspeced by Jupiter hence  Sex of the Criminal is Male, also the male sign is rising in the navamsha , 7th house also has Mars a Male planet and 7th Lord in the sign of Mercury who is with Sun again male Planet 

Caste of the Criminal 

According to the Lagna the caste is outcaste and according to Navamsha he is a Kshstriya

Number of People involved in the crime

As per the Nakshatra Haste the Crime has been done in the connivance of 3 people , Hence the Murder of  Aarushi has been done in connivance of Rajesh, Nupur and Hemraj and in the South Direction

Will the Criminal will be caught or Not ? The Answer is ‘No’ Due to Following Reasons

2nd Lord in the 8th house the Criminal will not be caught 

Mars being the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac in the 7th house , the Criminal will not be caught 

11th Lord is Debilitated 

The Culprit will be Punished due to inimical Ithasla of the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Sun , and the ithasla of Venus and Jupiter Friendly Ithasla they will be released after 4 years . Other  Planetary combinations of Saturn and the 6th and 9th Lord Mercury as Follows 

1.Sun is 1.20 degrees and Saturn 7.50 degrees , since the difference is 6  there could be Confinement of the Talwar Couple after 6 years hence after May 2014 they could be Put Behind Bars . 

2. Another Parameter is the Saturn aspect on the Mercury in the 5th house  and Saturn aspect on the 10th house by 3rd aspect , hence when Saturn reaches the Sign Libra and Meets the 6th Lord Mercury the Culprit will be punished .

3.There is Future Ithasla of the Chor Planet Venus and the 12th Lord Jupiter  Jupiter is 28.19 in Sagitarius and Venus 24.46 , this is an friendly ithasla and since Jupiter is aspecting the Chor Planet Venus they may finally be released but Caught due to the aspect of Saturn from the 8th house on the 6th  and the 9th Lord  Mercury placed in the 5th house 

4. At the time when the couple is sentenced for Life Mars is Placed in the 8th house where Saturn was placed at the time of the Murder 

Now After using the above Parameters and Placing Saturn in the 10th house since aspecting the 10th house at the time of the Murder in the Transit along with Mercury in conjunction and also taking care of the Future ithasla of the Jupiter and Venus  I reached the Following Date and the Chart which matched exactly the Date of 26th Nov. 2013. On 26 November 2013, they were sentenced to life imprisonment for the twin murders

This Date also shows that the Culprits will be punished for 4 years  Difference of the Chor Planet Venus at 24.46 and the 12th Lord of Jail 28.16  the Difference  is less then 4 years . Aarushi-Hemraj murder case LIVE: Allahabad HC acquits Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, couple likely to be released on Friday the 12th Oct. 2017 at 15.00 hrs. linkhttp://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/live-updates-aarushi-talwar-hemraj-case-verdict-by-allahabad-high-court/story-c2pMpB6tCd0t7da6a4punK.html

See the Chart below using the same Capricorn Lagna 23.38 degrees 


The Above chart depicts exactly what is explained above 

As per the above link of Wikipedia As Per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Noida_double_murder_case  read the following

On 25 November 2013, a special CBI court held Rajesh and Nupur Talwar guilty for the two murders. The Special Judge Shyam Lal convicted the couple for murder, destruction of evidence, misleading the probe and filing a wrong FIR.. On 26 November 2013, they were sentenced to life imprisonment for the twin murders.

The Talwar Family called the Verdict a miscarriage of  justice. In Jan 2014 they Challenged the Verdict in the Allahabad High Court .

See the chart of the 26-27th Jan 2014 some amazing Combinations depicted according to the Ithasla of Venus the Chor Graha and Jupiter on the day of Murder . Both have ithasla  see the Degrees of Venus 24.46 and Jupiter 28.19  they have future ithasla  and Jupiter there is Vargottam

On the 12th Oct. 2017   Aarushi murder case: Allahabad high court acquits Rajesh, Nupur Talwar . The Judgement comes at 15.00 hrs.

Amazingly the Nodes on the 12th Oct. 2017 were exactly over the Nodes , meaning Ketu over Rahu and Rahu over Ketu at the same degrees at the time of the Murder and the Same Lagna rising at the Start of the Court Hearing. Read My Article on the Hearing and I am reproducing here

The results were announced at 15.00 hrs and not at 14.18 hrs as taken by me and the Lagna changes to Aquarius and the Prediction change due to change of the Lagna  and since Jupiter the Day Lord aspects the Lagna the Talwars get relief 

Let us have a look at the chart of the 15-00 hrs. when the Verdict was pronounced 

The Lagna has changed to Aquarius and the Day Lord Jupiter Placed in the Yama of Leo where the 10th Lord Mars is Placed and aspected by Lagna Lord and Poorna Ithasla confirms that the Native who applied in the High Court for appeal will be successful. Moon and the Lagna are both aspected by Benefic Jupiter who is also the Day Lord and Nakshatra Lord . The Worst Period of Rahu-Kaal is also over at 14.41 hrs. on the basis of which I had Predicted a Failure , now since the Malefic Period is over the Jupiter divine blessings  goes on the Talwar’s. Also Rahu was in the Lagna at the time of the Murder and now in the 7th house at the same degrees and in forward motion changed the Situations .

Another Parameter is the At the time of the Couple being sentenced for life Mars was placed in the 8th house where Saturn was placed at the time of Murder , Now both are are having Return aspect and almost same degrees and an ishraaf yoga , yes cancellation of the Imprisonment

Tenure of the Jail is seen from the 8th house and the 8th Lord is totally combusted by Sun the Judge , hence the Results in the favour of the Talwar’s . The exact time of the event is most essential as I had mentioned above 

From the North Node Position it seems that the Actual Culprits have got a relief and since Rahu has the capability to turn the tables upside down the actual facts may not come to light  specially till Rahu is in Cancer sign and after 6.00 years from the Date they were put in Jail on the 26th Nov. 2013 , But as per my Experience Rahu when Adverse  the actual facts are not known even after Rahu will leave the Sign Capricorn the 7th house of the Chart at thetime of the Murder in Transit now on the 12th Oct. 2017 , Hence after approx. 2 years also some facts may come to light but Rahu may not let the Cat come out of the Bag it so seems 

Details of the Verdict on http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/live-updates-aarushi-talwar-hemraj-case-verdict-by-allahabad-high-court/story-c2pMpB6tCd0t7da6a4punK.html


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012


18th Oct.  2017  Time 21-10 hrs. New Delhi

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  • Disclaimer Clause as per the Webpage . The writer does not hold himself Responsible for any controversy and is not his personal view  , since all facts have been used given on the Wikipedia link As Per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Noida_double_murder_case  and the Following findings and even the High Court Verdict  that they may be guilty but due to lack of evidences , they have been released 









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