Case of a Missing Person Through Prashna Jyotish

by astrodocanil

A Query of a Missing Person Raised on the 21st Oct. 2016  20-45 Hrs  New Delhi

Here in this article I will Try to analyse the Prashna Chart By Tamil Texts


Panchang of the day

Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus  and Placed in the 5th Yama of Scorpio the 7th house of the chart of Road and Travel , the Yama lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house hence the Query is about the whereabouts of the Missing Person . 7th Lord in the 8th house and that to Mars  is extremely bad since it owns the 8th house of the natural zodiac.

Tithi is KP-7 moon is weak

Nakshatra  Ardra  6th Nakshatra and a Madhya Nakshatra  hence the where abouts will be known with in 64 days

Yoga  Shiva

Karna Vishti Malefic  , Hence the Karya Siddhi will not take place since the Lord Saturn is Placed in the 7th house

Sun Rise is 06-29 hrs

Moon Nakshatra Lord is Rahu in the 4th house , Lagna Nakshatra Lord is Mars in the 8th house   and Lagna Lord Venus Nakshatra Lord is Saturn in 7th house , hence the Malefics owning Trik Bhavs will give Troubles and hence Mars  and can lead to Failure of the query.

Inimical Tajik aspect of Moon and the 7th Lord Mars see the Degrees , Moon 19.51 and Mars 22.29  and almost a complete ithasla  since the Fast moving Planet is behing the Slow Moving Degreewise  and Inimical aspect

There are malefics in the 4th and the 10th house , but since 7th house is in Paap Kartari yoga there will be no Journey  and the Missing Person is in deep Trouble , in fact he has been kidnapped. Saturn the Planet of Captivity in the 7th house close to MEP and aspecting Rahu in the 4th house  .

Afflicted 4th house and Saturn the Planet of Captivity in the 7th house aspecting the Lagna and the 4th house  for a Long time since the Lagna is Fixed

8th house also has a Malefic and the missing Person is being Tortured and may be killed as per the Parameters discussed above .

Arudha Lagna Gemini ( As Per calculations from the Sunrise time and the Query time )is aspected by Mars the 7th Lord and has a Human sign and Human Planet and aspected by Malefic Mars the Person missing is Dead ..

Direction from the Arudha Lagna is South East where the missing person has gone

In Prashna of Missing Persons the Lagna is the Missing Person, 4th house his whereabouts and well being , 7th House Road and Travel and 10th house the Police

4th House is afflicted badly Hence the whereabouts and the Missing Person is not in a good state

7th house has Saturn and &th house in Paap Kartari yohga the Person is in Captivity

As Per Mook Prashna if the AL is Human sign and Moon is Placed in it  and aspected by Mars , then the query is Pertaining to Morality and loss of Human Being

As Per Mook Prashna when Saturn and Jupiter aspect the Lagna the query is pertaining to  well being of a Human being of a Missing Person

Prashna Lagna is Fixed and aspected closely by Saturn  the situations will not change for Good  and Dual Navamsha rising close to Fixed Navamsha see the Navamsha Lagna degrees , Hence the Status Quo will Pertain , No Journey, No travel by the Missing Person

Prishtodayo Lagna  and under influence of Malefics , 6th Lord and 8th Lord with Saturn  and afflicted Mercury in the 6th house  who has just joined the 6th house  Traveller is Dead .

Life Force giving Planets Moon and Sun both are afflicted along with Lagna Lord ill placed from Sun and Moon, Sun is also Gulika Lord

Jupiter and Saturn aspect Lagna the missing Person is delayed in his journey and here he is dead

Distance forn the Place of Disappearance ,Since the Lagna is in 9th Navamsha  till 5th Navamsha we take 13 KMs and beyond that 13 kms each for the 3 navamsha completed  and since dual Navamsha rising Multiplying by 3

Distance (13 +39)x 3  =From 52 – 156 Kms from the Place of the Missing , Direction South East 

UL is Fixed and Prishtodayo sign and aspected By Prishtodayo Planet from the 7th house in close degrees , hence the missing Person may not return and the query is suspicion of his Death

The completed number of Hours from the Sunrise are 14 hence counting from the mount of Lord Shiva Sign 14 houses we reach Gemini  sign which will be the Arudha Lagna ,

Hence the Chaitra Rashi will be Aries and since the Lord of the chaitra Rashi is in the 8th house which is also a Dagdha Rashi the Missing Person is Dead

There are Malefics in the Kendra  and specially in the 4th house and the 7th house , hence the well being of the missing person is not good since 4th house is also aspected by Saturn also

7th House is also in Paap Kartari yoga  Saturn and Venus Both are in the 7th house , Venus being the Lagna Lord , Jupiter also aspects the Lagna , but is also the 8th Lord

Since Prishtodayo Sign is rising and Prishtodayo Saturn is aspecting  it leads to Disappointments regarding the Missing Person   and hence he is facing Problems .

Time of Disappearance  Since nocturnal sign is rising the Missing person has disappeared after Sunset .

Chor Graha Criminal  is Saturn since in the Kendra and also the 7th Lord Mars and Saturn is stronger


Appearance of the Criminal  as per Navamsha Lagna Lord Mercury

Caste of the Criminal  Brahmin Since the Lagna is Owned by Venus

7th Lord is Mars and Placed in male sign hence the Criminal is Male , Since Saturn is Placed in a Watery sign there are more than one Criminals involved in the crime

AL is Gemini hence the Person was kept in isolated Places of a Village , where Broken Pots could be found , The body may be Buried  under ground  and in the back Portion where the Missing Person was kept.

Who is the Culprit

The Lagna is Fixed and Navamsha Lagna towards Fixed then the members of the Family , if we take the Dual Navamsha then a Person who visits the Family Periodically and is Known to the family .

Moon and Venus Connected to the 7th house, 7th Lord , hence the Crime has been done for the first time by the Family member or the Person who visits the family

Age of the Person visiting the Family Young  and a Friend

Age of Culprits who are also involved age 48 years From the Position of Sun

Criminals Lazy, lean and Tall   Rough Hair Ugly Teeth   Brown Eyes and Unclean constitution

Clothes worn By the People involved Red and Dark  old Clothes

Mars and  Moon have  Ithasla with the 7th Lord hence the suspected person is the culprit  and the crime has been done due to enimity  since the 7th lord is Placed in the 8th house .

The  Car May be recovered since the 10th Lord and the Lagna lord are together , 10th Lord has future ithasla with 8th Lord the Police may help the culprit. who may try to Prove his innocence .

Body may not be recovered  since Mars is the 8th Lord of the natural Zodiac and has changed hands If we take the time one minute less then the Navamsha Lord is Sun and Debilitated in the Rashi Chart hence the Body may not be found .

2nd Lord Mercury is combust and will be in full combustion on the 27th Oct. 2016 is important date for the News of the Criminals being Caught or when Moon joins the Lagna on the 15-16th Nov. 2016

Chaitra Rashi is in the 12th house and the Lord is in the 8th house which is a Dagdha Rashi the Person Missing is dead

From the Prashna chart the Planets getting Debilitated in the respective houses are Moon Getting Debilitated in the 7th house and Placed in the 2nd house of the chart , hence Family Member is the Culprit , Moon is aspected by 7th Lord  Mars and Venus aspects the Lagna , hence it could be The significations of Moon and Venus and needless to mention here .

Prashna Jyotish is amazing and the Car is found in the South Eastern Direction as per the above analysis and the Distance and near a Village. The Body has still not been recovered

anil aggarwala   BSc. Engg. P E C Ch. 

Jyotish Acharaya from BVB year 2007 to 2012

Date 25th Oct. 2016 07-30 hrs New Delhi


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