One of my client approached me in Feb. 2016 for a Query regarding Marriage and…
What Stars Foretell For Mercury the God of Communications Turning Retrograde and Fallen In Sept. 2016
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 614 viewsThis with reference to my Earlier Article on the Retrograde Planets “2016 A Year of…
In this article I will discuss the Parameters important for missing Persons . As Per…
Eclipses In Sept. 2016 Signature Alarm Bells For War With Pak
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 643 viewsThe Present Scenerio Between India and Pakistan is Taking an ugly Turn as already mentioned…
‘Nadi Jyotisha‘ is a unique and a mysterious system of Astrology developed by our great…
Telangana To Accord Rousing State Reception To PV Sindhu Winner of Silver Medal
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 651 viewsThis is with reference to the News Item “Telangana To Accord Rousing State Reception To…
In this article I will analyse a Theft of 20000/- $ By Internet Transfer using Tamil Texts…
In this Article I am going to Analyse a Query pertaining to Disease by Prashna…
Independent India Turns 70. Celebration at RedFort . What Stars Foretell
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 670 viewsLet us analyse Astrologically for the Safety of the Event . The Prime Minister Arrived…
Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 and Earthquake Prone Periods
by astrodocanilby astrodocanil 636 viewsThis is with reference to my Article “Study of 2016 Eclipses for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Political…