What Planetary Positions Foretell on the 5th Sept. and Fortnight Starting from 20th Sept. 2017 ?

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to discuss the Present Planetary positions which are explosive for Natural, Unnatural, Man Made disasters, Earthquakes, Tornados, Brawl Between Countries taking Explosive shape , Political Tug of War 

I was Much concerned at the News ” North Korea moves ICBM to coastal position as WW3 looks set to erupt ” link http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/642500/north-korea-icbm-nuclear-test-hydrogen-bomb.

What ever is Happening is exactly as per What I had Predicted in my dozen of Articles and I am afraid of the Consequences  and writing here

With Reference to North Korea Foundation chart of Scorpio Lagna  the Following Parameters are Explosive for Kim to Take Aggressive actions and Launching of Missiles and Powerful Bombs. I am reproducing some Text where I have already predicted what is Happening in the Article “Is Korean War Inevitable in 2017”  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/07/is-korean-war-inevitable-in-2017/ dated  7th July 2017

Also Read my latest Article “Mars Activates Eclipse Point And Brawl Between Kim and Trump Escalates As Predicted” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/09/mars-activates-eclipse-point-and-brawl-between-kim-and-trump-escalates-as-predicted/

Chart of North Korea as per the Book of World Horoscopes is Below 12th Sept. 1948 12-00 hrs

The Present Dasha the Country is running is Jup-Rahu from 7th July 2017 and Mars and Jupiter both connected to the 7th house of Wars. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord  and connected to Rahu hence Dasha of Jup-Rahu will be explosive  and Connected to War Mongering Activities

The Sun-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house is Bhandan Yoga , unless this Country has support  will not be able to survive and has to be dependent upon other Countries . We all Know this Country  has support from the Rivals of US . Navamsha Fiery and Rashi Watery  is not good for the Country and shows as per Placement of Mars , the Country is War Mongering . The Sun-Saturn in the Navamsha is aggravating the bhandan yoga and the Country is bound for Trouble . Mars is Totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis and is with Ketu is Most Dangerous for the Country Trying More Nuke Tests in the South Sea and over the Other Countries in that region


In the Natal chart of the Country Transit Saturn has activated the Natal Sun almost degree wise. Look at the Transit Saturn Degrees  27.07 and the Natal Sun  26.06 degrees  and the Stationary Saturn has activated this Point on the Evening of 25th August 2017. Saturn is Fallen in Transit will Produce most malefic Results  since the Natal Sun and Saturn  are activated  in the 10th house . Mars -Saturn  Retrun Aspect involving the Lagna and the 10th house is Most explosive Parameter for Kim to to be Most Aggressive till Mars is in Leo on the 13th Oct. 2017. Kim will be adamant in his actions  and will not change its stand easily.

 The Transit Mars on the 11th July has activated the Natal Mars from the 9th house in Debilitation and will be over the natal 7th Lord  Venus . Fallen Saturn will aspect Rahu in Leo and Rahu Transiting over the natal Sun in close degrees can sprout war like conditions for the Country . The Month of  Sept. will be still worst when the Eclipse Point of 4 Degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 will be activated. Note the Natal Degrees of Saturn 6.00 hence the Eclipse point will also influence the natal Saturn in the Navamsha . Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Natal Sun  and on the Natal Saturn Degrees . Sun  and Mars reaching the 10th House Leo after 16th Sept and 27th August 2017 will be most Crucial for the Country Bound for War and activating the Eclipse point on the 3rd-7th Sept. 2017 can escalate the issues concerning the Nuke  Research and launching of Missiles and war like conditions  hence this Period will be full of Aggression by the North Korean President and War like conditions will prevail

The Worst Period will be when Rahu and Ketu Change signs to Cancer and Capricorn on the 9th Sept. 2017 and Saturn aspects Ketu in Capricorn the Darkest sign of the Zodiac and sign for wars 

The Situations may be out of Control till Sept. 2017 and May take Explosive Shape as per My Article “Eclipses in 2017 Bane or Boon”

The above is also indicative of that when Ketu Joins Saturn in Sagitarius  could Prove Most Explosive for the Nations around April-June 2019

Hence from the above we can say that after 3rd Sept. 2017 to 9th Sept. 2017  the Planetary positions become explosive after this Date there are possibilities of the Korean War in 2017.

Transit On the 5th Sept. 2017 Most Explosive 

Transit Mars in the 10th house of the foundation chart of N Korea with Rahu and Sun and having aspect of Fallen Saturn may force Kim Launch another Powerful Hydrogen Bomb.
Kim has the capability and can do what he says . The Best thing in the Present circumstances is to be calm till 12th Sept. 2017 for the world else catastrophic conditions may emerge. US and the World Should watch him carefully and not Provoke this man. God Bless us all. Read My Articles on the Brawl Between US and Kim https://www.astrodocanil.com
The following Parameters are explosive in the Present Scenario.
1. Mars at the Eclipse Point conjunct with Rahu in Adverse motion having aspect of Fallen Saturn by strong 10th Aspect .
2. Mars and Retrograde Mercury in Transit in same Navamsha having aspect of Fallen Saturn in Rashi and Navamsha
3. Mercury will become Stationary today on the 5th Sept. 2017 at 16.58 hrs. IST for 2 days till 7th Sept. 2017
4. Moon will Join Ketu on the 5th Sept. 2017 and will be in most afflicted State first By Saturn, then Ketu Conjunction and then Opposed By Mars
5. Moon becomes Debilitated in navamsha at the time of Mercury become Stationary at 16.58 hrs
6. At the Time of writing the Planetary positions All Planets influenced by Mars and Saturn in Navamsha
As Already Predicted Rahu is adverse till 6th Sept . 2017 and Rahu will separate from Mars on the 9th Sept. 2017 hence both these dates . Mars Stationary Mercury conjunction when Mercury is Retrograde till 16.58 hrs. IST on the 5th Sept. 2017 . This Can be the Turning Point in the Present Transit Since when Mercury Turns Direct the Decisions are changed But since under acute affliction they may even be worst in the resent Scenario to give some Divine Thoughts to Kim . The Worst Part is the Mercury is the 8th Lord and the 11th Lord  in the Affliction Hence till 26th Sept. 2017 till it goes in the Sign Virgo and having affliction may prove Catastrophic specially on the 16th Sept. 2017

Some Important Transit in Sept. 2017 

When planets Transit over eclipse degrees then we can expect it to trigger the  events. Two important triggers are taking place in September 2017. The eclipse was at 4º46 Leo, Magha nakshatra. Mars Mercury conjoin there on 2nd September. Mercury is retrograde, about to turn direct, and hence moving very slowly and therefore will remain on the eclipse degrees from 2 to 8 September. These triggers can aggravate an already difficult situation or create awareness of how to deal with it most important in the Brawl between Kim and Trump. We should remain vigilant of the negativity and always try to react calmly to situations. 26th Sept. 2017 Mercury become Exhalted may give some relief of the situations . 

Coastal Areas can have a strong Earthquake and the Countries are already mentioned in my earlier articles Between the 5th to 9th Sept. 2017. Rahu Adverse motion from the 12th Sept. to 18th Sept. 2017 is another Parameter which can turn the glass full of water upside down and create a hovoc. The Financial Markets may be influenced in this respect , first till 8th Sept. then after 12th Sept. 2017

The Paksha Kundali of the 20th Sept. 2017  14.31 hrs. as per North Korea  Pyongyang


 The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and Placed in the Yama of Leo the 9th house and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 10th House with Moon the 8th Lord is Most malefic 

Asper the natal chart the Sun and Moon are placed in the 11th house forming a Poorna Rajyoga of the 9th and 10th Lord  and in the Visible half  hence Kim will be most aggressive even during the Fortnight starting from 20th Sept. 2017 , but unfortunately this Fortnight is Most explosive for the world since all the Planets are in the Rahu -Ketu and Mars and Saturn  Forming a Most malefic  Aroha Sarpa Kalpa Yoga and hence Kim may be trapped in its own  whirl .

Any Action By US will aggravate the Situations and since Transit Mars will be in the Ascendant  he may have other options which may Provoke Kim. It does not seem that till Kim Directly tries to Attack the Korean Peninsula , US will take any Aggressive step

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
4th Sept.  2017 2017  18.10 hrs
Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:
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